
Walk Away

"…" Mattheus smiled and looked up at Harloch. It was made easier as he remained sitting and the other baron stood, for once taller than the twenty-year-old. "You must be someone important to not only be able to contact the leader so easily but to have one of his paintings too."

Harloch was distracted from his failure and puffed up slightly. "Well, of course, Mattheus. Why do you think I can initiate you? I'm in charge of New Albion for the society!"

The youngest Crown projected admiration while his true emotions reflected the opposite. He felt grim and a bit resigned as he watched this traitor who couldn't help but brag about his self-importance.

"I suppose I should have realized this earlier," Mattheus remarked. "How else would you have known of my existence if I were. Hm. I guess I was undercover?"

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