
Accidents happen

The sudden enlightenment had caused his being to strive for a new state of existence and with his new state, he felt a knowledge imprinting on his mind as a law began to form. The law took a semi-corporal form as a sort of sphere formed around his heart, this allowed him to deploy his law at will and to strengthen it with similar laws. The law that is created from a cultivators individuality is the base of their power and is supported by other laws that a cultivator comprehends.

After John had formed his law he realized that their was little that he could do in this environment, so he finally decided to leave this area and begin his assault against the rest of the inhabitants of this world. Even though John did feel a bit bad about leaving the newly born race, he realized that he had given them the best possible environment to grow and to expand, there was a multitude of beasts in the surroundings of the crater that were attracted to the mountain. With all the tasks completed in this area, John immediately left since he had nothing binding him there any longer.

Days past in a flash as John continued his travel north, the endless seaming plain stretched for what seemed like an eternity. Very rarely he would see a river or mountain even so when he did see them he was happy. After what could only be nearly a year did the plain finally end and as John continued his flight and saw some small civilizations appearing through the edge's of the human territories.

Massive walls incased these small settlements and large parts of the surrounding territories, all of them with a massive city or two scattered around the territories. In just the first few hours of entering the humans territories John had seen more than twenty different kingdoms. It was after he had seen the fiftieth city that he had finally found what he was looking for. He had found an empire, which no doubt had law training grounds that he could use.

As soon as John had entered the empires perimeter he felt an overbearing weight press on him and force him. He managed to move a finger slightly while under the immense pressure and as it happened, he felt his cultivation rise a little. The energy around him filled his cells and barely did anything to his mind, only advancing it by 0.05% into the realm, but he was already bordering the mid level of the seventh realm. His body and dantian advanced 5% further into the low stage, but the star had began to condense itself again, the energy in his dantian and the energy forcing him to stay still began to be consumed to advance the new power even further. The star began to release the lower powered gas that it contained before in flares, he heard a ding and realized that something was happening that he never though could happen before.

'[The skill "star of the dragon god" that has fused with the hosts body has gained to much power for the host to contain. The system shall divert the flares of energy to create a new center of power, this new center of power will have to fuse with the host heart in order to succeed, preforming this feat might use all the system's energy and leave the host without a overseer. Would the host like to proceed, if not the skill can be removed from the hosts body and will severely damage the host]'.

Taking a deep breath John clicked continue, being strong in his current realm wasn't good enough for him anymore, especially with his limited life span as a seventh realm mortal(I will add a chapter with a new ranking system for the overall tiers after this chapter) was fading.

Suddenly the massive energy ball that was at least ten meters large by now shrunk into a minuscule orb the size of his finger tip and shot into his chest.

Right as it began to fuse with his body, he suddenly dropped and was snagged out of the air by a man. With his conscience fading and his heart slowing there was nothing he could do, even when he tried with his upmost power to move he still wasn't able.

Feeling utterly powerless with nothing to do he just closed his eyes and let it happen. Once he gave up his resolve something unexpected happened, his heart stopped.

The youngish man continued to bring him to the location he was told, but when he no longer felt a heartbeat from the man on his back sweat started to pool in his lower back.

With nothing else to do but follow orders he continued to bring the unconscious man to the room.

With his heart racing the man put his hand against the door and the oath hidden under his skin surfaced and with a purple glow it unlocked the door. He then gently set John onto the chair and jumped when he heard the formation react to his unlocking of the door.

"Member 3673074 of the white panther barrier guards Mathew has unlocked holding cell 324, a member of the interrogation facility the black box had been sent".

Having to do what they do to all who invade their territories the Mathew quickly and skillfully tried John up and put on the "breath" restrained cuffs.

Having done the required tasks all he could do was wait in the room while one of the black box members made their way to his location.




That was all that John could currently think of, he wasn't even able to perceive what was happening around him. His mind seemed to be trapped in his chest cavity and he couldn't think about anything but what was happening to him.

In the beginning nothing happened other than his heart stopping, but he could survive for a while with out it, but as the minuted passed by and his heart still hadn't beat he felt the cold and icy grip of death closing in. It was at that time exact moment that he died.

His death finally triggered some sort of reaction within his body. His heart was surrounded by a black membrane and the flesh dissolved into another energy membrane with the star at its center.

The energy transformed into drills and pierce through the black membrane making it have holes all over. From these holes the energy from his heart was transformed into empty husks of wills that were immediately send into his mind. John being the cultivation maniac that he is had an enormous lake of black energy that would morph between an sword the radiated an immense destructive energy and a seed that's radiated an energy that birthed countless worlds from that very destructive energy.

This energy was infused with the only thing that would be able to expand his mind, his individuality. The wills were dipped into this liquid energy and sent throughout his body as a way of continuing his means of life.

Mathew was leaning against the back wall of the holding cell which was about twenty square feet in diameter and over ten feet tall when he saw John suddenly start to convulse in the chair and Mathew could sense all of the "breath" in the room gravitate towards John.

As the "breath" was absorbed through his pores, the wills were there to direct the "breath" into his organs and tissues as means of keeping him alive.

For the first time in ten minutes Johns eyes opened and he could finally realize what was happening.

Mathew had a shiver run down his back as the man that was dead until only a moment ago had suddenly started to look around after he started to convulse. What scare him even more was the fact that he could sense his realm start to increase. He was shocked when he heard John start speaking to him self all of a sudden.

"Huh I guess my individuality perceives me coming back from the dead as an achievement that someone at my level wouldn't be able to achieve, I guess that's why my realm is advancing all of a sudden". Right as he finished speaking he used his "breath" to break out of his restraints and his entire body exploded with energy and he immediately passed out from the pain.

A loud booming sound began to emit from the hall just outside of the room that John had ended up in. The loud steps continued till the man reached the room.

"Member 3673074 report on the reason you have accessed this room". The man said without lifting his eyes from a piece of paper in his hand.

"Yes sir, as I was patrolling the border in section 786 I came across a man that had illegally entered our border that was under the effect of our restriction formation". As he said the last part the new man finally looked up from the paper and asked a question.

"Anything strange about the illegal intruder". He said as he began to approach the chair across the table from John.

"Well yes, the strangest thing happened on our way here. After I had retrained him I got to about half way here when his heart stopped. I had to keep going as I still needed to preform my report on this issue and after I had made sure to secure him to the chair and out on the 'breath' restraining cuffs, he suddenly started to convulse when moments ago he was dead. After almost ten minutes of him convulsing, all of the "breath" in the room shot towards him. He finally stopped convulsing and then opened his eyes and said something to himself about his individuality then he was incapacitated by the formations on the cuffs". The man thought for a while and then he nodded and spoke.

"Ok it seems like he must have cultivated in a strange body technique, but other than that he seems normal so have him moved to one of the labor camps". The man stood up and then left, his booming footsteps echoed again for a while and slowly faded away.

With all that said and done, Mathew quickly detached him from the chair and started to bring him to the labor camps.

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