
Letter Sent

Despite having felt like a solid rock as I went to bed last night, a quick bath this morning had me thriving with energy. With the fragrance of roses wafting through the air mixed with the cleanliness I felt, I was ready to meet the day head on. That was until there was a heavy pounding on my door. It was rapid, demanding my attention as I finished sliding my undershirt over my head. Before I could answer the door, Michael came bursting through, his face red and dripping with sweat.

I paused, stunned that he would just burst through without waiting for my reply. Thankfully I was now at least dressed enough where nothing was showing visibly, but I was still not fully clothed enough to be considered publicly dressed. Upon seeing my frozen form, he glanced up and down once, surprise, and then embaresment encompassed his face. He quickly coughed once, bowed, and then turned slightly so he was no longer staring at me.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Michael? I don't think I've ever had someone desperately bounce into my room before." I said smirking as I pulled on my uniform coat and buttoned it hastilly.

"I apologize your Majesty, but the reinforcements have arrived, and among them is my father." Once again, I paused. Taken aback, I slowly slid on my belt to my sword and fastened it. Trying to process his words. Why would the General show up if he was in no condition to be fighting? That old bastard was going to make more work for me, especially because we would be heading into enemy territory.

"Is there anything else solider?" I asked, fastening my cloak over my shoulders. He gave a heavy sigh, his sad smile turning towards me as I walked towards him. His smile had me suspicious for many reasons, but mostly because he was acting reluctant to tell me.

"You won't like it. You might as well see it for yourself." He said sheepishly as he followed me out of the room. I eyed him from the corner of my eye. It seems that what ever the issue maybe, he didn't want to recieve my wrath. Considering the General was here against orders to rest, I was already starting to become peeved. What could he be hiding to not only make him burst into my room, but to also keep something a secret from me?

"Did your father give you a lashing already?"

"My old man hasn't seen me yet. Marquise and I where standing down in the lobby waiting for you when we saw them walking in. Although, I don't really know what we are going to do with all these men. It seems like the King doubts our skills." I rolled my eyes at his remark, knowing fully well the real reason he sent so many people. He was over bearing and over protective of his future ruling daughter. This was his way of saying 'you better make it home alive'.

The hallway slowly started to fill up with chatter as we got closer to the lobby. It was becoming loud for this poor tiny inn. It was like a large ballroom, inside a tiny square. No room, bodies where close together, and it was obnoxiously hot. I grimaced as I braced myself, waiting for the horrible surprise that Michael had warned me about. I searched through the sea of bodies, and the dread that over came me, was exactly how I thought I would feel. I gritted my teeth together, as my eyes met with Nicklos.

"Attention soliders. I don't know if you are aware, but this is a buisness establishment, not a hang out. Everyone out, and do not disturb these people!" I shouted over the clamoring of all the soliders. Finally it went silent, and everyone shuffled out. Everyone but Nicklos and the General. Both looked displeased and unimpressed as the room emptied. Marquise, who was sitting on the couch just next to the desk, strolled over nonchalantly. Nothing but buisness upon his face as he placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned in close to my ear.

"I just got word from Nathaniel and Jeremiah. It seems they have reached Milford and are staying put for now. Jeremiah has recieved some serious injuries and Nathaniel doesn't want to leave him behind." He whispered closely to my ear. Nicklos's eyes flared with anger, but I refused to acknowledge him petty jealousy.

"Damn. Send him a message back and let him know we are organizing troops and we will be on our way. Anything else to report?" His face grew dark, giving me that knowing look in his eyes. He glanced over his shoulders to the awaiting General and pissed off Nicklos, then back to me.

"The attack seems planned out. Our enemies have set the bait, and are awaiting for our arrival. It would be wise to carry a light load." I sighed, anger coursing through me as I nodded once. With a gentle pat on my shoulder, Marquise turned to face the others and walked towards the door. Marquise and Nicklos shared a silent glare before he disappeared. This was going to stop here, the last thing I needed was drama on the battlefield. Nicklos wasn't suppose to be here anyway. I don't know what was making me more angry at this moment.

Was it his disloyalty towards our relationship, was it his lack of being able to follow my wishes, or was it the fact that the General is stubbornly standing before me in a weakened state. I mean he was pale, his face was slightly cut up and bruised. His shoulder was bound and stuffed into a sling. His body was absolutely rigid, like someone had kicked him in his jewels. He was of no use to me in this state, so what possessed him to roll out of bed and make his way here?

"General, you look absolutely awful. I would think after the night you had, you would be in bed." I inwardly grimaced with how tired and exhausted I sounded just by speaking. It's true I woke up in a good mood, but now everything was stacking up against me.

"I could say the same about you. And by the tone you are giving off, you are chewing more than you can handle. You need me." He said with a strained grin. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help a small smile grace my lips as I stood before him. Despite the pain he was in, he was still able to joke. But that wasn't a good enough reason to keep him here.

"I want to know what happened the other night, and then you are to go back immediately. I can't worry about you on top of everything else. You are in no condition to be on the battlefield." I stated blandly, crossing my hands over my chest. I wouldn't budge no matter how much he persisted. The stubborn look upon his face told me he would fight me too.

"So you think my son is a good replacement then?" He growled angrily as he glared down upon Michael. Michael said not a word as he calmly looked up at his father. It was like the General was glaring down at the younger version of himself. If it had been any other time, I probably would have laughed. But I didn't need them fighting, not while every wasted moment meant that Nathianel and Jeremiah where in serious danger.

"General, he is not a replacement. But he is skilled enough to know when something is amiss and a damn good tracker. If not for him we would not be here right now. I also don't have time to argue with you. You can either stay here until I get back or go home." I was nearly shouting at him, the anger rising in me like a volcano about to erupt. My patience was waning and making me more irritable than I felt before.

"As for you, I don't know why you constantly think that appearing in my life is a good thing, but I really wish you would have stayed at the Kingdom. The more people that are sitting here, the more dangerous it becomes for the people back home. If you want to make amends, stay home and out of my way. I don't need to have you distracting me on the field." I barked turning to Nicklos before brushing passed him and towards the door. But a hand grabbed me and stopped me in my tracks.

"Alliah, you aren't telling me something. It's not like you to be so on edge. I may not be able to help you physically right now, but I have been your military advisor since the first day you where pledged in. What is going on, why are you being so vague?" I was backed into a corner on mulitple levels. I was having to risk everything to get my men back home safely. With the vague details of the attack, I wasn't exactly sure how long we had to save Nathaniel and Jeremiah before they became minced meat.

Not to also mention, I had to track down the main leader of the Mercenaries, find the researcher, and avoid the three biggest bosses in Chastewind. Whose to say this wasn't all a big plan just to lure me in and snuff me out. I had no doubts that after all this time, their target was me to begin with. My only question was why?

"It's complicated General. Just leave it to us. If you must be involved, stay stationed here until I send word. I think you can handle babysitting a few soldiers." I yanked my hand away from the General's grasp and walked out the door. The minute he knew what I was up too, the minute he would report back to my father. His duty was to be my advisor, but also to be my guardian too. If he had been in better shape I would have been all for him attending this battle, but I needed to keep him safe for his wife's sake. His son could handle himself.

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