
Gold sentient brick

"How many more dungeons do you think we need to complete?" Jericho asked Sky, unable to contain her excitement..

They had just entered another red forest dungeon after grinding dungeons for a day and a half. By now they should have enough money to pay Jericho's entire debt but Sky wanted to be sure and wanted to clear a few more.

The Merchant rarely appears in dungeons and so Sky had to use a merchant scroll but he had only four on him, meaning that he would try his best to conserve the scrolls as best as he could.

"We'll clear this last one. If the Merchant isn't in the next dungeon I'll summon him. Guard the ship, Jules!"

Jericho nodded and all three of them jumped off the ship. Jules was left behind to clean. After the last few days she had been in a bad mood and worried deeply about her brother.

All three crew members were casually strolling through the forest killing anything in their path.

"Hey, guys, what are we going to do after we clear Jericho's family debt?" Jay asked.

"I guess we'll keep clearing dungeons? It's the best way to get stronger and rich. Though it is getting kinda old."

"But don't you have a goal in mind other than that? I'm not complaining since I want to get stronger but the point of adventure is to always have a goal in mind."

"No, there is no end goal. But I really want to get a better ship. I once saw this ship that was worth 1.5 billion shells."

"Holy! How can a ship be worth that much?" Jay was beyond shocked.

Sky and Jericho wondered how Jay would react if he knew they saw a black scroll that was worth three billion shells.

"Sky, I think I feel it again." Jericho stopped in her tracks.

"Oh, you need to use the bathroom again?"

"NO! I mean I can feel another gold chest."

"What are you waiting for?"

Jericho dashed deeper to the jungle and stopped in front of a tree with Jay and Sky following her closely behind.

"It's under this tree."

Using his telekinesis Sky threw the tree away and dug up the dirt. And just as Jericho said they saw another gold chest.

"Let's open it!" Jericho reached for the chest but Sky held her wrist.

"Hold on. I'll do it."

Jericho was weirded out but let Sky do what he wants.

'Can't believe I'm gonna use this ability already. Greedy adventurer.'

{Next chest you open will have its loot doubled}

{Cooldown: 23:59:59}

Sky immediately opened the chest and got what was inside.

{Received: 5,000,000 shells, 2x player coupons, 10x red scrolls}

{Shells: 278.3m}

"HAHAHAHAHA! YEEEEEEES!" Sky got amazing loot from this chest. It was amazing to find two player coupons.

Hearing him scream Jericho and Jay took a few steps back.

Sky took out a merchant scroll and summoned the merchant.

"SKYYYYYYYYYY!" The Merchant cried out happily waving his hands frantically. When he looked at the item in front of him he scoffed. "Well, aren't you a lucky bastard?"

Sky ignored him, not fully understanding what he meant by that.

"Yeah, yeah, Jericho, sell your stuff."

"Uhh, yeah." Jericho did not know why Sky was so eager to summon the merchant now but she wasn't going to complain.

While Jericho sold her stuff Sky inspected the special item.

{Gold brick}

{HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000}

{A gold sentient brick that produces money}

{Ability: Once placed down and activated will increase all money earned by 100%: quests, dungeon runs, killing monsters, etc}

{Ability: Will produce a daily income depending on its mood}

{Warning: Upon placing the gold brick it is susceptible to damage and cannot be fixed. Upon the complete destruction the golden brick will not produce money and will be lost forever. Cannot be stored}

{Cost: 2x player coupon}

"I just got two player coupons not even five minutes ago, how is there an item that's worth exactly that much?" Sky asked.

The gold brick was amazing without a doubt and he was going to buy it. It was free money.

"I don't know. I don't get to decide anything here, not even my vacation days." He started to whimper like a sad dog.

"Uh-huh… I'm taking it anyway."

{Received: Gold sentient brick}

Sky took the brick. Right now it was the size of his hand but the moment he places it down its ability will be activated.

Sky took a look at the quests and there was nothing special. Taking a look at the items there is something that was very beneficial.

It was a potion he hadn't seen before. Health potions are red, mana potions are purple/blue, stamina potions are yellow. But the potion in front of him was pink and it appeared to be bubbling.

{Crappy exp potion: Increases exp gained through killing by 0.1% for 1 hour. Does not work if level is above 300}

{Cost: 800,000 shells}

{Note: Works on party/crew members}

"I'll take that potion."

"You sure? It's somewhat expensive and honestly doesn't seem that worth it for experience."

"Who said I'm gonna drink it? I wanna give this to Jules to see if she can make more and improve it."

"Dammit. I knew you were gonna say that." The Merchant hurumped angrily. The thought of someone owning slaves bothered and angered him deeply.

{Received: 1x crappy exp potion}

{Shells: 277.5m}

Sky stored the potion in his inventory for Jules. With her talent Sky was confident she could find the method to replicate the potion, if not that is fine as well.

"How much do I get?" Jericho said after placing all the items on the counter.

"Hmm… you have quite the amount of items, you all must have grinded so much in so little time. It's about… 199.3 million."


"No, we're so close." Jericho knew they had time but she thought now her family's debt would be paid.

Jay was also let down.

"It's fine. We got this." Sky took out ten red scrolls he got from the gold chest.

"Woah. Captain, you got that from the gold chest just now?"

"I did. Let's see… this scroll is garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage, ooh 47+ mind, garbage, 39+ strength, garbage, garbage, and another dash. We'll sell the seven of these garbage ones."

"That'll be… 22 million exactly."


"Seriously? Can't you round it up a bit more?"

"I don't negotiate with terrorists." The Merchant said seriously.


"Sorry, that's something I wanted to say after watching this movie. If that's everything, see ya later suckas!"

The Merchant closed his doors leaving everyone stunned.

"He's a weird man, Captain. At least I think he's a man."

"Yeah but he's very useful. Hey, we only need 1.2 million shells, we can easily earn that much by killing bosses. Actually… let's head back to the ship now."


"Trust me, we can pay your debt after this dungeon run."

Leading them back to the ship Sky saw Jules was still producing health potions.

He placed down the gold sentient brick. Upon placing it on the deck the brick grew in size, from the size of Sky's palm it grew three sizes.

Sky could move the brick but it was five times heavier.

{You have activated: Gold sentient brick}

{Gold sentient brick}

{HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000}

{All money you and party/crew members earn will be increased by 100%}

{Daily income generating: 0}

{Note: The timer of the brick producing money is 24 hours after the first time it produces money}

"Jules, everyone, you treat this brick right. Treat it as if it were a valuable crew member, because in a way it is." Sky said.

Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"Why, Captain?" Jay asked.

"This is the greatest source of income we have. Jules, you're in charge of keeping it clean and safe from now on."

{The Gold sentient brick feels happy being taken care of immediately}

{Generating 10,000 shells daily}

{Received 10,000+ shells from gold sentient brick}

{Next daily income: 23:59:59}

"Okay, everyone, let's kill the boss. If I'm correct we should be able to meet the 500 million quota after this run."

One dungeon run later…

Sky had returned and everyone could see the brimming smile plastered on Jericho's face.

{Shells: 501.8m}

They had done it. They could pay off Jericho's family debt.

Sky expected to have completed the quest by now but no. He needed to pay it off and just because he had the money now doesn't mean it's paid off.

"I'm gonna call my mom and tell her the good news." Jericho ran off to the crew's quarters.

"Jay, any idea on where we have to go to pay off the debt?"

"I guess the Caribbean HQ? Seems logical."

"I guess you're right. I'll set sail immediately to HQ. And it only takes about… oh, 22 hours, not bad but still far, and with my wind ability we should reach it in half the time."


Boris sighed heavily out of boredom. For 36 hours they have been investigating and found nothing aside from the fact that Sky has the mermaid.

Boris would have sailed to find Sky long ago but he wanted to be sure if Edgar lied, and if he did what was the reason? He was also waiting for Xero's permission to search the island.

At the moment another ship docked beside them and Edgar's men jumped off. One of the men was Lloyd.

Boris did not recognize Lloyd but knew he was one of Edgar's men as soon as they let him enter the building immediately.

'This is boring. But if I'm quick enough no one should be able to find me, and if no one sees me my job will not be in jeopardy.' Boris stood up from his seat.

The entire world around whim slowed down significantly except Boris. Boris jumped off his ship strolling towards Edgar's building.

Anyone who saw Boris would see nothing, not even a blur.

Boris was able to infiltrate the building without anyone noticing him.

Tailing Lloyd from behind Boris followed him into another room. Inside the room there was Edgar, Lloyd, Edgar's brother, and Boris had barely noticed someone was merged with the shadows.

One could not see the man merged in the shadows unless one noticed the slight change in the shadows, or had acute senses.

Boris hid in a corner of the room, the only cover he had was a few fancy leather chairs and concealed his presence. No one in the room knew Boris was there.

"So, Lloyd, I hope you brought me some good news? After all, I did not hear or see a mermaid on your ship so that only means you must have some good news!" Edgar said angrily and sarcastically.

"Sir, I did find the champion. The mermaid, however…" Lloyd did not want to say it.

"What? Spill it out!"

"The champion killed the mermaid."

"What?" Edgar spoke calmly, "well that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Why in the world would that man kill off the mermaid after working so hard to keep her alive?"

"I… thought the same thing so I interrogated him, used my eye of truth on him, even got some evidence."

"Evidence? What kind of evidence?"

"He… gave me her eyes. And everything he said about her seemed to be true. He needed the money for something and killed her. We searched and destroyed every part of his ship and the mermaid wasn't hiding anywhere."

"Do you have the eyes with you?" Edgar asked.

Lloyd didn't say anything. He was so angry that he threw the eyes away to the ocean right after knocking out Sky's tooth. By the time he realized he could have presented the eyes of Edgar it was already too late.

"No, sir. I threw them away."

"Oh… that's a shame. Kill him."

A shadow emerged from behind Lloyd. Lloyd found himself being lifted up by the neck by an invisible force and being choked to death. A loud crack echoed through the room as his neck broke.

"Did you use your eye of truth on him?" Edgar asked his brother. His brother's eye of truth has the highest level in the room.

"Yes, everything he said was the truth." Donald said.

"I don't believe him. I refuse to believe him. Spread the word and bring the champion here to his knees in chains."

"In chains? That's a great idea." Boris showed himself while clapping slowly.

"Boris!" Edgar and Donald were surprised to see him here, both jumped out of their chairs, "this isn't what it looks like!"

"Killing a civilian in front of a high ranking officer, threatening to kidnap another person. Just these two causes are enough for me to order his men to search this entire island, and I cannot imagine what kind of illegal shit we'll find in doing so."

"Ah, fuck it. Kill Boris!" Edgar commanded the shadow.

"EDGAR! Don't!" Donald screamed.

"Yeah, no, I fucking quit." The shadow disappeared and left the room. He knew he could not win against Boris and wasn't stupid enough to try.

"..." Edgar.

"And now threatening to kill a high ranking officer? Man, you are going to spend the rest of your life in prison with all of your bones broken, and with teeth missing."

Boris walked slowly and smiled sinisterly towards Edgar while cracking his knuckles.

The screams of Edgar could be heard across the entire island. That day was a legendary day for the people, as it was the one day they all saw the dictator being dragged off his island, beaten to a bloody pulp, in chains, while being pulled by Boris.

Many people were not happy with the result. Edgar had brought them the greatest entertainment they had ever seen, the colosseum, even if they all knew the kind of stuff he was pulling from behind the scenes.

With the dictator in chains Boris gave the order for his men to search the entire island from top to bottom. After a few hours Boris walked out of his ship.

Boris sat down on his favorite chair and called HQ.

"Georgia… HQ."


"Got some good news. So I have arrested Edgar and searched his entire ship."

"Oh, damn, Xero gave you permission?"

"No, Edgar killed someone in front of me and according to the law I am able to order a search and arrest Edgar."

"Oh, even better. Did you find something?"

"A couple of things, but I also found someone. There was a merman."

"Ooh, they're hot." Georgia chuckled.

Just how mermaids are considered attractive it also applies mermen.

"The merman's name is Free'd and his sister is the same one that Sky Rouge took."

"Well perfect. You can go and find Sky Rouge."

"Well… that's the problem. Before I arrested Edgar I heard him talking to one of his subordinates named Lloyd, and I even talked to some other people that were traveling with Lloyd and they all had the same story: Apparently Sky needed money fast and killed the mermaid for her eyes."

"Did you use the eye of truth on them?"

"Obviously I did but I am still going to check it out myself to be sure. And Georgia… I really think this could really lead us to the Nightmare sword." Boris whispered.

"Ooh, I'll let Xero know right away. Oh, and remember to never mention this to anyone else. The less people know the better."

"Agreed. Bye, Georgia." Boris hung up the phone

Georgia stretched out her hands and smiled.

"Georgia." Xero was walking past Georgia and to his room, "any news for me?"

"No, sir, nothing to report. Boris is still looking for the mermaid as we speak." Georgia said.

"Good, carry on."

Georgia smiled to herself while picking up the phone and calling someone else.


Sky was happily playing the violin in front of the gold brick. With his playing the gold brick's mood seemed to improve.

{The gold sentient brick enjoys your music}

{Daily income: 40,000 shells}

'This is easier than I thought.'

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