
Chapter 127: Marinah


He knows that irritates me, and I give him a stern side-eye as a reminder.

His lips quirk and I realize he’s trying to take my mind off the bubble of death. Like that’s gonna happen.

“Ready to launch?” asks a very chipper Nokita after he flips several switches on the control panel in front of him. When working on planes, he’s a pilot. When on a sub, he’s the skipper or whatever you call them. His vernacular is that of a man who lives and breathes engines. He’s multi-functional when it comes to anything mechanical. King once told me that Nokita started fixing tractor engines when he was young because he hated working the farm fields with his father. By the age of twelve, Nokita had a thriving farm mechanical business going.

“Have you ever manned one of these things?” I ask and immediately wish I hadn’t.

Nokita turns in his seat and reads the fear in my eyes. “Never,” he says in glee without hiding it.

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