

"Do you think they're going to meet us halfway because of that move?"

Ren asked, keeping up with the short-haired girl as she moved at a hastened paste. She had opted to take the leftmost bridge; somewhat to Ren's dismay as it had a sharp incline without any railings to hold on to.

"--No. Though we might run into others beforehand."


"No killing. I know."

The swift girl was quick to intercept his words with her own, clearly, a bit perturbed by the handicap bestowed upon their alliance. Ren could only find it somewhat depressing that a girl her age was reliant on killing.

--I can't imagine what kind of life she likely led up to this point to have no hesitation with taking another life. At that age, your blissful days of immaturity and stress-free days should be the peak of your life--not this.

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