
Ravenous rage

Without being able to halt himself as his draconic instincts took control of his body, he allowed for his draconic form to emerge. He pushed his form to the limits of what he could, his body enlarged several times over and his eyes glowed with a flaming red. If he could see his status he would be shocked, as all of his stats had been multiplied by numerous times and his race had slightly changed.


'Race has been updated due to drawing upon the limits of your being'

Name: John largens

Age: 32

Class: Berserker(Draconically awoken)

Title: Draconic lord. A dragon who has managed to break his limits and advance through the ranks solo, allowing him the potential to reach the peak of power.



Body, mind, and magic complete


Race: Hybrid(Status: partial-restrained colossal drake)(dragon born)

Evolution meter: 99.99%

Level: 20

Experience: 99,999/100,000


Mana: 2500

Body: 950

mind: 800

magic: 925

Ap(Aura points): 350

The ground under his feet shattered as his muscles bulged and he flew forward. The beast barely moved back two feet as his fist collided with the beast's chest. The gauntlet he was wearing had also managed to puncture through its chest.

The dragon let out a screech of pain and it immediately began to distance its self, sadly for the beast it's luck wasn't so good. John roared with glee and pounced back at the dragon. John rained hits down spin the creature not even giving it a moment to rest.

The dragon's healing was on an entirely different level though, he made little to no progress throughout the battle. Having to do something drastic to make any progress, deciding that his only option was to get eaten and attack it from the inside out, John jumped and perfectly slid right down the colossal beasts throat with a smirk plastered across his face.


Continent: Unknown

Location: Unknown Kingdom

In a massive tower which pierced the sky and was almost half the size of the kingdom in width, a man who was completely out of breath rushed up one of the magnificent stair cases holding in his arms dozens of scrolls. He had been an apprentice at the arcane tower for over a decade but when he had this report placed on his desk he had immediately rushed to tell the upper echelons of the tower.

The whole tower came to life due to this report, apparently the great necrotic dragon(named after its regenerative capabilities) and an unknown beast were battling. This beast had brought upon the worst event in the kingdoms existence, the kingdom was almost entirely razed and only a few dozen had evaded the onslaught. As soon as the dragon had advanced to the fifth realm, none of the humans stood a chance as this enormous python had finally awoken his dormant draconic genes and finally razed the kingdom which had mercilessly slaughtered its children for decades.

As the man barged into a room near the top of the tower he collapsed out of exhaustion. He had still managed to accomplish the task as a man with greying hair picked up the scrolls and layers them out on his desk.

First the man had a look of horror and shock, but after he finished reading the paper his face morphed into a smile.

"Are these reports real, has the great necrotic dragon finally been defeated". The man said as he help the exhausted man into a chair and gave him a glass of water from nowhere.

Finally able to Chaco his breath after downing the glass in one swift motion the other man stood up and pulled out some sort of coin. The man pricked his finger and let a drop of blood hit the coin. The coin suddenly began to glow and a ten inch by five inch screen and showed a enormous skeleton laid across the entirety of the plain which by this point was died red.

"What the fu-" the greying man said right as he saw a pitch black dragon zoom out of the area holding in just one hand the entire skeleton of the beast. In less than three seconds the beast and skeleton were no longer in sight.


Continent: Unknown

Location: In the belly of the beast

Approximately ten minutes before the report

John felt himself being shoved into the stomach of the beast by its powerful esophagus muscles. John waited till he saw the windpipe and right as he was ten feet above it, he plunged his claws and gauntlets into its esophagus. His speed of descent stopped after being dragged five feet lower.

Opening his toothy maw a black flame rose within his throat and shot out of his mouth down into its lungs. The dragon breathed in right as the fire went into it throat, getting the oxygen it required it attached to every surface of the lungs and began to consume them entirely.

Without its lungs the dragon wasn't able to survive for long and soon it had collapsed. His instincts took over and he began to consume everything in sight.

Finally when the beast was nothing but bone was John able to gain control and realized that he heard the marching of thousands of soldiers arriving at his location. Not wanting to waste resources he grabbed the skeleton and left.

Arriving at a red plain that went on for miles and miles and finding nothing, the troops were forced to return with nothing from the battle.

Collapsing In a cave after pulling the skeleton in first, John felt his muscles explode and he started to glow an extremely bright and overwhelming light. He had finally started his next evolution.

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