
A problem with feelings.

The days went on and my obsession with chocolates grew more. I used to hug Song almost every day and being away from him was hurting me for some unknown reason. I can't bear this pain. So, I started eating chocolates every time the pain or the thoughts of him being with Sam struck my mind.

"You have been eating chocolates too much lately," P'Sud asked as he sat beside me on the wooden bench.

"I'm stressed," I said and ate the whole chocolate bar.

"Don't eat too much. You may get cavities." P'Sud smiled. 

"You still haven't solved your problem?" P'Sud asked after being quiet for a minute or two. I kept my head down in reply.

"I'll take that as a no."

"What is it anyway?. You seem distracted last year but you solved it pretty quickly. And now... it's been 2 weeks and you are still stressed." P'Sud added. I was fidgeting on how to tell. I don't even know the explanation for this problem.

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