
Best friends

"You know, this is not too bad at all" said Ollie to himself as he smiled and he was reading a book, the book he was reading was one about the history of spells, it was the volume three books, since he had already read volumes one and two.

Ollie glanced and looked at Annie as she was reading silently, and then he looked at Matt who also seemed to be reading as well and then finally he looked at Maddie a she was reading and she seemed to be enjoying the book she was reading as she smiled happily, which made him smile as he went back to reading as well.

He had to say that this was not as boring as he thought it would be, he was so used to reading on his own in utter silence, and when he usually did, he books he read were never interesting, they were either about the Realm, or the other Realms, or on official matters, so he had to say that it was fun to be surrounded by people who were the same age as you.

"*Ahem*" said Ollie as he cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him as Maddie frowned knowing that this guy just wanted some attention, which made her very annoyed.

"What is it blondie?" asked Maddie as she did not look pleased at all, and she was just getting to the cutest part of the Cat she was reading about.

"You know, I was just wondering, we are best friends, and yet we don't know anything about each other" said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie's face contorted as she wondered just what gave this guy the sheer amount of confidence that he had.

Since when were they all best friends?? Last time she checked they were not even friends at all.

"Since when were we best friends?" asked Maddie as she was just holding herself right now, for the sake of her good friends who did not want to see her locked up in prison for beating up a spoilt, pampered Prince.

"Since we all met, remember" said Ollie as she smiled.

"Actually No… No I don't remember" said Maddie as she shook her head, she did not remember inviting him to the friend group, the guy just invited himself and he was getting way too comfortable for his own good.

"Well that Is because you have bad memory" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Alright that's it" said Maddie angrily as she stood up and she was about to walk to where Ollie was to teach him a nice lesson on how not to insult people who do not deserve to be insulted.

"Maddie calm down" said Matt as he stood up and he stopped Maddie.

"But he…" said Maddie as she pointed at Ollie.

"But nothing Maddie" said Matt.

"Please Maddie, don't…" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Ugh fine!, just because you asked me" said Maddie as she scoffed and she went back to sit down on the couch as she rolled her eyes at Ollie, she was going to get him for this, he better just thank Annie and Matt who wanted to save him, or else, she would have dealt with him the way he deserved.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" said Ollie as he smiled and Annie shook her head no because he should learn to be careful or else, they would not be able to save him from Maddie for long.

"We need to know more about each other" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Well what do you want to know?" asked Matt as he looked at Ollie, the guy was not that bad, he was just too extra… at all times, which was very annoying.

"Hmm I know, lets start with out ages" said Ollie as he smiled.

"How old are you all?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

mA"I'm eighteen" replied Matt simply.

"I'm sixteen" said Annie as she smiled.

"And you grouchy?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he turned to look at Maddie as he winked at her, which made her scoff, she felt like punching that stupid smile off his face.

"Why do you need to know my age anyway?" asked Maddie.

"Be nice Maddie" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"*Sigh*, Fine" said Maddie as she sighed and Annie smiled.

"I'm seventeen" said Maddie lazily as she sighed, she was being forced to speak to this annoying Blondie.

"Oh cool" said Ollie as he smiled, his guesses were more or less right, all except for Matt's age, and also Maddie's age, if you asked him, he thought that she looked way too old she looked older than seventeen, gosh she looked like a old woman, he was sure that it was because she frowned too much.

"I'm nineteen" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Wow… you are three years older than me" said Annie as she laughed, she was surprised, Ollie didn't look that old at all, in fact, it looked like he was about her age.

"Yes I am" said Ollie as he smiled.

"You don't look nineteen at all" said Matt.

"I know right? I have a young face heh" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Well I guess it's not true what they say about age" said Maddie as she snickered.

"What do you mean grouchy?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he looked at Maddie.

"Well you are nineteen, and yet you act like a child" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I should say the same about you" said Ollie.

"You are only seventeen, and yet you look like you are middle aged, I am sure it is because you frown too much" said Ollie as he frowned and Annie and Matt could not help but hold back their laughter as they both snickered but the smile on their faces were rubbed off as soon as they saw the deadly look on Maddie's face.

"You know what blondie…" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"I really don't like you" she said.

"And for the sake of my own sanity and your face still looking that pretty, you better take back what you said" said Maddie as she smiled sweetly at Ollie and he felt a shiver run down his spine, he had never seen her so scary before.

"I take it back, only because I was just joking in the first place" said Ollie as she smiled.

"Mhmm" said Maddie as the smile on her face dropped for a second and she went back to smiling like nothing happened.

It was then that Ollie knew that he did not know Maddie Wolf at all, and she was dangerous, extremely dangerous.

"What are you looking for?" asked Stella as she looked at Curtis as he was moving the holographic map of the witch realm as he zoomed in.

"I will find it soon" said Curtis as he was fully focused on what he was doing at the moment.

"There it is" said Curtis as he stopped zooming in.

"What?" asked Stella.

"The mountain" said Curtis.

"Yes, I see it" said Stella.

"But it is just a regular mountain, is it not?" asked Stella as she looked at Curtis.

"No" said Curtis as he shook his head.

"It's not just a regular mountain" said Curtis as he looked at Stella.

"Do you mean??" asked Stella.

"Yes…" said Curtis as he nodded his head.

"But… are you sure? I mean I don't know much, but I feel like this Is just a daydream idea" said Stella.

"The thing is Annie did not loose her powers, she traded them…she traded her powers for my life" said Curtis.

"The revive spell has done as it was created to do" said Curtis.

"So right now, we are not trying to retrieve her powers, they are long gone" said as he explained.

"So what are we trying to do exactly then?" asked Stella as she looked at Curtis seriously.

"We are trying to restore them" said Curtis.

"And how exactly will we do that?" asked Stella.

"That is what I am currently trying to find out… because it is not a straight road at all" said Curtis.

"Annie is a Grey and by now you should know that what usually works for normal witches doesn't work for her" said Curtis.

"So what are you going to do then?" asked Stella.

"Give me some time to be a hundred percent sure first, and then I will tell you" said Curtis as he seemed to be thinking.

"Alright then Curtis" said Stella.

"I will leave you be, but make sure you are very certain of what you are saying" said Stella as she really wanted to have some good news and not any bad news to crush her hope, they were still desperately searching for Azazel, with no luck of finding him at all.

"Believe me Stella, I will make sure that I am" said Curtis and Stella nodded her head, she was going to trust him, and she really did hope that he had finally found something.

Happy Valentines day everyone hehe!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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