
A Huge Problem

It's been a little over a week since my appearance in the hero world.

Surprisingly, I already had a small fanbase.

I didn't really want this fanbase though...

They were the... less than savoury kind.

(A/N: You know who you are.)

I had done my best as a hero and my rank quickly rose to the lower end of the 200's.

C-Class Rank 207, which I was quite proud to have gotten in less than a month.

But that also led me to research more about the C Class to see why I climbed the ranks so easily, and the answer was quite simple.

A lot of C Class were normal humans.

They may have had tools or gimmicks, but they didn't have ANY supernatural abilities to them. Not to mention Rank 1 of C Class didn't even have any gimmicks, just a bicycle.

He had been in Class C since the start, but he never moved up.

I could tell why. He's just a normal man in a chaotic world, but his courage is unmatched.

Honestly, I became a bit of a fan of his. I saw many reports of his successes and failures, and quite often he'd have a few broken bones.

I am honestly surprised he didn't just develop a super power from all his courage and recoveries.

Today, I am taking a break. I had worked all of last week like a workaholic, and never took a full day off. So today was that day.

I had heard Saitama panicking the other day and the day before about his hero work. It seemed Genos had reminded him a little later than I expected.

Saitama also told me about the Sonic guy he had dealt with for his hero work after that. He was quite lucky to have some stranger wanting to beat him come and do evil stuff for attention.

Strange world we live in.

At the moment, it was around noon, and I was enjoying a nice cup of coffee with a ton of cream and sugar in it. I have a sweet tooth, so I still thought it was bitter, but if I put any more sugar in I would feel the grains.

I heard metallic steps leaving the house, but none with them. Genos was going out on his own today.

Not unusual but it felt particularly urgent for a reason that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

My dining table was next to the balcony, which I usually kept open so I could stare at the sky. It was facing south, so the sun never shone directly in, which allowed me a good view of the sky without my eyes burning.

...Could I resist the sun's brightness with my powers?

I don't exactly want to try it, but it could be rather fun to fool around with similar things.

As I stared at the clouds, trying to see the stars beyond, I saw one.

A star.

At this time of day.

In this part of the country.

It was red too.

A plane?

Too bright for day time.

Aurora Borealis?

Too small, and, once again, it's daytime.

"Attention! This is an announcement from the Hero Association."

An announcement? For what?

"A meteor is approaching City Z and will make an impact in 30 minutes. Emergency evacuation warning. Threat Level: Dragon."

That's what the star was?

"Wait, Dragon!?" I sat up and rushed out, jumping off of my apartment building at the same time as Saitama.

Dragon means the whole city will be destroyed! Even the cities next to it will suffer grave damage. B and D are still recovering, but the blast could maybe even reach City A!

"Saitama! We gotta go fast!"

"I know." He said seriously.

It looked like I tripped, but I actually just loosened my whole body. The landing point was quite far away from what I could tell, and it would take an hour to reach there without using my powers.

Since I don't have an hour, I am using my powers.

Saitama saw me fall and caught me, "Don't trip during something so serious." He snickered a little.

I woke up and he noticed my now magenta coloured eyes, "Oh, you didn't trip."

"I'll see you there Saitama, I am gonna try to fly!"

"Huh? You can fly?"

"I can do anything if I try hard enough."

I put all my power into a jump and used the wind to pull me with it. Along with that, I controlled my body to fly like I was using telekinesis.

"Would wings be cooler? I feel like they would get in the way. But they would look cooler... Decisions decisions." I mused.

As I rushed through the sky I met Genos mid-air.

"Sup Genos!"

"You can fly?" His arms seemed larger and they surged with power.

In response I simply pointed to my eyes, and when he saw them he got the memo.

"Are you here to take out the meteor?" He asked.

"Well, I sure am gonna try my best, but that thing is massive."

I stared up at the meteor.

It looked small right now, but it was also miles and miles up in the sky.

We both landed.

"What's your plan?" I asked.

"Blast it at full power, what's yours?"

"Try to think of the strongest thing to hit it with and then do that."

"What are your powers?" Genos looked a little confused at my proposal.

"No idea, whatever I think they are I guess."

As we talked, someone else flew by.

Metal Knight! Thank God, another S Class, this might actually be possible.

"Bofoi." Genos acknowledged.

"Can you help?" Genos asked immediately afterwards.

"No. I am only here to field test my weapons."

"What? But if you let that meteor hit, then you'll die too." I cut in.

"Who are you? Whatever, this is merely a remote control drone. Sorry to disappoint, but I am in no danger of dying. Also, Genos, I am Metal Knight, refer to me by my hero name."

Genos grumbled and dashed up to a higher roof, to which I followed.

He charged up some energy, but Metal Knight fired off some missiles which made him stop.

After Metal Knight's missiles hit, a giant explosion occurred, the shockwave reaching me and Genos.

Before I even thought, 'Did it work?' the meteor broke through the smoke, in pristine condition.

It was gonna take even more firepower than that to bust through it.

"Why is this damn rock so hard!?" I was frustrated and I hadn't even attacked it.

What am I gonna do? That was the strongest attack I have ever seen, how am I gonna imagine an even stronger one? I guess I can, I have watched enough anime to see world ending stuff, but none of it makes any sense!

"First off, stay calm. The both of you are panicking." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Master!?" I looked at the voice and saw Master Bang there.

Right! The dojo is in this city! How could I even think of letting the meteor hit? I mean, I didn't, but it's more dramatic that way.

"You both are far too young to be worried about failure. Especially you, Fukui. You are better than this. Remember when your back is against the wall, muddle through it. The outcome won't change, so that's best."

Right... I have muddled through before with Garou, except this time it's a meteor!

A meteor that can take fifteen missiles without any significant damage.

"Fukui." Bang had noticed my thoughts wandering.

"Yes! Sorry!"

Genos was already getting ready as power surged from his arm.

Shoot, I'll be left behind at this rate.

"Master, you know about my weird powers, right?"

"Yes, you've used them in front of me before."

"Okay, now, I need you to help me imagine doing something impossible, as my powers run off of my imagination."

"Oh? Really? So, just do it."

Just do it? Really? That has to be the dumbest, most illogical...



I am trying to use my powers based on logic... to an extent.

I can do literally everything I imagine. It might give me a headache, but I'll do my best!

I'll just erase the meteor then!

I imagined it disappearing but nothing happened.

Oh right, I still have to run logic to an extent, I can't just remove mass from existence.

Screw physics man, I didn't want to have to use it for superpowers of all things!

Fine, I'll just hit it really really hard, like Genos is.

My thoughts ran a mile a minute, in a literal sense because it has only been a few seconds.

I saw Genos shoot a pillar of flames from next to me that was as nearly as thick as the building we were standing on.

I got this!

I chose to do something similar with my own magenta coloured flames that I can't seem to change the colour of.

Mimicking his flames, I shot out a giant pillar of flames from both my hands, for double the power, I let my flames and his coil together and become more powerful, and they exploded against the meteor.

I need to imagine something better!

I could sense the meteor not moving at all.

"I think I see the meteor being pushed back."

...Despite my master's delusions.

The flames pushed against the meteor, but gravity seemed to be stronger than us.

Can I make gravity weaker?

Wait, if I do that won't things start floating that aren't supposed to?

I can't keep imagining different things, I got to focus on the flames!

I saw Genos' flames start to die out and I realized that I couldn't focus enough because my thoughts were everywhere.

Who knew ADHD would cause the most problems in a life threatening situation?

Or was that neurodivergence?

I am doing it again!

My flames died out as my own mind started to argue with itself.

What a dumb weakness to have! I panicked, but the meteor inched ever closer.

Why is Saitama so slow!? Isn't he fast enough to break the sound barrier?

LIGHT EVEN!? Maybe that's too much...

Oh wow... distracted again, even in the end.

"Old man, take care of them. I got this." A rather excited but worried Saitama approached.

I could hear the excitement in the light tone of voice he had.

"Who are you?" Bang asked. He hadn't known about him, since I never really deemed it a necessary thing.

"I'm a hero."

"You're Saitama." I cut in the middle of his monologue.

"The moment, Fukui! The moment!" He shouted at me.

"Just punch the damn rock please, my head hurts a little."

It was true, I got a little headache from those flames despite their minimal effort to imagine.

"Fine." Saitama squatted down toward the ground with a small pout.

I had ruined his cool hero moment.

As he jumped off the building, the shockwave of the jump cracked the building underneath him, as well as shattering nearly all the windows on the building.

"Show off..."

In a beautiful blue explosion, Saitama pierced through the meteor and it cracked and exploded.

The fragments being sent across City Z from the colliding forces.

Ah shoot, I could prevent a lot of damage if I had more time...

Ah wait, maybe I can...

The world slowed to a stop, then quickly sped up again.

Holy FUCK my head. I have to stay awake through this too.

It hurts so fucking bad, I am never trying to stop time for as long as I live.

I watched as the meteors fell everywhere like some twisted shower.

One of the meteors hit the building, but my headache was preventing me from moving anything, as any movement would send signals to my brain causing MORE pain.

Thankfully, I would never move as long as I didn't imagine myself moving so I could avoid the extra pain.

Master Bang stopped me from falling off the building after one of the meteors hit it. He also saved Genos.

Well, that's the end of that then.


A/N: 2000 word special babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I just really like the meteor part, and I had planned for Fukui to do a little more, but then realized that all the stuff I was about to write either didn't fit her new character or were a little too overpowered.

Especially because of her weakness, in that her powers take a toll on her brain, so I feel like stopping time is probably a little difficult, and erasing something from existence destroys the rule of matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Like I had established in earlier chapters, anything outside of her own body adheres to physics. (opm physics, which are anime physics)

I took so long to get this one out because I was rewatching the anime. And also it's 2k words, so.

AeonCDGcreators' thoughts
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