
Chapter 33

The boat is drowned in darkness as I tip-toe around it, on high alert. I have to squint to make out anything but within moments, my eyes adjust to the pitch black. I come face to face with a door that I can only believe will lead me inside the boat. I reach out with my spare hand, twisting it open. As expected, silence greets me. I step inside, feeling the door shut behind me as I study my surroundings.

I can't make out much, just the shadows of furniture. The room is lined with expensive looking seats and a bar in the far corner. The shine from the glass bottles glimmers in the dark and I scrunch my eyes up further, taking a slow step inside. It doesn't look occupied but my gut feeling tells me to continue searching. A voice in the back of my mind reminds me that Calvin is most likely with Christopher...

I can't image how Christopher's feeling knowing his son deceived him. Will it be enough for Christopher to hurt Calvin?

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