
Chapter 20

The heroes and police arrived an hour after the Villain's got away. By that time, Aizawa, Vlad, Tiger and all the students who could still move had escorted the students that could not, either from injury or gas, to safety. There were many major injuries but thankfully no fatalities. Everyone was escorted back to Musutafa and confined to the local hospital. The official story is that they were being held there until the doctors were sure that everyone was clear of any effects of the poison gas or any injuries sustained in combat. In reality, it was a safety precaution. In three days time, they knew at least a few members of the League would be in Kamino. It gave the heroes time to prepare.

Katsuki hadn't stopped staring up at the ceiling of his hospital room since he got there. He was sure that life had to be mocking him. He'd spent the last year training up to get into UA and then to become a hero all to try and find one person. Then that person ended up in his class and he hadn't noticed. Then, when he finally realized, he left UA. Then, finally, he appeared before him, not hiding who he was. But he was with a group of Villains. It had to be a bad joke.

He thought back to the that day almost a year ago. He hadn't thought much of it when it happened. He just did what he always did. Blew off steam on the stressful day at Aldera on his old, worthless friend. Deku was such a fucking annoyance. He was quirkless. Useless. Yet he always went on and on about being a hero. He never gave up. It pissed him off. That day was an especially bad day. A teacher called him up about his grades faltering. Told him he needed to do better. He of all people needed to do better. It pissed him off thinking someone thought they knew better than he did. Fucking extra. The breaking point came when his teacher announced that Deku- weak, shitty, quirkless Deku- was trying to steal his well deserved spotlight by applying for UA.

He backed Deku into a corner and placed a solid hand on his shoulder to stop him running. Then he activated his quirk. His anger of the day fueled it. It wasn't the first time he'd burned the worthless freak. He deserved it, always following him. He ignored the stench of burning cloth and cooking flesh. Then, as his extra sidekicks held Deku back, he blasted the nerds creepy notebook and tossed it out of the window. He would never be a hero. So he'd never need it. Then, watching as he looked brokenly down at the thing floating in the filthy school pond, Katsuki uttered those words.

" If you want to be hero, take a swan dive off the roof and pray to be born with a quirk in the next life." They were just words. He didn't think anything of them. He'd said worse in the past. But then Deku skipped school the next day. And the next. And the next. The hag told him that Izuku had gone missing. Katsuki remembered what he'd did the last time he saw his old friend. What he said.

He was in denial at first. No way the idiot would have done it. He wasn't that stupid. Was he? No body was found, so he had to be alive. But, as weeks turned into months and no sign of the nerd was found and the cops stopped looking, Katsuki got a sinking feeling. What if it really was his fault? Some of those crappy extras took the joke too far. Said they were glad Izuku killed himself. He almost blasted them apart for even joking about it. It wasn't right. He should have known that back then. Why didn't he?

Izuku was smarter than anyone else he'd known. Maybe he could have been a hero. Maybe he couldn't. But those creepy books, filled with notes on heroes, pictures, how their quirks worked, how they fought. He was a genius in ways Katsuki never would be. In the past, knowing that just pissed him off more. But if he'd only been more supportive as a friend. Who cares if he was Quirkless? He was still Deku. Still Izuku. He should have known that. He should have stayed by his side. They were gonna change the world together. Be the greatest heroes ever. When had that changed?

Katsuki decided then and there. He'd become a hero. He'd rise through the ranks. He'd find Deku. He promised. Technically he did. But he never wanted it to be like this. The words echoed in his mind. " You don't get to ask me that question." Said with such venom. Where had that anger come from? Katsuki knew. Of course he knew. But was that really why. Was it his fault Izuku was what he was now? He didn't think he could bare the answer to that question.

Tenya couldn't sleep the first night in the hospital, right after the Villain attack. He was so sure that if he kept a close watch on Momo, he could prevent her doing something. And yet, for all his attempts, he failed. The Villains still came. His classmates still got hurt. Momo still got away. With Kaminari. With Monoma. With Ragdoll. He blamed himself. How could he not? He knew Momo was a League member. If he told someone and they apprehended her, maybe they wouldn't have known where they were. Maybe he could have prevented this.

What Momo was doing was wrong. He knew that. And yet, whenever he thought about telling a hero about this, he could find every excuse not to do it. He promised. She was still his old friend deep down. She just needed time to realise what she was doing was wrong. He knew deep down she wouldn't. But he still couldn't bring himself to do it.

He never said a word about Venality either despite knowing perfectly well most if not all the people in that small group were members of the League. Part of him worried that made him an accessory to the League's actions. Now Three of his classmates and a Pro Hero had fallen into the Leagues hands for whatever nefarious purpose the villains had in mind.

Two, he reminded himself. Two of his classmates. Momo was still involved already.

Speaking of being involved already, Tenya was still having trouble getting his head around of Akitani, or rather Izuku Midoriya, being a Villain. Not like Momo, who just came in contact with the wrong person at the USJ and it snowballed, but from the very beginning. Before he'd ever even met him. He was always working for the League as a spy. It wasn't something that Tenya would believe if he hadn't seen him first hand. Even then, he would have argued it was Himiko Toga pretending to be him if she hadn't been right next to him. Akitani had been such a good friend to him. His notes had helped a lot of the class in helping control their quirks, helping people like Tokoyami and Kaminari the most and suggesting support items here and there. Was it all a lie?

Tenya's mind was a mess. He needed to gather his thoughts. But how could he with so much for him to come to terms with. He sighed. Then he heard a loud banging at the Hospital door. " I do not believe it is locked." Tenya called. The door was pushed open. " I am surprised you came to talk to me of all people."

" You're the class rep, ain't you?" Bakugo asked. Tenya smiled slightly.

" I do suppose I am." Tenya turned his head, giving Bakugo his full attention. " Well? What's the plan?"

" I can't believe you raided a UA camp." Fuyumi said with a heavy sigh as she walked through the halls of the mental hospital to visit her mother, Rei. Flanking her were her on the run brothers, Shoto with his sunglasses and long hair hiding his burn scar and Touya with the hood of his ruined looking coat up and a scarf hiding his face. She'd been surprised when, the afternoon after the news reported another attack by the League of Villains, they'd called her up. She knew usually they had their teleporter friend for this. " Why me?"

" Sorry for the trouble, Yumi." Touya said, his voice muffled slightly. " But we wanted to see you as well as mom. Shame Natsuo couldn't make it."

" Yeah. Wish he could have been here too." Fuyumi admitted. Unfortunately, Natsuo was busy with work so today it was just them. It was a bit of a shame. It had been a while since the five of them- the true Todoroki Family- had been together. Not since the new school year had started. Then life started getting hectic.

Fuyumi knew. Of course she knew. So did Natsuo. She was pretty sure her mother did too. So long as they didn't get hurt and didn't hurt those who didn't deserve it, she didn't mind. She wished there was a better way for them to go about what they were doing, but she understood why they were doing it. Her father wasn't going to be stopped by pretty words and the hundred and first law suit after all. She'd left him behind. She and Natsuo both. They'd moved out a few months after Shoto had, ignoring any threats or requests that they stay and leaving that old man alone in that old house for him to rage against thin air for the rest of his days. She wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

" Seriously though. UA?"

" No-one died, Yumi." Touya argued weakly.

" They're saying that there was an 80% casualty rate."

" Overestimated." Shoto shook his head. " I'd say 55% personally."

" You say that like it makes it any better."

" You're just gonna complain whenever we come to visit, huh."

" Only if you keep being so reckless."

" That ain't changing." Touya laughed.

" Yeah. I thought you'd say that." Fuyumi sighed. " Well, as long as you're safe, I suppose I can overlook your illegal activities." The trio stopped outside one of the room doors. As Fuyumi opened the door, Shoto and Touya removed their disguises. " Mom?" Rei turned from tending to the flowers on her window sill and turned, her face immediately lighting up. Fuyumi smiled. So long as she could have moments like this more often, she could tolerate a little bit of lawlessness and disorder in her family. Just as long as these peaceful moments could one day be more permanent.

Neito groaned as he woke up. His ears were ringing. He didn't quite remember when he'd went to bed. Last he remembered was laughing at the fact more 1-A students had failed the written exam that 1-B students. Who cared that he was the only one in his classed who failed? Seeing 1-A was worse than his class in some way was worth it.

As he came back to reality, he became aware of a few voices. " How strong is your gas supposed to be again, Hiiro?"

" He'd be awake by now so long as the antidote was administered correctly. You did do it correctly, right Blackout?"

" Dude. I can use a syringe."

" Come on guys. Let's get along. Fight. Fight. Fight. "

" Fight. Fight. Fight."

" Please stop encouraging them."

" Hmm? Well, looks like you can use a syringe properly, Blackout."

" Eh?"

" Come on. I see your eyes move. Man, he's a heavy sleeper. Crucible. If you would." A sudden chill shocked Neito awake. Looking around, he found he was not in the 1-B guest room at the Forest Training Camp but rather in some run down bar while tied to a chair. There was eight people in front of him. A tired, purple haired kid. A guy in a red and white mask. A giddy, psychotic looking school girl. A man in a bartenders outfit with a body made entirely of black mist. A guy in a gaudy looking biker's attire. A kid in a gas mask and military like outfit. A guy with a horribly scared face. And finally, most troubling of all, Mikumo Akitani. " Morning. Or, well, evening I guess."

" Where… is this?"

" Yokohama." Akitani said casually. " Welcome to my place, Monoma. Well, it's not my place actually. It's Sensei's. Still I live here so…"

" Get to the point." The purple haired guy said with an annoyed sigh.

" Oh. Right. Right." Akitani pulled up a bar stool, taking a seat. " Can't let me have my fun, can you Toshi?"

" Compress has rubbed off on you in the wrong way." Akitani just laughed at this.

" Akitani. What is all of this?" Neito asked through gritted teeth as his mind caught up. He was still feeling groggy. What had happened was a blur but he vaguely remembered some kind of explosion.

" Well, I suppose I should explain. First of all, I'm not Mikumo Akitani. My name is Izuku Midoriya. And I suppose you could call this your recruitment party. Welcome to the home base of the League of Villains." It was this statement when Neito's brain finally woke up fully and his memories returned. A Villain attack. A Villain with a Lion headed mask broken through the side of the building and that bitch Himiko Toga took one of the 1-A Students hostage. Then the lights went off and he felt a sudden shock in his back. Everything faded to black.

" My what?"

" Honestly, there are a few people in UA that could be sitting in that chair right now." Akitani, or Midoriya as he called himself, said with a shrug. " Though, honestly, your quirk is the most versatile." Midoriya leaned in. " So. That's why you're here."

" It's not happening."

" At least here me out first."

" No. I don't think I will." Monoma snarked. " Let me guess. You saw my overwhelming animosity for Class 1-A and thought you could twist that in a to make me sympathized with you?"

" I was going to suggest that the heroes clearly aren't taking you seriously. I get how it feels, you know? Feeling like your second best. Like everyone around you is mocking you. Calling you weak. Worthless." Midoriya explained. " We get that." Neito laughed.

" You really don't know anything about me." He said mockingly. "Worthless? Second best? I'll never let 1-A forget that 1-B is a hero course as well, don't get be wrong, but don't mistake that for an inferiority complex. At the end of the day, we're all heroes. I don't need to be number one. I'm not Bakugo." Neito glared at Midoriya defiantly. " You know, Akitani or Midoriya or whatever you want to call yourself. You are exactly what I hate about 1-A. You're arrogant. You think you know so much more than everyone else. Like you're owed something. I don't know what you've been through but it's obvious why you're here. You just want to feel like you're better than someone. It's pathetic." Midoriya grit his teeth. " Did I strike a nerve?"

" You are good at that."

" Well, you were a member of 1-A. I know just how to rile you losers up."

" Yes. You do." Midoriya sighed. " Looks like I missed the mark. I figured you were better than that, Monoma. But it seems you're just as blinded by your worship of heroes as everyone else."

" Worship? Is that what you think it is?"

" Blinded to the truth. If you just knew all the incidents that heroes got into then-"

" Then what? I'd suddenly jump ship?" Neito sneered. " No-ones perfect, you know. No system either. It's obvious things slip through the cracks. To try and what? Bring it all to it's knees just cause you got slighted? That's not the warped sense of 'the ends justify the means' heroism you think it is. You're all just petulant children throwing a tantrum and blaming the world for your own pathetic problems. You're no a savior. You're a joke." The League members fell silent, glaring at him.

" Can I kill him?" Toga asked in a dark, threatening tone.

" Unfortunately, I promised Sensei that he could have him if he wouldn't comply." Midoriya grumbled. " You don't know what you're talking about, Monoma. But I can see we're done here."

" There was never anything to be done with." Neito said definitely. Midoriya nodded to the villain in the Biker get up. Neito spat on the Villain as he placed a hand on his chest. Electricity filled his body. As his vision faded, he cursed the Villains who captured him and hoped soon he'd be able to pay them back. If not him, then the heroes who would inevitably come to take them down. His only wish is that he could see it in person.

" So. How'd my babies do?" Mei Hatsume asked Giran over the phone. She was currently in her home lab, by which she meant her parents somewhat spacious shed, currently working on blueprints and watching a small TV drilled into the corner.

" Glowing reviews, Alchemy." The man told her. " Worked like a charm. The League's impressed with your skills. Usagi said he wants to meet you and talk tech."

" Maybe one day. I think I'll keep working through you if you don't mind. I'd rather not get to involved with people capable to deal not one but two hefty blows to UA's hero course."

" Ah. Fair. Fair." Giran laughed.

" So. What's their game plan?"

" They're luring All Might out to somewhere in Yokohama for some reason. Opposite side of the city from me. Closer to their bar. Not sure why though."

" All Might? Of all heroes? Man, they've gotten ballsy."

" Eh. If anyone can do it…" Giran trailed off. " Check the news."

" Hmm?" Mei turned her phone onto loud speaker before changing the channels. On the news, in front of dozens of cameras and reporters, stood three of individuals. The homeroom teacher of 1-A, Shoto Aizawa aka Eraserhead, homeroom teacher of 1-B, Sekijiro Kan aka Vlad King. and the Principal of UA, Nedzu. " What is this now?"

" Seems like UAs playing clean up." Giran mused.

" UA never plays clean up. Not personally."

" So you noticed, eh?" Giran chuckled. " Yeah. It's incredibly rare for any heroes to personally appear in front of the media like this. It ain't natural."

" What are they up to?"

" Way I see it? A distraction."

" A distraction? For what?"

" They're keeping the media away from Kamino if I had to guess." Giran hummed. " Unless there planning something bigger."

" You mean like a raid or something?"

" Hmm. Maybe. Or maybe they're trying to keep the media off All Might."

" Is Singularity there tonight?"

" Nah. She's at home. Usagi decided it was best to keep the League as separated as possible until after this was all over. I haven't been there either since I got that request." A faint tapping came from Mei's phone. " I'm gonna hang up now. I'm gonna head to a pal of mines in Musutafa. I feel like being here is suddenly a bad idea."

" Alright. I'll call you up when I'm done with my new baby."

" Good luck on that."

" Good luck on getting out of Yokohama in one piece."

" Duly noted. Catch you around, Alchemy." The phone line went dead. Mei turned the TV up and sat at her desk watching, wondering what chaos was going to go down tonight.

Spotlights filled the skies of Yokohama, shining up from a warehouse in the city centre. Izuku returned inside, dusting off his hands. " It's all done." He announced. " We should have incoming for those two jokers pretty quick." Tomura stretched as he finished tying Monoma and Ragdoll together. Momo glanced up from her laptop and nodded. Toru just looked nervous. They were the bait. All Might was the big fish. That's all that they needed to be tonight.

" How many heroes do you think will show?" Tomura asked.

" Judging by the fake ass press conference, more than one." Izuku reasoned. " Momo. How is everything else?"

" Readings are all over the place." Momo said. " Reports on heroes are conflicting. It's hard to say what's happening."

" So they've taken control of the flow of information." Izuku muttered. " Then that must mean they're planning an ambush. But where? Here? Or have they finally combined their big thinkers to find our main base."

" Is everything going to be alright, Izuku?" Toru asked nervously. " Being on the back foot like this. I don't like it."

" Neither do I but we can't be ahead all the time."

" So let's make sure we're ready for whatever shitty plan they throw at us." Tomura said. " Forge. How's the bar team?"

" Hitoshi prepared a small strike force in case of an attack. He, Mustard, Twice, Mina and Toga are there with clones of the rest of us. Ochako and the others have already fallen back to that safehouse you got off Giran. They're preparing for your other little scheme for when the party really gets started. If the Number Two shows up, Dabi and Shoto are on standby"

" I trust Ochako to get it done." Izuku nodded

" It seems that you have everything all planned out. Well done, Izuku." The groups attention were drawn to a shadowy figure emerging from the Nomu lab underneath the warehouse. Dressed in a fine, black suit and a mechanical mask covering his blank face, he cut an imposing figure. Izuku couldn't help but smile brightly. It had been a while since Izuku had seen him in the flesh, but this plan was all due to him. The demon returning from his grave.

" Are you sure you're ready, Sensei?" Tomura asked.

" I thank you for your concern, Tomura. However, I believe it's time I stop relying on you children to get the job done. You've done a fine job. However, I think it's time I remind the world the terror that is All For One."

Katsuki looked up at the lights from the streets of Yokohama, cursing. " We're running out of time." He muttered.

" Don't worry." Kirishima reassured him. " We'll make it in time." Katsuki looked over his shoulder. The group of Kirishima, Iida, Kendo and Tetsutetsu gave him a confidant, reassuring look. He grinned.

" Then let's stop wasting time." He said before the group started moving through the crowds. Izuku , He swore. I won't mess up this time. This time, I'll save you.

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