
Nice, Difficult Objective, Snowstorm, Battle, Old Friend and Young Queen of Brune

The third army of Britannia was currently on a hill watching the battle between the noble army and the Queen's army.

Nice is a massive stronghold that is quite hard to breach, however, the defending army only had 5,000 men against an invasion force of at least 25,000.

The 25,000 soldiers were climbing ladders and ramming the city gates trying to breach the city. Meanwhile, the soldiers inside the gates were defending the city with everything they got. If they fail, then the city will get pillaged.

Most of the soldiers were conscripts without any training, so this battle is like a squabble between children in the eyes of the Britannian army.

Karin, wearing her long cape, had her arms crossed. She was watching this "battle" with keen interest in her eyes, she was trying to completely annihilate both armies, leaving no survivors.

Annihilating armies in the medieval times was an extremely hard thing to do since most soldiers would end up running when 10% of their battalion was destroyed, destroying an entire army to the root was something that rarely happened in history.

Soon enough the invading force managed to breach one of the gates and 25,000 soldiers rampaged inside the city, pillaging and burning anything in their way.


Karin only yelled one word and her messenger immediately understood what he had to do.

Karin's battle flag was raised and the army started marching. They managed to sneak into one of the hills without being detected, mostly because Karin killed most of the enemy scouts and spread misinformation about the location of her army.

When the noble soldiers realised it was too late... her army hit their rear and smashed right through, most of them were busy pillaging the city to even realise they were being slaughtered like sheeps.

The noble army was now sandwiched between the Queen's army and Karin's army, there was no escape.

They were too deep into the city to be able to escape. There was only one exit and that was the gates from which they entered, but for them to escape they need to pass through Karin's army.

The entire city served as a cage for the noble army and the Queen's army. The soldiers seeing Britannian flags ripped off their uniforms, hid in civilian houses, tried to swim through the river... they would do anything to not get killed, any method they could think to run away from the Britannian army.

The army is known throughout the world as a merciless army that rarely takes prisoners... fighting them was not an option, if you want to live that is.

Karin who was, watching her army ravage through the poor enemy soldiers, laughed.

"We should be careful with whom we kill, Karin-sama. We cannot kill the Queen or we will face the wrath of the King's sister, Shiro... "

The poor subordinate couldn't even finish his sentence before he was kicked on the chin, falling on the ground, his head was ringing.

"I don't need you to remind me. That little brat is too spoiled... tell the soldiers not to kill any woman and to not touch them. Unless they want to face the wrath of our King."

The subordinate's face was extremely pale when he heard Karin's words. Provoking the King's wrath is never a good idea. After hearing her, he immediately dashed out to spread the orders.

"Now that the annoyance is gone, let's continue our little massacre."

A cruel smile appeared on her lips.




Meanwhile, Oemitsu was face to face with the Muozinel army. They met at the gates of Polesia and the two armies were starring at each other. The only thing that was stopping them from fighting was the massive snow storm that was denying any vision of the enemy.

"My King, if we fight in this weather it will be impossible to communicate between flanks, the battlefield will become chaotic. We are outnumbered three to one, I suggest we retreat and scorch the earth of Polesia."

Ou Ki, dressed in his iconic armor, advised Oemitsu while tapping his large bardiche on the ground.

Fighting in this horrible weather was not a good idea and it also didn't help the fact that they were outnumbered three to one.

Britannia had around 100,000 soldiers while Muozinel had around 300,000 soldiers.

"Oemitsu please don't. If you scorch the earth, thousands of innocents will die in the aftermath of the war."

Sofy, holding her golden staff, countered not wanting to see her population starve. This was clearly a statement that cause a lot of inconveniences to the Britannian army, however, to Oemitsu this mattered little.

"We will charge in the storm. We will fight blindly if we have to, it doesn't matter where we fight our army knows no defeat."

Hearing Oemirtu's words, Ou Ki immediately protested.

"My King, the risk is not worth it, crushing this army will bring almost no benefit to our Empire..."

Oemitsu, however, shook his head before interjecting right before ou Ki could finish his sentence.

"You are thinking about the entire situation wrongly. I am not interested in crushing their army... I am interested in the person leading that army."

Ou Ki immediately understood where his King was getting at, he didn't need further explaining.

Eleonora, on the other hand, tilted her head. She was rather confused at the situation in the war concil, so she asked the question that everyone was asking inside their minds.

"What do you mean by that? If I remember correctly, the one leading their army is Kureys Shahim Balamir, the Muozinel King's younger brother."

Oemitsu smiled and laughed, she knew that and she didn't understood where he was getting at.

"Yes, my old friend, Kureys... a shame he has to die, today. Let me ask you something what do you think will happen if the Chief Commander of the Muozinel Army dies?"

Eleonora was thinking hard on the question, it looked like it was a rather simple question but with Oemitsu nothing is that simple.

Elizavetta, who had crossed her arms below her breasts and her slender finger on her plump lips, on the other hand realised what this meant.

"Without the Chief Command of the army, the nation will be greatly weakened."

Oemitsu smiled and nodded.

"We will destroy Kurey's army and we will kill him. Afterwards, we will reunite with the third army of Britannia that is currently capturing the capital of Brune, Nice. With our two armies combined we will plunge our dagger deeper into Muozinel's territory."

Lim immediately understood what this meant and voiced out her opinion.

"With the destruction of Brune and Muozinel there will only be one kingdom left... Asvarre."

Oemitsu laughed and rose up from his chair.

"You heard my orders, we charge in the middle of this storm. We are destined to win as it is my will to do so. Remember this land runs on might and only the mightiest warrior will be able to conquer it."

With their King's orders the council was ended.




Drums were beaten and flags were raised, the Britannian army charged head on with no fear.

The Muozinel army was not expecting such charge head on in the middle of a storm so they were caught off guard. Like thunder, the Britannian army fell upon their enemies, preying on their foes in the middle of the storm.

Kureys was not an amateur and immediately sacrificed 100,000 of his soldiers and ordered the formation of a defensive wall, however, the storm made it difficult to spread out his orders.

Everyone in Oemitsu's family was shredding their opponents.

The always lightly clothed Menchi, was in charge of slicing, burning and freezing the soldiers. Vergo, dressed in his formal suit, disregarding any armor, after all, his very own skin was his armor, was destroying the soldiers bodies with each swing of his staff. And Ponzu, who had a swarm of bees rotating around her, was using these bees to enter inside the soldiers armor and kill them with their stings.

Oemitsu was... being Oemitsu. He had his black armor and icy blue sword. With each swing of his sword a soldier was dying. Be it cutting, slicing or freezing, Oemitsu was killing anyone who dared to step on his way.

He restrained himself from using his Conqueror's Haki because his family was actively fighting against Kureys' army, instead of staying behind like they oftenly did.

Even Eleonora, Sofy and Elizavetta were fighting, using their signature skills to further terrorize the enemies.

With each second that passed, dozens of soldiers died by their hands. The beautiful white snow that was below their feet, was slowly being colored with crimson red. This color was from the blood of the fallen soldiers that was being spilled on it.

Dead bodies were the only thing that remained when they moved. Some were swolen and had froth coming out of their mouth, some were cleanly sliced in half or had punctured in the middle of their eyes, some were burned to ash, others were frozen into beautiful ice statues or became many ice cubes containing frozen flesh inside.

The only ones who weren't participating in this slaughter were Neon, since she was useless in combat, Shiro, whose combat prowess was nonexistent, Pakunoda, who was taking care of Shiro and Machi, and Shizuku, who was ordered to take care of Shiro.

Seeing his army starting to halt their advance in front of the now reorganised Muozinel army, Oemitsu looked at his family before they nodded, telling him that he could advance. After seeing this, Oemitsu forced his way through the center of the Muozinel army in the direction of their main military camp.




After breaching the camp of the Muozinel army, Oemitsu was face to face with Kureys. Kureys had his sword on his hand, unwilling to die without fighting. He refused to run, he would rather die than abandoning his soldiers, letting them die just for him to live.

Seeing his former friend's resistance, Oemitsu smiled before he dashed and brought down his sword. Cuttting Kureys in half, separating his waist from his torso, without almost no resistance, while Kureys is a genious military leader he is not that much of a fighter...

"So this is how I meet my end? In the hands of an old friend."

Kureys laughed, while a foutain of blood came from his sliced lower half, since he was the one that helped Oemitsu and his Empire rise up to a global power.

"You know, if I didn't force my way through, you would have won. You are a good general, but you stood no chance."

Kureys laughed at Oemitsu's words. Little by little he started to lose consciousness.

"We are not that much different you and I. Fate has made us enemies, what a cruel world we live in. But maybe in another life, we might have been able to be real friends..."

Oemitsu approached him and slowly drove his blade through Kureys' skull, ending his life. Even in death he still regarded Oemitsu as his friend.

"Maybe in another life but not on this one..."




Karin breached through the palace of Nice, where the young Queen was barricaded. This was the last attempt of resistance from the young Queen, however, the end result was the same.

Regin Estelle Loire Bastien do Charles was on her throne, watching Karin enter with her soldiers.

The Queen was wearing a silver armor, with two shoulder pads covering her shoulders entirely. Her armours covered everything but half of her breasts.

Her royal guards tried to defend her but they were quickly killed by Karin and her man. The entire room was secured rather quickly, now the only thing left was the Queen.

"You are rather a problematic person to find your majesty. There is a little girl that has been searching for you. She is missing.... What did she call you again?! Oh Right! Her pet! I almost forgot."

Regin's face darkened before it fell into despair as Karin slowly walked up the stairs to her throne.

"I would rather.... I would rather die then going back to that hell!"

Regin said as she gripped a knife that was on her hand and brought it close to her neck. Karin kept coming to closer and closer to her.

"If you do that, then I will stop restraining my soldiers. They will massacre every single citizen inside Brune, we will leave none alive. Now do it, kill yourself. It will just give me an excuse to massacre everyone in Brune."

Karin said as she finally reached near the Queen.

Without any delay she slapped the Queen with enough strength that a bruise could be seen on her face and she was immediately send to the ground. Karin then took the knife off that fell on the ground and broke it with her own bare hands.

"That was close you bitch! If you killed yourself I would have been executed! The King spoils his sister rotten and if she complained to him then he would probably kill me! You almost costed me my life you bitch!"

Karin screamed before she apporached Regin and grabbed her by the hair and started dragging her outside of the palace. Regin was flailing her legs and trying to losen Karin's hold of her hair, but to no avail.

"Now you will behave and I will lead you back to you master."

Karin said as she refused to release Regin's hair and she kept dragging her. This just increased Regin's struggles.

"No, please don't take me back! I beg of you, let me go! PLEASE!!!"

Regin screamed, extremely desperate that her worst nightmares were happening right in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Without wanting to deal with such an annoyance, Karin lifted her before punching her on the stomach, knocking her out.

"Now the march will be a lot quieter."

Karin said after sighing. She had to knock her out, after all, she could hurt herself with the huge amount of effort that she was putting to escape... and if that happened... maybe Karin would be the one to pay for her injuries.

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