
Check on you

"Good Morning Annie, Good Morning Maddie" said Matt as he walked to where Annie and Maddie were eating breakfast in the cafeteria

"Good Morning Matt" replied Annie as she looked up with a smile.

"Morning Matt" said Maddie as she looked a little gloomy.

"Someone looks like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" said Matt as he sat down at Annie and Maddie's table.

The Cafeteria was empty at always, Annie, Maddie and Matt were sure, that apart from them, no one else ate in here.

"Haha she really did, we stayed up late yesterday, and every since this morning, she's been like this" said Annie as she laughed.

"Ahh I see" said Matt as he poured some juice for himself.

"Yes, so what are you going to eat?" asked Annie

"Hmm I don't know" said Matt as he seemed to be thinking.

"Well you better choose quickly, because I think that at this point, we'll leave you here still deciding" said Annie as she laughed.

"No way I would think for that long" said Matt as he laughed.

"Well we never know" said Annie as she laughed.

"Haha right" said Matt

"Anyway do you know where Curtis is?" asked Matt

"He should probably be in the infirmary?? why do you ask?" asked Annie

"I was going to ask him to be my roommate" said Matt

"You really like Curtis being your roommate don't you?" asked Annie

"Yes, well because it's lonely being all by myself, and also, I think that we are very close, even though he doesn't show it" said Matt as he laughed.

"Oh really, well okay then, but just know that you can never replace me, I will forever be Curtis's favourite, he is my guardian" said Annie as he laughed and flexed how close she and Curtis were.

"Well I can easily replace you" said Matt as he smirked

"Ha, in your dreams" said Annie as she laughed.

"Oh we'll see" said Matt as he laughed

"So do you want to bet?" asked Matt as he smirked

"Oooh why no--" said Annie as she was suddenly cut off by Maddie

"Can you two just be quiet and let me eat my oats in peace" said Maddie as she was annoyed.

"Gosh geez Maddie, okay relax" said Annie

"Yes Maddie relax, fine we won't talk anymore" said Matt as he and Annie went very quiet.

Maddie looked up, her eyes moved from Annie and the to Matt and then to Annie again, who were looking at her very worriedly and it made her feel bad for snapping at them.

"Okay look, I'm sorry geez, you guys are making me feel bad" said Maddie

"It's fine Maddie, right Annie?" asked Matt as he looked at Annie.

"Right" said Annie as she nodded her head.

"Thanks you guys" said Maddie

"I didn't mean it like that, I just have this splitting headache" said Maddie as she touched the right side of her forehead.

"Then why didn't you say that before?" asked Annie

"I thought it would go away, but it's gotten worse" said Maddie as she scrunched her face in pain.

"Is it that bad?" asked Matt in concern

"Unbearable" replied Maddie

"Well then what do we do??" asked Annie as she was already worrying, this was why Maddie didn't want to tell them, Annie was more or less the overreactor.

"Stop worrying, I'm fine, I am sure that it will go away soon" said Maddie

"Are you sure Maddie?" asked Matt as he also looked worried.

"Yes guys relax, I'm sure" said Maddie as she smiled to try to reassure them.

"Gosh you both are looking like I'm going to die or something" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Well we worry about you" said Matt

"Yes Matt is right, we do, we are friends aren't we?" asked Annie

"Aww you guys are so sweet" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Haha I will be fineee, you guys can go back to talking about who deserves Curtis's affection more" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Hey" said Annie as she laughed.

"What?? when it's the truth, besides we all know that me and Curtis are the closest, we have this kind of dynamic relationship" said Maddie

"Oh really since when??" asked Matt

"It's a well known fact" said Maddie as she looked smug

"No it's not, I never knew that" said Annie as she laughed.

"Wow just go ask Curtis himself, he knows what's up" said Maddie smugly

"You know what maybe we should, because I am shocked at this new development" said Annie as she laughed.

"Yes yes we do need to get him over here" said Matt

"I have nothing to hide, go on call him, he will agree with me" said Maddie

"I am shocked by the sheer confidence you have, when we all know that you are lying" said Annie as she laughed.

"I know right??" said Matt as he was also shocked.

"Well as the saying goes, if you walk into a room with extreme confidence, no one would know any better than to trust you" said Maddie

"Wow Maddie just wow" said Annie

"I bet that Curtis must be sneezing where he is" said Annie as she laughed.

"That must be dangerous considering that he's in the lab" said Matt

"True, so we better stop talking about him" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Good Morning Children" said Captious as he walked into the cafeteria and he made his way to the table where they were sitting.

Talk about perfect timing, well now they could stop talking about Curtis like Maddie said.

"Good Morning Uncle Captious" said Annie with a smile.

"Good Morning Professor" said Maddie and Matt.

"How are you all doing?" asked Captious as he smiled back.

"I am good Uncle" said Annie

"I am good Professor" said Maddie

"I am good" said Matt

"That's good to know" said Captious

"Uncle Captious, I didn't know that you had arrived" said Annie

"Ahh yes, I just arrived yesterday" said Captious

"And I just came to check on you all" said Captious

"Especially you Annie, how are you doing after what happened?" asked Captious

"Well I'm good Uncle, there is really nothing much there, and besides, I'm here and, I'm alright," said Annie

"Good, very good, I am glad that you are okay" said Captious

"Haha Uncle" said Annie as she laughed.

Both her mom and dad and were only children, so she never had and Aunties, Uncles or cousins to play with, but it felt nice to have some more family who cared about you.

"Well that is all I wanted to say, I must get going now" said Captious

"Okay Uncle Bye" said Annie as she smiled.

"Bye Professor" said Maddie and Matt.

"Ahh before I go, Maddie that should help your headache" said Captious as he waved his hand.

"Oooh how did you know that I had a headache?" asked Maddie as she suddenly felt relieved.

"Dear girl your face said it all" said Captious as he laughed.

"Ahh Thank you, I feel so much better now" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You are most welcome" said Captious as he smiled back and left.

Meanwhile back in Azazel's Camp.

Nia was walking around aimlessly, she had nothing to do, and nowhere else to be, since she was given the day off.

She wasn't really the type to socialize like the other witches around her, and now with Clove giving her the impossible task of interacting with a male today, she was sure that she would never do it.

Nia was looking for where to hide when she suddenly got glimpse of Selene, she quickly turned around in order not to cross paths with Selene, she did not want any drama today.

But then it hit her, why was she running?? she obviously had the upper hand, so she did not need to run, in fact it was Selene's job to run, considering that she had dirt against her.

So Nia did what she never thought that she would do, she turned around and stood her ground, by that time Selene had gotten closer, and as soon as she saw Nia, the smile on her face went sour.

Selene passed by Nia, without even making eye contact like she did not exist, in the mere second that they crossed paths, both of them acted like the other was not in the picture.

"That's how it's done" said Nia as she smiled to herself, now she did not have to run for Selene.

"Well I better go find something to do, I feel so useless" said Nia to herself

"Vile girl" muttered Selene under her breath as she walked away.

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