
Not possible

"I have to say that Aunt Stella's home is really nice, we should have come here sooner" said Maddie with a smile as Annie shook her head.

"Oh so now you say that, remind me again who didn't want to come here in the first place?" asked Annie with a smile.

"Well that was before Annie, before, now that I see how quiet and peaceful everywhere is gentle, I like it" said Maddie with a smile as she unpacked all her things into the closet.

"You see Maddie, you were the one who didn't want to go, and now you like it so much that you want to stay" said Annie.

"I mean this place is just so calm to run away to" said Maddie with a smile as she looked out the window and they had a view of the beautiful forest right outside their window.

"Then if you want to run away and be alone, maybe I should get my own room" said Annie as Maddie looked at her.

"Not a chance Annie, we are roommates for life, besides, the change of scenery is just nice to say the least" said Maddie with a smile.

"I did not know that Aunt Stella's house would be so big and beautiful, If I had a house like this, I wouldn't go anywhere at all" said Maddie as Annie laughed.

"Oh hi Matt" said Annie with a smile as Matt walked into the room.

"Hi Annie" said Matt with a smile.

"Maddie was just talking about how much she loves it here" said Annie as she laughed.

"I know, I heard, and I agree with Annie, you didn't want to come here in the first place" said Matt as he laughed.

"Of course you agree with Annie, but I rest my case, you both can say what you want, but I feel so peaceful here" said Maddie with a smile.

"Hi guys" came Ollie's voice as he entered into the room.

"Scratch that, I take it back, it so take it back" said Maddie in a groan.

"Hi Ollie, what are you doing here?" asked Annie with a smile.

"He's stalking us that's what" said Maddie in annoyance as she scoffed, she thought that this would be a time to be alone and forget everything and everyone, she thought that it would be peaceful here, but no a chance, with this blondie here.

"I'm not stalking you, I went to the Palace as usual, and I couldn't find you anywhere, until I found out that the Chancellor moved you all to her house, so I asked her if I could come here and she agreed" said Ollie with a smile.

"You see blondie, that's just the definition of stalking, but of course a pampered Prince like you who is used to getting what he wants won't realize that you are being unfair by following us" said Maddie.

"We are friends Maddie, I just wanted to check on you guys" said Ollie.

"I know you did Ollie, and thank you for that" said Annie with a smile as Ollie smiled at her, she and Maddie were complete opposites, and yet they got along so well, he wondered if he and Maddie would eventually get along.

"Oh blondie, please don't tell me that you are coming over here as well, I would rather sleep outside than in the same building as you" said Maddie.

"That's far Maddie, too far" said Matt as Maddie ignored him and Annie shook her head, what could she say? Ollie obviously knew that Maddie was just like this.

"Well I won't be staying here, so you don't have to worry Maddie" said Ollie with a smile.

"Good, well in that case, Matt take this blondie far away from here, I'm not in the right mood to think of good insults" said Maddie as Annie frowned.

"Got it, let's go dude" said Matt as Ollie followed after him.

"See you Annie" said Ollie with a smile.

"Bye" said Annie with a smile as Matt and Ollie left.

"You know Maddie, you should try to treat Ollie better" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Not possible" replied Maddie.

"Aww come on Maddie, be nice to him for me" said Annie with a cute smile on her face.

"Not a chance Annie, don't look at me like that, it won't work" said Maddie as Annie sighed.

"Besides, I am already being as nice to him as it is by not smashing his face in every time I see him" said Maddie.

"Do that and you would get arrested, I won't even try to help you if you do that" said Annie.

"Oh so you would rather side with the blondie than with me?" asked Maddie.

"Maddie, you know that I side with you always, but when you are being unreasonable I don't" said Annie with a sigh.

"Just know that I support you in everything, but not with Ollie, just try to treat him as a friend and no an enemy, he's on our side" said Annie.

"You might think so, but I don't, he's might be on your side, but he's not on mine" replied Maddie as Annie sighed.

"It seems that Maddie's hatred for me is growing day by day instead of reducing" said Ollie as he and Matt were outside in the garden.

"Honestly, I don't know what to tell you dude, that's just how Maddie is" said Matt.

"If she likes you, then she likes you, and If she hates you, you are a goner" said Matt as he laughed.

"That's not funny Matt, really" said Ollie.

"I know dude, sorry" said Matt as he laughed.

"Anyway, don't you think that moving here is a bit… weird" said Ollie.

"Well Maddie said the same thing, but well we don't know anything" said Matt.

"If you ask me, fixes in the Palace can be done while you all still stay there" said Ollie.

"Which makes me wonder that there might be another reason why the Chancellor and everyone else preferred for you to move over here" said Ollie.

"There is a reason, we just don't know it, with things like these, we end up finding out at the end" said Matt.

"Well what did Curtis say about this?" asked Ollie as he looked at Matt.

"Nothing much as always, but it's clear that he is in support of this" said Matt.

"Of course he is, but something fishy is going on here, and I don't want to outrightly assume that it has something to do with Azazel, it might be something else after all" said Ollie as Matt nodded.

"Which reminds me, I wanted to talk to Maddie about something, but she is not in a tolerable mood today" said Ollie as he was beginning to wonder if Maddie was easier to talk to when she was sad.

"Yeah, what is it?" asked Matt.

"Has Maddie ever thought of the possibility of her mother regaining her memories?" asked Ollie.

"I can't answer that, I don't know if she has" said Matt.

"I thought so" said Ollie.

"Why do you think so?" asked Matt.

"If you ask me, I think sending Clove to Azazel's camp was not a matter of trust or convenience but of something else" said Ollie.

"Something like what?" asked Matt.

"I don't know for sure, but the Chancellor and Curtis are in on it" said Ollie.

"I believe that if you uncomplicate everything, Clove is still Clove, and the timelines have merged, she is still alive, there is a possibility that she can get her lost memories back, and if that happens, we can either have a big problem, or an answer to our problems" said Ollie.

"Why would we have those two scenarios exactly?" asked Matt.

"Well Clove could remember her memories, and from what I heard, she wanted to stop the war last time, but that didn't happen, if she tries again, she will enter into danger" said Ollie.

"And at the same time it can be an answer to all our problems if Clove remembers, and then Azazel remembers as well, it could change everything, and end everything as well" said Ollie.

"Now tell me which one of the two scenarios is best?" asked Ollie.

"The second one" said Matt.

"Exactly, the second one, that's the scenario that the Chancellor and Curtis are hoping for, now It makes so much sense why they chose the option they did" said Ollie.

"If you are right about this, then it's best that you don't tell Maddie, this will get her upset and a huge fight will happen" said Matt.

"I know Maddie, and she doesn't want her mother to remember her or Azazel, she would rather her be happy not knowing the truth, than knowing the truth and maybe going back to the way that she was before" said Matt.

"So I shouldn't tell her?" asked Ollie.

"For the sake of her own happiness, do not tell her, this stays between us, only if she figures it out herself, then we can tell her about It" said Matt.

"Okay then, if you say so" said Ollie as Matt nodded, Maddie was happy right now, he didn't want to ruin her happiness for her.

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