
What is their relationship?

After a few minutes, Aiden and Anna stopped at a more dense garden with colorful trees. 

Orange, pink, lilac, green, red, yellow. 

The combination of all these trees made this garden resemble a painting. Afterall, these trees need a specific climate to remain alive. Moreover, a few trees here only blossom at particular times of the year. 

And as these trees are planted so near to each other that the branches are intermixed with each other forming a dense, colorful cave like structure at the top. If anyone walks under the trees, all they can see is these leaves and flowers. These trees could have made a cave if not for the slight peek of sky then and there. 

At the ground level, the garden is filled with well groomed plants and grass. 

"Beautiful." Anna said as she and Aiden walked into this colorful garden which Aiden names it as 'rainbow garden'. 

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