
War ends

Prince george surrounded by some men,he tried to conveince them. But they start attacking him now he understood that they are the same batch that attacked him night in his tent.

So he understood that these men are not allowed without any higher officials of prince's kingdom. So, he understood that in his kingdom he found some traitors.

Prince george has many traitors in his kingdom so he want them alive atleast one of them. So with george's bravery and speedy fighting skills he killed all of them quickly and catch one men alive he scared him half way to death.

Gohar king from back side he stabbed with his sword. He cruely stabbed him right below his chest, then the man in prince's hand was lost, he escaped from his hands.

Prince george is now in critical state. He fell down at the place where he stood. Then all of his memories and special memories with melissa suddenly reappeared infront of his eyes.

Suddenly everything flashed to him. He cant see anything clearly. Everybody in the battle field are grunting and running. For one second he closed his eyes everybody thought he was dead, even his battalion thought so.

King of gohar one foot on prince george chest giving some speech.

"Today, victory is ou,,,," king of gohar stopped in the middle of his speech.

Prince george get up for the sake of his kingdom and his people.He fought back and almost he was dieing from inside.

Prince george with blood all over his body.

"Come on, get me" prince george with spilling his blood all over him with stretching his both hands out.

Both george and king are fighting with their swords, grunting. And at last prince george make him knelt.

(Breathe trembling)"Okay,now you have two choices left.

- first, accept your failure and surrender.

- second,Die to my sword.

Tell me will you surrender to me,or I will cut your head off" Prince george with sword on the neck of king.

"You win ,I surrender" king.

"All haill, all hail" prince george shouting for their victory.

" War is over, victory is ours"hail to mohar kingdom, prince george.

Then suddenly lost his consciousness, because of the wound it bleeds so much. He is in critical condition. So to stop the bleeding, he was tied bandage by some ayurvedic people.

Prince george's battalion officials decided to tell this news about his condition. So they sent a guard to the palace and let them know the situation here.

After the news spreads to the whole palace, everybody was worrying except william and henry.

(Breaths fastly) " Father,Father" from indistinct.

William in the room sitting in his couch guessed that its his son and he was hurrying about the news.

"Father, Our men died at the field. I think we are caught" henry's afraid.

"You're worrying about our men and the truth, but im worrying about him. George us still alive" William rolled his eyes.

"Now what father? What do we do?" Henry asked him.

"Plan B" wiliam smiled cunning.

"What is it father, do you need my help"? henry asked.

"When time comes,I will tell you son. Now be carefull" William told him.

When the news spreads, melissa is crying more and more. Rubina and old lady were sad to see melissa like this.

She blames herself for prince george's situation. She was thinking that prince george was disturbed by her so he cant able to concentrate on his mission. So thats why he's hurted now because of her.

So melissa crying hardly.

"Okay, I'll show you him, now stop your crying."rubina told her.

Melissa got convienced and ready to see him.

"Um, can i see that! please" old lady was curious.

"Okay" both melissa and rubina accepted.

"Now , come close to me. Make a round, sister sit to my left side and mother sit to my right side" rubina instructed them.

"Okay" both old lady and melissa.

" Now close your eyes, empty your mind!

Breathe in! Breathe out!.

calm your mind,think nothing." rubina told them.

Both melissa and old lady are done as rubina said them to do.

Now rubina with her powers she can see people she want to. Now with her powers, rubina showing prince george to her sister and old lady.

Now, three of them are looking at his present situation.

Now prince george lost his consciousness and he placed on a mat with band- aid. He's condition is critical.

When melissa is looking at him, she couldn't stop her cry. Then rubina's power got distracted.

" What happened? you ruined the scene" rubina scolding her.

"Im sorry, I cant do it, I want to see him now" melissa's begging rubina.

old lady and rubina are trying to conveince melissa but she is not. Melissa is unstable.

She immediately wants to see him.

Rubina got an idea.

"Melissa how about you use your powers to save him". Rubina asked her.

"How ?"

"You're full of powers, right?, so with your blood you can save him" rubina remembered melissa's power.

Melissa's eyes got widened and smiled a little.

"Yes, i have powers" melissa hugged her.

Melissa has super powers more than his sister rubina. So with melissa's blood with her pure heart and naive soul she can save anybody.

Melissa's one drop of blood preserved for one hour, then her blood turns into white colour and will become into solid form.

"Now sister, I'll make a small cut. It wont hurt you that much, okay?" rubina with knife in her hand.

"Yes,okay" melissa closed her eyes.

rubina with shaking hands, make a small scratch with knife and collected one drop of her blood.

Now its melissa's turn, she wants to hold that drop of blood in to her turns until it turns to white and solid form.

After sometime, without hitting sunlight she took care of it and it turned from liquid form to solid form and it turned into white colour.

"Okay ,sister ! it has completed now what? how can we reach there and give it to him?" melissa questioned her.

Old lady with her big eyes shockingly looking at her.

"Eww, mother stop look like that! You're scaring me" rubina's kidding.

"Oh, stop sister!" melissa.

"okay ,okay ! i got it. We will go to him and without caught we will reach him and give it to him and we're returns back to the palace." rubina explained.

"Okay, but how? i mean prince george will have security for sure. How cam we make this?" melissa questioned her.

"At mid night, there will be shifts. So for shift to shift there will be change of guards. so we will found some time without guards. Then at that small time we have ti reach to his tent, got it?" rubina.

"Okay, got it" melissa confused.

Description: hai guys, please do support me.

THANK YOU,,,,,,,❤️.

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