
Snap Out Of It

Alexander thought of the relationship Lia had had with Miranda all this while, and there was basically none.

Their interactions had been minimalist, and they never went beyond hi and hello.

How was Alexander supposed to trust people when the people around him had proven to be unreliable? 

Miranda had been a good doctor; no, she still was a good doctor. She had been good to Lexi, and frankly, he had no reason to suspect her. But he was starting to think that she was sent to watch over Lia. 

Maybe that was why no matter how many times they fought with Lexi, he would always try to fix their relationship because she was on a mission. 

A mission to protect Lia. 

Now that he thought about it, Miranda had never been scared of the guns and even weaponry that the Garners had. A normal doctor would be scared of guns and fret at the mere mention of one. Doctors hated guns because there were higher chances of a person who had a gun dying by one. 

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