
Cain Dacota

Grey. A massive blotch of grey streaks across my chest. No way. Thought I was cured. My whole body shakes as my hands manically tap together.

“Can’t take this,” I gasp as my voice trembles. I am doomed to lose my soul. Perhaps I should tell my friends. Misleading them I’m healthy is wrong when we’re supposed to be a field agent team.

As I tremble to my knees Sunshine rubs his head against my shoulder seen as I’m too traumatized to raise my hand to pet him. “Sunshine I’m frightened. They’ll kick me out, I’ll deteriorate, then wander mindless.”

Sunshine shakes his head. What’s he doing that for? My eyes are seriously watering over. He gently butts his head against my grey chest.

“Can you help me like you did before?” I choke at the sudden realisation I might be able to keep living a normal life.

Sunshine nods as he approaches my bedroom door. Stamps his talons on the floor as though telling me to hurry up.

Being pathetic I put on the nearest shirt to hand. Try to hold in the tears but some leak anyway. I’m such a wimp. I manage to push open the door. Luckily everyone else will be at breakfast. Yeah the corridor is empty. Good thing too because Sunshine is running. We’re not so lucky on reaching reception. The receptionist leans over her desk in shock as we tear towards the door. She yells something after us, but I don’t take in her words.

Outside and Sunshine kneels down, encouraging me to get on. Still shaking I take a seat. My fingers twitch hold of some of his feathers. After a whole month worth of mornings practising flying I am more than comfortable with take offs. The shakes refuse to shift as we clatter over the bridge. There’s this sickly feeling in me and my heart’s on the verge of having an attack as Sunshine makes us disappear within the clouds. He zips through them, dipping and diving, then goes full throttle.

There’s that dazzling yellow-orange which washes over Sunshine as he chases after my soul. As energy seeps into my skin my panic turns to hyper happiness, buzzing through my whole being.

“I want to see real sky,” I say in a moment of possible madness. More than pleased to take me, Sunshine bursts through the top of the clouds into pure sunlight. I grip onto my ride with my knees as we spiral into the depths of the brightest blue. Everyone at Cloud High tells me to remain within the clouds. How can I when out here in the open is pure? There’s so much life. A brighter place.

Pulling out of his spiralling, Sunshine soars along. I span out my arms hardly able to believe how skilled I’ve got at balancing. No hands is awesome. The sky is alive. Birds flock around us. They’re white with yellow beaks tipped with red. I think I might need to invest in a hair band because wind rushes through my hair. Feels like freedom but freedom produces tangles. That’s something to worry about on landing.

Landing I never want to land. Could stay up here forever. Best descend soon though; I have weapons training to get too. A few more minutes won’t hurt. I mean I hardly do anything in my daytime classes save for observe and get smacked around by Geordie.

“We best get to weapons practise,” I say when I think I have pushed my luck enough with time.

Diving from way up high in the clouds I lean forwards to keep from losing balance. In seconds we’re skimming round the training arena, and land with a bounce, then have a run round to finish off. I get down from Sunshine and press my forehead against his. “Thank you for everything today.”

“Corey West you’re almost an hour late,” says Master Hugo without actually sounding concerned.

I flash a peace sign. “We’ve been flying. Lost track of time.”

Master Hugo copies my peace sign. “What’s this mean?”

“I think it tends to mean chill,” says Geordie. “Did your hair get blonder?”

Ot-oh I’ve been out in direct sunlight for almost an hour and it shows. “No silly. How could that happen?”

I think Master Hugo knows. He’s grumbling to himself while watching me out the corner of his eye. After his grumbling Master Hugo speaks up. “Now we’re all here and accounted for I have an announcement to make.”

We gather round Master Hugo’s shed.

“Due to being enthusiastic about this year’s choosing, Cain Dacota has decided to give you four some hands on training. He should arrive this afternoon at one o’clock. You’re excused from any other classes you’re supposed to attend.”

No way. I stare straight ahead. Cain come here. He’ll know right away I’m not Corey.

“Urrr cool,” musters Danny.

“I thought I’d get a bigger reaction. What is with you lads? My fourth years would be ecstatic in your position.”

“Cain Dacota woo.” Geordie mock punches the air. “He flies round thinking he’s real slick. Bet he reckons we’re gonna be real grateful he took time outta his busy schedule to teach us new ways to swing a sabre.”

“He’s an extremely successful infiltrator,” says Master Hugo.

“I prefer Jordan,” I say.

“Really after Cain is the reason you happen to be stood here?”

“Jordan’s kind.” And happens to be the reason I’m stood here even if it was through default.

“Well Jordan might show up to. He usually ends up where Cain goes.”

Awkward. I give Geordie this sideways glance. I think we might be having the same thoughts ‘cause he’s mimicking my glance. When Master Hugo retires inside his shed Geordie hooks an arm round my shoulders. “Don’t panic.”

“Cain’s coming here to visit Corey West, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. Keep cool.”

Charlie bobs up beside me. “Maybe we should tell Master Hugo you’re Al.”

“No way,” says Geordie. “Whatever happens, however this plays out, no one can know he’s a Harlington. Hugo is not to be trusted. We only trust each other. I’m not certain I trust you Charlie.”

“Master Hugo’s our tutor. He’d protect Al.”

“We can’t take that risk.”

“It’s going to be obvious who he is. Al went missing the same day Corey was supposed to meet Jordan. Keeping his identity secret is going to be near impossible.”

“We need another way.”

“I doubt there is one. As soon as he sees Al he’ll put two and two together.”

I fly from one disaster to another. Game over is approaching. Everyone will know who I am come this afternoon. Maybe I could pretend I’m ill. Miss the lesson with Cain. I sit at the edge of the arena. Try to keep breathing regular.

Danny’s soon to join me on the floor. “We’ll figure this out mate. There’s no need to work yourself into a state.”

I tap Danny’s shoulder.

“Al is here you know. You two should quit arguing and ask him what he wants to do.”

Geordie shoulders by Charlie to stand opposite me. “Do you wanna tell Hugo?”

Charlie smiles at me. “It’d be for the best.”

“For an intelligent person you’re fricking stupid,” grumbles Geordie. “But fine let’s tell Hugo. If we’re lucky he’ll sort stuff.”

I abandon my tapping. Tuck my hair behind my ears. “Charlie, you said keeping my identity hidden would be near impossible. That means there’s a slim chance of me getting away with not being found out. What’s the slim way?”

Geordie smirks at me.

“This is idiocy.” Charlie joins me and Danny on the floor. Traces a circle in sand with his practise sword. “Let’s think through what happened on the day you left home. This Corey failed to show up for his initiation.” He traces a circle within a circle. “Let us presume he coward out. You came in his place.”

“Who’s he?” asks Geordie.

“Corey’s big brother. No too obvious. Cousin would be better. Cousin Harvey from the Black Market. Corey carried on with his thieving career.”

“That could work,” says Geordie.

“Only if we stick to a set story, be convincing, with no slip ups. Cain might throw the truth at us and you three weren’t successful at convincing me otherwise, so we’re going to struggle.”

“I bet you’re totes smarter than Cain which is why you wouldn’t take our lies.”

“I doubt it,” says Charlie.

“Yeah Cain ain’t a swot. He’s combat smart not logic smart.”

“Do I hear a compliment Geordie?”

“Just stating a fact. If this plan fails, it’s on your head logistics boy.” Geordie scuffs up Charlie’s neat circles by kicking through them. “You okay with that plan Al lad?”

Before I can give an answer, Chunk runs right for us. We jump out the way as he approaches. Only Geordie remains in the same spot smirking at Chunk as he sets to work tearing up any remainders of the circles. When the circles are fully gone the muscular griffon growls at Charlie as he settles beside his rider.

“That thing’s wild.” Charlie remains hanging back. I however sit where I’d previously been. Chunk grumbles at me. I smile in return

“Even if our plan fails I won’t let Cain blab to anyone. I’ll sort him so there’s no need to get jumpy when he comes.”

“Okays.” I’ve no idea how he’ll sort things if Charlie’s plan goes wrong but trust him so think I will be able to remain calm.

One o’clock soon leaps into my life. As it does my three friends come over to me. Geordie sits with me back to back. I put down my charcoals sort of shocked. This is something he does with Danny, never anyone else. I’m the only one who seems to notice how he’s chosen to sit. I suppose it’s no biggy to him but is a huge deal for me.

“Are we still in agreement about our plan?” asks Charlie.

“Definitely,” says Geordie.

Danny slouches beside Honey. “If it’s what Al wants to do.”

I nod as I place my sketchbook and charcoals in my satchel. “Do you think I should put up a hood?” I give my cloak hood a slight tug.

“No. Trying to conceal your face will make you appear guilty,” says Charlie. “Be yourself.”

Be myself. While watching Sunshine teasing Hotaru I clap out a tune then burst into my I-oh-I-oh-I-oh song, pushing out any nasty thoughts along with hardships. Danny’s real quick to join in with my clapping and after my I-oh’s Geordie jumps straight in with a verse. Awesome.

Once the three of us have sang our verses we stare at Charlie expectantly.


“Your turn silly.”

“You three are crazy.”

“You three are crazy I-oh-I-oh-I-oh,” the three of us sing then start over with fresh lyrics. Unable to resist with the clapping, Charlie edges over to sit with us. Seems shy to begin with then gets clapping so soon loses his shyness. We totes look like a team having an awesome time. So awesome we fail to acknowledge Cain and Jordan landing their griffons by Master Hugo’s shed. When they come over to us we only sing louder as though to purposely disregard their presence.

“G’ day.” Cain sounds real strange like he’s from nowhere near here. They say he’s an aussie whatever that means. As we finish our song I take a quick glance at him. Whoa he has real vibrant copper coloured hair and skin is tanned. His clothes are trendy. He isn’t wearing a blue blazer. “You’re a lively bunch.” His eyes glisten over Geordie. “You must be Lucky. Interesting.”

Geordie quits singing. Gives a, “screw you.”

“I wouldn’t call him that if I were you,” chips in Danny.

“Danny, I assume. You’re lucky to be here thanks to Lucky.” Cain makes a quick study of Charlie who’s sat with his arms folded looking star struck. “Yeah I can tell you were wanting logistics.” Grinning Cain folds his arms. “So serious.”

He’s like offended almost all of us in under a minute. Only me to go.

“Where’s my young friend Corey then? A first year getting chosen is mega.”

“Err Cain he’s there and I told you he’s fourteen not twelve.” Jordan gives me a wave.

“He’ll have hoodwinked you to skip ahead a couple of grades.” Cain gives me a glare. “That’s not Corey.” The light heartedness has dropped from his tone.

“Sure it is. Was at the meet up point.”

“What part of his hair is dirty blond?”

“I thought it might look more pure than dirty out of Lundune.”

“Where in your notes did it state Corey West was fourteen years old?”

“I keep telling you there was a clerical error.”

“Didn’t you think to question him when you thought you had a clerical error? No, you’re too dang lazy to bother.” Cain’s eyes are really boring into me. I try my friendliest of smiles. “What have you done with Corey?”

He’s so rude asking me a question yet doesn’t give me room for an answer. “Ahhhh!” Cain grips my shoulders and yanks me to my feet.

“This isn’t anything like my tough Corey. This thing is… well look at it. How could you mistake him for someone I’d pick as a trainee for Cloud High?”

“I thought you liked shiny things. He seemed a lot like you.”

“Like me seriously?” Cain gives me a shake, making me shriek. “When have I ever made stupid noises like that?”

“There’s no need to be so rough he’s just a kid.”

“No he’s not. He’s a trainee thanks to you.” Cain’s hand grips round my throat. “You’re going to tell me exactly who you are and what you did with Corey West.” He almost sounds as brutal as Geordie when he’s flown into a temper.

Geordie. Geordie’s got my back, right? I wince as Cain applies pressure to his grip round my throat. I’m about to freeze when I hear a low quiet, “Chunk attack.”

In a rush of heated up energy fuelled by Geordie’s mood, Chunk charges at Cain from behind. I find I’ve been let loose and Cain’s sprawled on his front. Being freed I run over to my friends, skid behind Danny. We watch as Chunk gets Cain in his talons then takes off.

“Hey, you tell your griffon to let me down this second,” calls Cain as Chunk hovers above us.

Geordie smirks up at Cain while twirling a practise sword, striking a real cool hardcore pose.

“Hurry up and tell him.”

“Do as he says then.” Geordie tilts his head in Jordan’s direction. A millisecond later Chunk opens his talons. Cain lands with a thump right on top of Jordan. Geordie pounces, whacking out at Cain’s back with his practise sword, then holds the sword where he hit, pressing down. “Touch one of my comrades again I’ll mess you up.”

Charlie steps forward and crouches by Cain. “If Corey was so tough why did he chicken out of meeting Jordan for initiation, sending his cousin instead?”

“His cousin.”

“Yeah cousin.” Danny moves to stand by Charlie; I stick close to him. “Corey got scared to come to Cloud High. Was worried he might develop the affliction one day then they’d boot him out into the middle of nowhere. Went to talk to you about it right Harvey?”

Great an alibi name to cover my original alibi name. “Sure. My little cousin Corey was guilty about letting you down so I said why don’t I go in your place? That way Cain will be none the wiser you had a change of heart. I was scared to come too but wanted to live in a brighter place. The Black Market was no place for me. You’re right I’m not tough. Couldn’t hack it in the Black Market probably won’t hack it here either but I’m trying my hardest.”

“We’d appreciate it if you kept Harvey’s identity secret. We can’t be bothered to deal with Clover over the issue,” says Charlie.

“We’ve more important stuff to deal with like keeping alive in the sky,” says Danny.

Gradually Geordie backs off from Cain, stands in front of us three, takes to twirling his practise sabre as Cain levers himself off Jordan.

“That wasn’t very polite to a fellow field agent.” Cain flashes his steels.

“You ain’t on my team meaning I don’t give a crap about you. These three are fellow field agents. You’re nothing.”

“They’re right you do have an attitude problem.” Cain’s tone has returned to being light-hearted. “How about we start over?”

“Too late you already threatened us.”

I manage to give Danny some space, un-stick myself from moving close to him. I smile over at Jordan, trying to gain his attention, as he gets up from the floor rubbing at his side where he fell. He doesn’t notice me, so I go over to him. “I like your swords. What are they called?”

“These?” Jordan un-sheaths the swords from off his back. “They’re katanas. From Japan.” Jordan holds a katana out, urging me to take it, willingly I accept.

“Japan where’s that?”

Across oceans. Has your friend Danny heard of Japan?”

I have no idea so ask. “Danny, you heard of Japan?”

“Yeah sure. My families from there.”

Jordan gives Danny the second katana. “They say that’s where griffons first came from. At least so I’ve gathered from my travels. Courtney’s setting up a headquarters in Japan. We’ve found a spot where the clouds are less thick.”

“That’s cool.” Charlie has a look at the katana Danny is holding.

Geordie gravitates towards us. “Is dual wielding effective for someone who defends before attacks?”

“Err you’re asking me?”

“Yep yeah. Corey tells us you made Sad and Yuki run without even wounding them.”

“Well err if an enemy came at you with a single sword from high up you could…” Jordan trails off for a moment as he rummages round in a large pack and comes out with a couple more katanas. “You could block the enemy sword with this one, striking up, while using the other to get your enemies stomach with a curved downward movement. How about we err see what you got. Go from there.”

I pass Danny the katana I am holding and make ready to watch this lesson. Taking part I’d only be in the way. Only a few minutes in and my attention span drifts onto Cain who’s by himself, grinning away at Jordan who is finding teaching a challenge, as he stumbles over his words and even gets some of his techniques wrong, especially under Geordie’s intimidating gaze. Slipping away from everyone else I wander over to Cain. “You must see a lot of sun.”

Cain gives his hair the briefest of flicks. It’s like the same length as mine. He can jam his into a ponytail too. “How would you know?”

I give my loud whisper. “I flew above the Cloud Barrier this morning.”

“On your own?” Cain sounds sceptical.

“With Sunshine silly.”

Cain laughs. Places a hand against his heart. “You’re kind speaking to me after I shook you.”

“You must be worried about my cousin. I understand.”

“Jordan’s right I do like shiny things. Keep flying in the sun even when they tell you not to.”

“Won’t I get attacked by Thunders?”

“They’re scaremongering trainees. Skeletals despise sunlight; it hurts their eyes and damages their membrane. They need the barrier. Why do you think Thunders wear grey?”

I have a little think. “To camouflage in the clouds.”


My heart leaps. “So why tell us it’s safer within the clouds?”

“To get you used to them. If they told you blue skies were safe you’d never stay in the clouds. Question everything they teach you here Alex Harlington.”

I’m having a heart attack.

“No need to look surprised I worked out who you were as soon as I saw you. I was humouring your team because they were working well together. I didn’t want to give them a knock early on in their training. You should keep them thinking they succeeded too.”

“It’s Al these days. Are you going to…”

“Tell on you?” Cain shakes his head, grinning. “I’d never tell on a fellow infiltrator.”

“Infiltrator I don’t like the sounds of that.”

“Having alibi names and sneaking off into the blue sky is where it starts. I think we have more in common than I first thought. Appearances are deceiving.”

“Will you try find Corey?”

“I’m afraid Corey’s here. Not the Corey I sent for, but Master Hugo thinks highly of you and a griffon chose you. Wow the grey one too. He is going to come ever so useful when you’re chasing after Thunders. You’ve got camouflage like them.”

I never thought of that before. “He is real special.”

Master Hugo emerges from his shed. Observes Jordan doing his best at teaching however is getting flustered as Geordie appears to be bullying Charlie, who tries to smack him around for real as he’s sick of the taunts.

“Never thought I’d see the day,” Master Hugo shakes his head in wonder, “when trainees flocked to Jordan instead of you.”

“These four are smart. Aren’t fooled by sparkle.”

“He was mean. Called Geordie, Lucky.”

“Eh. Didn’t you know that’s Midnight’s pet name for him? For shame.”

Cain laughs as his comrade loses control of what he’s trying to teach, then gives his mega white pearly grin. I see what’s caught his attention. Ashley and her team are peering round the side of the shed. “I think we’ve earned a break.” He goes into that big pack and comes out with some tupperware. “Grub people. You lovely ladies are welcome to join us.”

Star struck Pepper and Dede flock over to Cain giggling. Ashley is more composed. Sits right by me, links her arm in mine.

While we have a picnic, Jordan’s bewildered that Geordie and Danny are quizzing him intensely on the art of the katana while trying to wheedle out of him more information about Japan and the new headquarters. Charlie is asking Master Hugo about the sabre, after new techniques to help him win against Geordie which doesn’t happen much anymore now Geordie is wise to Charlie holding back on him.

I never thought I’d be having a picnic amongst Master Hugo and his field agent trainees, on the training arena. I'm totes part of the popular crowd. When logistics team, clerical, and recruitment walk past us to get a lesson in teamwork, which has recently been taken over by Zel, they look well jel. Max glares daggers at me, making me lean right into Ashley.

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