
Present - 43

"I am thinking about going to bed with you between my legs."

Paul's eyes shined with approval. "Let's make that thought a reality after we finished this."

"Well, I am finished. How about you?"

Paul chuckled in amusement. "Someone is getting impatient."

"You are the best sex I have ever had so how can I not be?"

Instead of being aroused by Regina's reply, Paul's smile disappeared. "I am the only sex you have ever had. There has never been anyone before me. There will be no one after me."

He clenched his jaw daring her to disagree with him, to remind him of the other men she had been on the bed with.

Rather than warning, his possessiveness turned her on even more. "I really enjoy it, and I want more of it. I want all you can give. I used to despise you until you were inside me. Your cock changed everything I believed in."

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