
Chapter 102

Despite the mini fight she had with Sheng about leaving the house, a fight she won, Jiao spent a fun evening with Naomi and Francine, who also ended up coming over for a girl's night. They talked a lot, well the she-wolves did, Jiao kind of listened, absorbing their stories, and envying their easy friendship. She didn't understand the name calling ? bitch, wench, skank ? but obviously, Naomi and Francine didn't take offense at the often derogatory terms uttered with affection and laughter.

Best of all, they acted like Jiao was already an accepted part of their group and family. A foregone affair. Now if only she didn't have to lie to her new friends.

Jiao did her best not to divulge too much; the less lies she told, the better. But evasions and misdirects didn't mean she completely escaped some uncomfortable moments such as when Naomi asked flat out how she and Jack got together.

Jiao stuck to a partial truth. "We knew each other as children."

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