
Watch your back

"Sorry, I got detained here." I kept eyeing Ghost as I spoke. He sat on a chair with his eyes closed, his hands folded on his knees, and a small smile on his lips. I assumed he was either meditating or living in his world of crazy hallucinations and relaxed a little. I felt like a spy escaping notice, even though until now neither I nor JJ said anything condemning.

"Here? Are you still at your new coven's headquarters?" JJ asked. The tension in his voice dropped a notch. "Good. Splendid. It would be the safest place for you right now. The things are… chaotic down here."

Uh-huh. I didn't have a heart to tell him that this was somewhere I was going at, not yet.

"We've got a briefing. Elder says some witches summoned a demon… more like eldritch horror. Have you ever seen anything like it before, JJ?"

"I never did, and at the moment am very happy about it. If you think it looks abhorring on images, you just hadn't seen it with your own eyes…"

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