
The wave of catastrophe

"Jiro-sama dont die,dont leave me alone!"

Raphtalia shouted while hugging Jiro,Jiro tap her shoulder and said.


"Just attack and i will protect you."

<<<1 week have passed>>>

"It's been one week since my cool action in the coal pit."

Jiro thought in his mind while sitting on the stone, suddenly someone girl voice shouted he stood up.


He looked at his right side and can see a hedgehog,it suddenly jump towards Jiro and started to spin.Jiro caught it with his bare hand,Raphtalia behind the hedgehog jump as she slice the hedgehog.


"The wave is coming soon."

"Maybe, it's time to change my equipment."

Jiro thought in his mind as he looked at his equipment.


Raphtalia shouted as she hold the dead hedgehog in her hands,she wasn't shocked even if Jiro hold it with his bare hands.Since she knows that Jiro was unknowingly strong.

<<<Weapon shop>>>

"You've turned into a pretty real lady."

"I haven't seen you in a while."

Erhard said as he looked at them,Jiro and Raphtalia have a same height right.Jiro glance at Raphtalia.

"I had the innkeeper teach me about table manners."

"I want to eat properly like Jiro-sama."

Raphtalia said, Erhard smile and said.

"Is that so? You've grown up.You are not pipsqueak you used to be."

"I am quite shocked,this country is full of pedophile."

Jiro said as he looked at Erhard.

"Say kid, don't you know what about demi-humans are like?"

Erhard said as he lowered his head and looked at Jiro,Raphtalia interrupted Erhard and said.

"Boss, forget about that! we're here to buy an armor for Jiro-sama!Do you have any recommendation."

"Me?hello actually we're here for your equipment."

Jiro said,however Raphtalia argued him and said.

"I appreciate about that Jiro-sama, however we really need to change your equipment or you'll die."

Raphtalia said as she spin and grabbed one of the sword,and she twist the sword reflecting Jiro figure.She said the last word with a threat.

"Boss!This sword seems really sharp!"

Raphtalia said as she looked at the sword, Erhard straighten his body and put his both hands in the waist.

"It's magic iron.Wanna try it out?"

"Will you give us discount?"

Raphtalia asked as she looked at the sword.

"Sure anything for you miss."

Erhard said, Raphtalia thanked him and asked.

"Thank you so much,While we're at it could you show us some armor,too?"

"Of course."

Jiro looked at her,and thought in his mind.

"She can stand for herself now or maybe rude."

"Our budget is around 180 silver coins."

"How about this?"

Erhard said as he looked at the big armor.

"I don't think that will do."

Jiro said as he looked at the big armor,he isn't someone who will wear a big armor.

"Well,i can whip up something made to order."

"Made to order!?"

" Yeah,If you don't mind me using a materials I've got on hand.I can finish it tomorrow."

Erhard said, Raphtalia walked towards him,hold his hand and said.


Jiro and Raphtalia arrived at the restaurant,they walked at the table and sit.

"Are you ready to order?"

"I'll buy a cheapest lunch and as for her still a kid's lunch."

Jiro said while looking at Raphtalia, Raphtalia slammed the table both of her hands and shouted.

"Jiro-sama!i'm not a kid anymore!"

"I'll get the cheapest lunch,too!"

" R-right away."

She looked at the waiter as she said that,Jiro looked at Raphtalia and said.


"Raphtalia you don't need to force yourself to act grown up."

Raphtalia look at Jiro and said.

"Eh, I'm not forcing nor acting it."

The next day,

The sun already rise,on the weapon shop.

"Didn't this make me look a like villain?"

Jiro said as he looked at the armor he wear.

"So cool..Handome.It suits you perfectly!you look great!"

Raphtalia said as her eyes have a star and shining.

"I called it barbarian armor.It really suits you,you really like a handsome bandit you know."

Erhard said as he looked at Jiro,Jiro who's looking at the armor slightly dropped his head and said.

"I'm supposed to be a cool hero you know."

"You looked like a devil-may-care(or bold)."

"Well you're the one who created it."

Jiro said as he looked at Erhard, Erhard just smiled and said.

"It will be a waste not to wear it."

"The whole town is on the edge now."

Raphtalia said as she looked at the knight guards, followed by Jiro who's looking at the knight.

"The wave is nearly here,If i only knew and where it'll start,i could come up with a strategy."

Jiro said, Raphtalia look at him with a wry smile and couldn't help but thought in her mind.

"Naofumi-sama,do you really need to plan?you are duper strong,right?"

"Huh-,has nobody told you?"

Erhard said,Jiro and Raphtalia look at him.

"You know that church you can see the from town square? There's a huge hourglass inside.When the last grain inside of it falls,the heroes and their parties will be sent to where the wave begins,or so i hear."

Jiro and Raphtalia walked towards the church,when they arrived at the church Jiro and Raphtalia was lead by a nun.

Jiro arrived infront of a big hourglass.

"Is this the dragon hourglass that king was talking about?it's so big."

Jiro thought,the blue core of his scarf started to shine and produced a ray of light,and it head towards the hourglass.When the blue ray of light hit the hourglass,the hourglass shined.

Then a time appeared infront of him.

"It's counting down,when the wave will happen?"

Jiro thought in his mind,suddenly he heard a familiar voice.He turned his back and can see Motoyasu along with his party.

"Is that Jiro i see?"

"Dude,come on.Your still fighting with that armor?"

Motoyasu said, Raphtalia step forward and decided to ask Jiro.

"Who are they, Jiro-sama?"

"It seems that this man didn't know the difference of our strength or his brain have a damage."

Jiro thought in his mind before he started to walked towards the exit,while he is walking Malty talked.

"Hey!Motoyasu-sama was talking to you!"

While he is walking towards the exit it was blocked by Naofumi,Itsuki and Ren.


Motoyasu voice ringing out of his back,he looked back and can see Motoyasu talking to Raphtalia.

"I'm Kitamura Motoyasu,the spear hero."

Motoyasu introduce himself while holding the hands of Raphtalia.

"Yo-you're a hero."


"Motoyasu-sama,why are you complementing a filthy demi human?"

Malty asked as she looked at the romantic scene infront of her.

"A girl as adorable as you shouldn't wield a sword."

Jiro and the other three hero looked at them,Jiro looked at the scene and couldn't help but thought.

"How can Motoyasu even do that? what's up with this bubble and it's even shining."

"I'll protect you."

Motoyasu said while there is a bubbles floating,Jiro looked at it before he decided to walk towards them.

After a moment, Raphtalia came to her senses and immediately withdrew her hands from Motoyasu and said.

"I'm sorry."

"I've sworn to fight with Jiro-sama!"

"With Jiro!You can't"

Motoyasu said in shock and continue.

"If you stay with him you'll be in danger-."

Jiro arrived infront of Motoyasu, Motoyasu stared at him and provokingly said.

"What?Am i not right?"

Jiro didn't say anything just looked at him, Motoyasu and others looked at him.


Their hearts suddenly started to beat faster,and their face expression suddenly fell except Jiro.They suddenly feel like they become a prey and secretly being hunted,it shudder their hearts.

However it's gone for a moment.

"What just happened?"

"Is it only my imagination?"


They asked secretly in their hearts.

Motoyasu looked at Jiro red cold shape eyes,he couldn't help but shudder.

Jiro turned and hold Raphtalia hands turn his back,and he said without didn't turn back.

"We're leaving."

"Surely you've heard the rumors about him,too."

Jiro walked towards the exit.

"See you at the wave."

Itsuki said and was followed by Ren.

"Till the wave."

"See you at the wave,Jiro."

Naofumi said,Jiro just smiled and nodded.



Raphtalia said while sitting on the bed,Jiro didn't turn and continue to look at the star.


"Did something happen between you and the other heroes?"

"Nah,Just forget about that."

Jiro answered with his plain voice.


Raphtalia muttered while looking at Jiro.

"I'll go ahead and turn in,Good night."

Jiro who's looking at the sky,and thought in his mind.

"If i tell her the truth,will she abandon me?nah just let it go.Elsa is that you?"


Jiro secretly laughed,he watched it when he's with Chelsea Zachir.

"The day of the wave of catastrophe."

All of the adventurer was out in the morning.


"Oshh, what's up?"

Jiro said,while looking at many adventurer.

"Well,i just wanted to say.."

"I'm truly grateful to meet you."

Raphtalia said as she closed her eyes and her memories with Jiro came in her mind.

"You cured my illness and fed me with warm meals."

"You thought me how to live and you give me a reason to fight."

Raphtalia said in his mind,then the sun rise.

"I'm your sword!"

Raphtalia said,Jiro turned his back and face Raphtalia who's put her hands on her chest and said.

"Wherever you go, i'll go with you."

Jiro looked at Raphtalia and said before he looked down.

"Ohh,is that so?"



The sky became red,Jiro and Raphtalia wrapped by a golden light.

Jiro opened his eyes and can see that they changed location,and spiral with blue,light green,pink and violet color in the sky.

"The wave of catastrophe."

"Those guys."

Jiro said while looking down, Raphtalia suddenly interfere Jiro and pointed his finger on a village.

"Look there, Jiro-sama! It's the "village of Lute" "

"*Tsk*have the villagers evacuated?"


"Wait,is that a flare?"

"They're going to wait for a knight to arrived here,the castle isn't far away,but when the knight arrive here.Then the village of Lute will be wiped out by this monster!"

Jiro thought in his mind,before he shouted at Raphtalia besides him.

"We are going to Lute village!"


Raphtalia shouted as she touched her sword and followed Jiro, while they are walking Jiro was talking to the system.

"System lower my strength into 1,000"

[Ding! Lowering host strength into 1,000 successful.]

Lute village,

A skeleton with a glowing red eyes wearing an armor,while holding a sword it raised it sword and was about to slash a villager who's covering his head.


Jiro run towards the skeleton and slammed the head of skeleton on the floor.

"Are you alright?"

Raphtalia asked to the villager,Jiro looked at the monster and said to Raphtalia.

"Raphtalia,go and help the villagers to evacuate."

"But what about you?"

Raphtalia said as he looked at Jiro,Jiro blink his eyes and said.

"I'll lure the enemy and smash them."

While the villagers protecting their selves,one of the villagers can see Jiro with a scarf and shouted with a surprise.

"One of the heroes!"

"The scarf hero is here for us."

Jiro punched the skeleton,and it flew 2 meters away.The villagers was surprised at his strength.

"Listen up! I'll keep them distracted,get out of here while you can!"

"He-help me!"

One of the villager said while covering his head.

"Electricity spear!"

Then his scarf started to transform into a spear,he aim and threw it at the skeleton head.



Jiro said as he started to lure the enemy,he turned his head and said.He can see a mother covering her child,seeing this Jiro started to punch the poison bee.

Jiro can see a fire and an idea came from his mind.

"System,give me a fire power that can distract this monster."

[Ding! Does host wanted to buy a Fire jutsu:Hinote technique.]


This is originally created by system,it effects can help the host to attract an attraction to a monster.}

"Alright,buy it!"

Jiro thought in his mind,then a knowledge about "Fire Jutsu: Hinote technique" came from his mind.

Jiro started to use a hand sign,suddenly his hands started to get fired and it's red with a blue in the middle.

Jiro was getting stabbed by a poison bee needle, however it didn't scratch Jiro hard defense.

"Come this way, everyone!Hurry!"

Raphtalia said as she and the other villagers was outside of the village,Jiro can see some adventurer getting hard time on the monster.

He climbed on the tower,he started to ring the bell of the tower and it attract the attention of some monster along with his Fire jutsu.

The skeleton started to climb towards the tower,Jiro wish for a something before the tower explode.

"I wish to have a shinra tensei with adjustable area."

Jiro adjusted the area of shinra tensei into a two meters with the same area of the tower.

"Shinra tensei."

Jiro said in a low voice he didn't notice that his eyes turn into a purple,with a black many rings.


The monster in the tower disappeared,Jiro fall down in the tower.


Jiro landed at the ground safely,then a villager run towards him.

"Why are you still here?"

Jiro asked seeing this villager come back,the villager look at the other villager and answer Jiro.

"We all changed our minds after seeing how courageous you're fighting.This village is our home,we cannot run away and abandon it."

"We'll fight with you."

The villager said,seeing his face Jiro knew that this is the one who was attacked by a skeleton that he just slammed in the ground.

"Alright then.Help me keep the enemy hold down until the evacuation complete."

Jiro said as he received a nod from the man with a bandana,then a big shadow covered them.Jiro looked at it and can see a giant skeleton with an armor.

The monster tried to slash him with It's big sword,Jiro able blocked it with his hands however with the strong air blow the villager couldn't take it and flew.

"Die monster!"

One of the villagers said as he strike the monster with his rake,the monster look at the villager before it continue to slash Jiro however it isn't effective to Jiro.

"You guy's can't attack this one, retreat!"


"Just think about your family. Don't die here without any reason. "


Raphtalia shouted as she slashed the big monster.

"Well done."


"We'll handle things here,hurry up and evacuate."

"Roger that."

"Please be safe."

The villager said before they nodded at each other and evacuate.





A fire magic started to gather in the sky before it pours down, seeing this Jiro run infront of Raphtalia and point his finger in the sky.

[Ding! Triggering absolute shield, automatically absolute shield activated.]

then a blue color wrapped both of them,when the fire was about to hit them it vanished.Rapthalia looked at the super little fireball raining at them.

It cause fire everywhere.

"We burned all of them to death at once."

The Royal knight said as they walked,when they can see jiro they said.

"Oh,the scarf hero.a tough one."

(A/N:I don't own the rising of the shield hero and i get some ideas in novel or fanfic)

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