
Level 5 perks

A figure with large wings and a human-ish form could be seen sitting on top of a merchant ship, which was only a few hours from shore, it was at this point when the wings spread out and immediately started to flap. After a second the figure was already soaring through the sky.

After about ten minutes this strange creature landed in a forest about a mile from a huge, bustling city. It quickly transformed back into a human form, which was very muscular, about 6' tall, had strange green lines running through his pitch black hair. This was John and he put his shirt back on(he has to take off the shirt to fly otherwise it gets destroyed).

It's been a week since John's appearance changed, but no one noticed, or cared enough to say so. He had finally reached level five, but not much changed stat wise, the most important part was that he can finally use the sword that brought him here.

The first time he wielded it, he was shocked that it was so much heavier than he thought, he didn't use much strength to start out, but quickly had to, as the sword had started to dip. After some time of getting used to its new host, it suddenly started to glow extremely brightly.

After a minute of this process, John suddenly felt something attach to his hands. He looked at them and was shocked, that the sword had suddenly become two pairs of majestic gauntlets and some light armor on his chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and turned into epic boots too.

It turns out that the sword adjusts to its user's weapon preference and battle style and the way he fights, is to overwhelm his opponent with speed and his physical strength.

When the sun had just started to rise, the guards saw a lonely figure approaching the gate in full light armor and massive gauntlets. The gates opened slowly and he walked in.

He was undisturbed as he walked through the city scape, he quickly ducked into an alley after scoping around the city with his shining brilliant awe inspiring armor. Many people stared with envy and just as equal amount stared with greed.

He de-equipped the armor and gauntlets, instead going for an assassin like cloak and several hidden and easy accessible daggers. He ducked out the other side of the alley and easily infiltrated through the populous going about the lives.

It was not until he had been to almost every corner of town, when he stoped in his tracks. He stood valiantly in front of the news board and ingested all of its information. He turned and his cape fluttered for a second partially revealing a toothy smirk.

He knew exactly where to go, this would be the best and fast way to increase his strength. It was the only sure fire approach to advance and provided the best results in short spans of time.

To the holy mage academies fifty seventh yearly examination. This would allow him to join an organization and overcome his weaknesses.

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