
21. Guests

The next day

[ Beach House ]

Augustus was sitting on the sofa, his eyes focused on a very interesting angle. O looked at anything but the gems.

--- August, how long are we going to sit like this?

--- I don't know what you're talking about, Pearl.

He still wasn't looking at them when Pearl slammed her hand down hard on the table, and there was a crunch. The table almost broke.

--- Don't take me for a fool !

--- I never thought you were stupid.

--- I, we need answers.

--- What do you want to know ?

--- All

--- How do you know this "Lapis"? How long have you known each other ? Why didn't you tell us anything ?

--- ....

--- Please, August. We need answers.

Let's go back in time a little bit.

Today, August was on his way to his internship as usual. But as it turned out, today is an unusual day. The Gems learned about Lapis. Lapis sent a message about the danger. And I mentioned his name there. So as soon as he set foot in the house, they started questioning him. The interrogation has been going on for an hour. Stirlitz is close to failure.

--- Good. Let's start over.

--- How do you know Lapis ?

--- Ever since you gave me the mirror.

--- You mean...

--- Yes. Lapis was trapped in it. I freed her.

--- It was a stupid decision ! She could have killed you !

--- It was stupid to keep her there for so long !

--- August...

--- You've kept her there since the end of the war ! It's almost 5,500 years old ! She told me that you just forgot about her ! She'd been alone in that place for so long. That was stupid.

--- She was on the side of the Diamonds

--- Did you ask her ? It just flew by ! When suddenly her physical body was smashed, imprisoned, and imprisoned ! You decided to leave it like this.

--- But that doesn't change the fact that you didn't mention it.

--- Of course I didn't say anything. You could have locked her up again.

--- You should have told us. We could come to a compromise.

--- You wouldn't even listen to me. I'm a stranger in this town. I only spent 2 and a half months here. My opinion is that it's an empty phrase for you.

--- What do you mean...

Before Garnet could finish, a loud sound rang out. A huge hand hung in the sky. More precisely, it was a spaceship in the shape of a hand, yellow in color. He was walking slowly towards them.

--- Then we'll finish it. We need to fight them off first !

Everyone summoned their weapons and headed for the beach. The huge hand slowly fell to the beach and opened its palm. In the middle of the palm was a door. It opened and two unfamiliar stones appeared...

--- Lapis !

--- August !

It was Lapis. Her hands, feet, and neck were shackled.

--- Are you okay Lapis ?

--- Yes ! You heard my message ! You need to leave....

She broke off abruptly as electricity coursed through her body. The current came from the shackles and beat her harder.

--- Lapis !

--- They didn't give you your word ! Shut up !

It was one of the unfamiliar gems. It was a huge woman, taller than a Garnet. Her stone was located where the nose should have been. She had ash-colored hair, like Amethyst.

--- You ! Crystal gems ! I can't believe you're still alive after the Diamond attack ! That's great ! I can crack you myself !

--- Um, Jasper. We are ordered to deliver the objects intact for trial.

It was the second stone. She was quite short, completely green. Her limbs were robotic. She had a screen on her arm and was writing something down.

--- Shut up, Peridot ! I can finally avenge my Diamond ! But I don't see a major traitor among you ! Where is Rose Quartz ! The Diamond Splinter !

--- Hey guys ! I heard a noise ! What's happening?

Of course it was Stephen. And to spite everyone, his stone was completely visible.

--- There you are, Rose ! Prepare to die !

A helmet appeared on her head in a flash of light. She quickly started moving toward Stephen, but a Garnet blocked her path.

--- Go away merge ! How dare you show yourself to me like this !

She pointed the strange staff sharply at Garnet. It was charged with the same energy that beat Lapis. She hit Garnet with this staff. A yellow bolt went through Grant and she split up.

She ran on and dealt with Pearl and Amethyst without any trouble. And now August was standing in her way.

--- Ha ! The pitiful man decided to try his hand ! Come on !

She went to the front door. But what she didn't know was that Augustus wasn't quite human. He decided to use his ability. Abruptly, he grabbed Stephen's arm and became invisible. Jasper darted past him and began to look around.

--- It turns out you're not just a human being ! Have humans gained any strength after all these years ? Come out ! Coward !

He appeared behind her and hit her with all his might. She flew into the rock.

--- Stephen, run ! I'll detain her !

--- But...

--- Now !

As soon as O finished speaking, a blow of Jasper fell on him. Now it was o who flew into the stone.

--- Not bad for a human ! Now it's my turn !

She began to strike one after another. Each time, Augustus could either deflect the kick or block it. He needed to hold out until Stephen left ! But unfortunately, he can't. Something heavy hit him in the back, and he opened up. Jasper quickly hit him in the jaw and he passed out.

--- Peridot ! This was my fight ! I didn't ask for help !

--- You're too slow, Jasper. Now catch up with Rose Quartz and let's go. I don't want to keep Yellow Diamond waiting.

--- And so I know ! Take them to the cells. I'll be there soon.

After a while, August was able to wake up. His head ached, and his jaw ached. The blow was strong. She was in a cell with a single window. He looked in and was stunned.

He had the most beautiful view of the Earth.

--- Am I in space ?! What the hell !

Oh, yes ! He's here ! And at full speed, he rushes to his HomeWorld. But will they have time to take him ?

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