
Chapter 117

Despite the danger of the situation, a part of Sheng couldn't help a giddy excitement that he could roam the outdoors, free and in his feline skin. Tail bobbing, whiskers twitching and paws gripping the earth, he bounded across the strip of grass bordering the tarmac of the runway.

A lone plane sat in the open with its cargo bay door wide open. Approaching it, Sheng sniffed, and couldn't help a growl at the familiar smell of Kaleb and his goons, gorilla mercs imported from South America and loyal to whoever paid their salary. Traitors to their kind.

As if thinking of Kaleb conjured him, the broad chested man appeared in the opening of the plan and held his arms wide. The wide grin on his lips though never reached his eyes.

"If it's not my long lost kitty, returned at last. But where is your sister? I thought I made myself quite clear that you were both to come?"

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