

I looked out the small window and saw a garden. Every castle had one or two gardens, well I knew that since my father's castle and all the other castles I ever visited had one. I heard a knock at the door and quickly went to stand near it. Rose came in holding a uniform in her hands.

"Good morning. I hope you had a pleasant night Lilly" said Rose with a kind smile on her face which I returned with my own. She placed the clothes on the small bed I slept on. "Get ready and put this on. The lord doesn't like it when we go around without our uniforms."

"Wait so he is seriously going to make me his servant?" I said with a frown on my face. I knew he was someone of highest status rank and also intimidating but I didn't expect him to seriously turn me to a servant.

"You should be thankful that he chose not to suck you dry..... He usually brings girls here and only spends one night with them before draining their blood." Rose turned on her heels and headed for the door.Before opening it, she turned around to say."Oh and please don't tell anyone that I am the one who told you about the Lord sucking girls dry, I'll be next in the list if you do." seeing that I wasn't responding she added "Pretty please."

"Don't worry I won't."

I took a cold bath and got dressed and found Rose waiting for me outside the servants' quarters. Rose brought me to the servants assembly hall, where every servant was given their chores for the day. I was given the task of caring for the King's private garden.

Everybody left except for me as I had no clue where the King's private garden was so I had to wait for Matilda to show me the way.

On our way to the garden, we just happened to meet the one person I wished not to meet. Davin was coming from the opposite direction of the corridor. When I saw him my mind drifted off to what happened last night and I got lost in my thoughts. I could see his mouth moving but I was so lost in thoughts that I couldn't hear him

"Hey are you deaf or what? I'm talking to you you dumb bird." I was pulled out of my thoughts and realised that Davin said something I didn't hear. "Is my voice not loud enough. I thought people with big ears are supposed to hear more."

"I'm sorry its just that I have hearing problems." yeah since I met you my ears have not been working well. I thought to myself.

"Oh really? I could help you get rid of those useless ears of yours." Davin said sarcastically with the side of his mouth pulled up a little. I gave him a side glare as he started to walk past us.

"Matilda!" I heard Davin call the Head maid and we both turned around "How about you go finish doing whatever you are supposed to be doing, I'll show her the way to the garden myself." He looked right at me then put on a charming smile and Matilda bowed and left right away.

I started following him while keeping a safe distance between us. I still couldn't believe he wasn't human. "So tell me. Do you have the habit of going to sleep when someone is about to feed or you just got too tired from doing the dishes?"

"Huh? me?"

"No the dumby behind you." I turned around to see if anyone was behind me and realised I was the dumby he was talking about. I decided to act as if I don't know who he was referring to.

"I don't see anyone behind me." He turned his head to look at me over his shoulder. " That's funny... I thought I saw a dumby behind you. Maybe it was you and I just got confused since you look like a dumby yourself.

One of the guards came behind us. "My lord!" He bowed his head "They have all arrived."

"Well come on hurry, we don't want to keep all the kings waiting now, do we?"

"All the kings?" I asked because I didn't want to meet my father here. Not while I'm in a maid's uniform. I had no idea what he would do or say and I didn't want to know.

"Yes even the king of Windleaf. King Zead. You are from there right? That's where I found you."

"You mean that's where you kidnapped me" I whispered to myself thinking he wouldn't hear me.

"Oh no, I would never do that. You were unconscious so I didn't want you to be the meal for the wild animals in that forest so I brought you with me." Liar liar liar. I thought to myself.

We reached his quarters and he lead me to the far end of the corridor of the quarters. It looked like a sealed wall but I was suprized to see Davin open a door there. We walked out of the tiny door and what I saw was breathtaking.

I would never have imagined that such a beautiful garden existed and was hidden behind a wall. I had seen gardens in the past but this one was simply exceptional. I wanted to run right into the garden due to the excitement I felt but Davin was in front and I chose to act like a lady just this one time.

He showed me where to find all the tools I would need for gardening and left to go to his meeting with the kings. I wonder why all those powerful kings are under his rule or rather afraid of him, could it be because he is something more powerful than a human? I thought to myself.

As I walked further into the garden I noticed a that there was a swing on the center of the garden. I walked up to it and noticed how old and rusted it was. I wondered why an old swing like that could be kept in the middle of such a beautiful garden.

I decided to get to work after exploring the garden. I didn't have to do much work since the plants and flowers were already watered. I noticed some water pipes in some parts of the garden and thought the plants didn't need watering.

I started removing the plants that were wilting and any weed that I could spot. I thought maybe someone would come help me out since the garden was a big one but to my surprise, help never came. Just like the day before, I was put to work with an empty stomach. I wasn't complaining that much since back home father would not let me take my meals as a punishment.

It had been hours since I started working and I was getting tired. I wanted to go out to the kitchen to look for food but I couldn't find the exit. I got tired of looking for the exit so I just gave up and sat down on one of the many rocks that were placed in the garden.

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