
52. Weapon

Using the Warp, August and Bismuth quickly found themselves in the forge. They were both silent all the way, each of them thinking about his own.

They went into the forge, Bismuth changed her hand to a cross shape and stuck it into a hole in the floor. The part of the floor on which they were standing went down, it was an elevator.

--- I was trying to make a weapon that would change the course of the war. A weapon that can defeat the gems of the HomeWorld, and I did it.

When the platform was completely lowered, they found themselves in a room. The room was in the shape of a hexagon, in each of the corners there were statues, and in the middle there was a pedestal with weapons.

--- I made it, a weapon that would change the course of the war. - Bismuth went to the pedestal and put on her weapon. The weapon was in the form of a glove. In the middle of the weapon was a drill.

--- It was supposed to change the course of the war, with the help of this weapon we could split any precious stone, even a diamond. I called this weapon The Breaking Point. Now I'll show you his strength. - Bismuth stepped on a button in the floor, and lava flowed into the statues. In fact, they were just forms, after the lava solidified, the statues were ready. They got out of the car and began to drive up to the middle of the room.

--- Look carefully - Bismuth directed The Breaking Point at the statue.Small holes opened on the sides, and they began to suck in air. Behind the weapon, the tube slid back and began to vibrate. After which, he abruptly returned to his place, as a result of which the sharp end abruptly moved forward and completely smashed the statue.

--- With this, we would have won the war.

--- Are you absolutely sure that you can crack a Diamond with this ?

--- Are you not sure ? Now I will dispel your doubts. - Bismuth pressed another button on the floor, and another statue moved out from below, only this time she had a diamond in her chest.

--- What you see is 5 pressed diamonds. I took only the cleanest ones that I could find. - she once again activated the weapon, and with a slight delay was able to destroy the diamond.

--- Okay, now I'm sure for sure. This is a great weapon, this will be our backup plan.

--- A backup plan ?

--- Yes. If the Diamonds do not want to leave in a good way or go to negotiations, I will fulfill plan B.

--- Other gems will not be very happy about this.

--- I do not care. The main thing is that they were alive.

--- Hahahahahaha ! - For some reason, Bismuth laughed sharply and gave August a friendly slap on the shoulder.

--- I like you ! You are different, you are ready to put everything on the line. If only Rose was the same...

--- Bismuth

--- ?

--- I can see when someone is lying, and I immediately noticed that you were lying that you have amnesia. You actually remember everything, don't you ?

--- Yes....I remember it like it was yesterday. - Bismuth took off her weapon and sat down plunging into the lava

--- Then, I finished The Breaking Point. I decided to show the weapon to Rose, I thought it would please her, because we can crack a Pink Diamond...but I was wrong. - Bismuth completely descended into the lava and floated on her back.

--- Instead of delight or joy, I saw fear in her eyes. She immediately banned these weapons, ordered them to be destroyed. Then, it caused me a lot of anger. I worked so hard for our victory. and Rose just throws away this chance.

--- What happened next ?

--- We started arguing. Rosa said that it is impossible to split precious stones, although she herself has repeatedly split her opponents. I told you that she was blind, the victory will be in our hands. And then...we fought. The rose pierced my jewel and sealed me. That's the whole story.

--- Bismuth...

--- Don't feel sorry for me.

--- I wasn't going to. I wanted to say that you are cool.

--- What ?

--- Well, you have decided on something that others have not decided on. You were arguing with the leader of the resistance, who was afraid of Pink Diamond and all the others. For such a thing, you definitely must have remarkable courage. You're cool.

--- Hehe - Bismuth scratched her head and turned away, but August noticed that her face turned red like a tomato.

--- Bismuth, I want everything that we talked about here with you to be our secret.

--- Okay, but I have a question.

--- I'm listening

--- You are much stronger than an ordinary person, faster, more resilient. Are you sure you're human ?

--- ... I'd rather show you.

August took off her T-shirt and pants, leaving only her underpants. They began to approach the lava.

--- Stop ! - before she could stop him, he had already sunk into the lava.

--- Ha ?

To her surprise, he did not burn alive, but calmly swam as if it was ordinary water, only his skin turned a little red and that was all.

--- Now you see.

--- Wow, what else can you do ?! - a strange light shone in Bismuth's eyes.

--- I can use the Warp, becomes invisible, wounds heal on me in one day, I can merge....this seems to be everything.

--- Dude, I think you're definitely not a person.

--- As if I don't know myself. Therefore, I need Diamonds, I need to find out what is happening to me.

--- Hmm, good. I'll keep it a secret.

--- Thank you Bismuth.

--- Let's go back.

Bismuth came out of the lava and started to leave, but she noticed that August did not come out.

--- August ?

--- Bismuth, could you turn away?

--- Why ?

--- I'm naked. why do you think I took off my clothes ? My underpants were completely burned in the lava.

--- Hahahahahaha !

--- Don't laugh ! And turn away already !

--- All right, all right....hahahahahaha

August has acquired a new comrade. Now, there is a lull before the storm. The future is full of ambiguities, but now the main thing is to rest, because the tests will be difficult.

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