
Star - Surprises All Around




There had been something bothering me ever since the introductions were given. But for right now I was listening to Artem introduce all of us, starting with me. He was walking to each person the same as Gabriel had done with those in his group. When he got to Doc though, he faltered.

Doc had an interesting look on his face. He was staring intently at the woman with the purple hair. He seemed so happy at that moment and I think I knew why.

"Doc, is everything ok?" Artem was smirking at Doc because he too knew what was happening.

"Is this real?" Doc asked as he stared at the woman in front of him. "I'm not imagining this am I?"

"I-I don't know." The woman, Leelin, answered him. I could tell she was smiling as well as she looked at Doc. Maybe the nerves that I had seen on her face was because she could feel the bond between her and Doc. Maybe she was just excited instead of nervous.

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