

once Dylan twisted the spear and killed him he grabs ahold of the shaken Elizabeth and puts her on his back carrying her he then proceeds to use his mana and he crystalizes their pathway then he runs for a few seconds then just slides the rest of the way until he gets to their freedom exit aka the destroyed barriers (just imagen then sliding on ice)

"so this is my mana some type of ice/water type"

"hm, well I can see that we're going too fast"

"Dylan, at this pace we're going to get injured if we run into anything"

"I know, they can't catch us if we're fast."

they are losing In on their exit ticket, just then Dylan can see the scientists and some guards lined up blocking the exit.

"Elizabeth any ideas"

"Hmm, yeah hold on to my thighs tighter"


"excuse me"

"just do it"


as he held her thighs tighter he felt how soft yet tender they are which getts him wondering about if the rest of her body is to

"alright Elizabeth do something"

"Shut it"

as she says that she propels us into the air with her flames (now hold on readers blood types can be classified into different elements like water, fire, wind, earth, lighting, etc you should be able to get the picture now right? and all the blood type mana does is change the elements color to a blood red color and intensifies the power by 3 because of how rare they are but holy mana will counter it)

"Elizabeth now what"

"fling me forward while holding my hands"

as Dylan does it makes them faster spinning but there falling faster so as a last resort Elizabeth lets go of Dylan and he goes soraing but of course not with out her.

he waits for what she does and just as she starts getting out of eye sight she uses her flames and prpels herself until they latch hands and prepare for lading.

"Elizabeth, hold on"

there hundred-twenty meters from the ground so he uses the last remaining of his mana to make a water sphere around them so it would take the impact of the fall. ( also readers when someone runs out of mana they go to sleep to recover mana unless you have medicine, herbs, or potions and right now they have none)

"Elizabeth im exalted-"

Elizabeth smiles because him and her made it out of that hell now it is time to survive in the forest for while.

"now since he's asleep time for shelter"

she walks around for awhile before finding a decent sized cave and places Dylan in there to rest, now she had to go hunt for food.

later in the cave she planed on making clothes out of the hide but decided against it, she now is cooking animal meat she also knows shes not great at it though she will learn soon

"Ahh, it hurts make it stop"

Elizabeth's cooking was stoped because of Dylan screaming she just sat there confused and watched as his body was being changed, first it was his meat teeth the two top got longer and sharper while the bottom ones got just a little taller and sharper, next his eyes which were originally gray turned purple with a hint of red, next was his skin got lighter.

while all of this was happening Elizabeth was joyful because of the fact that he is like her now but not a blood mana user.

Dylan woke up but he was suffering from Hyperkalemic because of mana draining and he was tired and slugish

he smelt the food and asked when it was going to be done she replied with

"almost done"

"Elizabeth you wont leave me right?"

"what makes you think I would"

"its just a question"

"no i would never leave you"

" you know you would make the perfect wife one day"


"thanks..... but im already one to someone"

"HUH, that makes no since, because I've been around you seen I was sold to that facility, and you were never social soo..... WAIT hold the fuck up I still have a future ahead of me and besides the way I think as long as don't lose my virgity im a free bird I didn't lose my virgity to you so im not yours and you ain't mine".

"What im not good enough for you or something"

"no god, no your perfect everyway too perfect for me any way I couldn't take away a chance for you to find the right soulmate.


'huh its soft... Shes kissing me god damn it, whatever'

several seconds later we both separate from one another as we do you could see a string of Silvia her face was flustered

"how did it feel"


"I-I didn't expect it, but I was floating on clouds if that makes you feel better"


"yeah promise"


"is the meat done"

"Oh yeah hold on"

she served him his food while she at too

"um, may I ask where we will sleep?"


so apparently when I was out cold she made a big Ass sleeping bag for us but I refused to sleep next to her so I moved to the edge and was going to sleep there but she rolled over to me and held me close to her..

several hours later when Elizabeth was asleep I used my mana and crystallized myself and vaporized into air and reappeared out side the cave thing

"damn who would have thought that she booby traped the damn place"

but he managed to get out of there and started going out for a midnight walk when he noticed people walking with looked like a demi-human the funny thing was she was carrying them around to a den, so curiosity got the better of me and I followed them and found out that she was diceting them alive 'sigh' so I left a got lost on the way back and found a river,

"I should probably bathe"

few minutes later he was done and heading out when he noticed it was six or seven in the morning.

"I should probably head back to find my way before..."


my name eched for miles and I happened to hear it sadly I headed back though the way the echos came from and killed a few animals to eat when I get back. when I happened to get back I heard crying and talking.

"I knew this would happen as soon as I told him he got scared and ran away stupid me shouldn't have said anything" *Sniff* *Sniff*.

"I don't know if I should have walked in on that but I got breakfast"

"Dylan you didn't leave me"

"no why would I"

she tackled me to the ground and started crying I let her cry for a while until I got hungry.

"Elizabeth the food im hungry"

"oh no worry I will start it just wait a few minutes"

few minutes later we ate and it was time to pack our stuff and leave.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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ok time for me to go to bed!

KiyoshiTsukicreators' thoughts
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