
Once More, Stand, Avdima

Blinking a few times with eyelids that seemed adamant about staying shut, Avdima muttered out between his lips simultaneously dry and cracked, yet drenched in his own blood. 

Like a zombie from the dirt, the man with a hole straight through his chest somehow stood himself up as blood gushed out from the open wounds on his body. 

Can't...see, he thought. 

"Fai Meng...are you there?"

Avdima asked, listening only to the ringing in his ears as he wobbled in place, somehow maintaining his balance. With his senses diminished by his body that sat in the grasps of death tighter than any other, he could only sense the destructive mana being formed far above his own head. 

"Plan Cataclysm...fools. This was my battle, not yours. They fought for their lives, and won. They bled, and remained victorious. Don't you dare...trample on their victory…"

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