
Chapter 154: New Recruits

BEFORE WE TOOK OFF, Ruthie and I pulled Zander aside. Huddled together by her car, we tried to convince him that we should tell everyone everything. It wasn't easy. He still had some serious misgivings about Luke and Wynona. They hadn't exactly signed a non-disclosure agreement. Nor did we know them well at all. However, I sensed that they were sincere about wanting to avenge Dante, and I told Zander this through our mental path.

I argued that we needed them, or that at least we needed Luke. His ability was powerful and we could definitely use more help if we had to go up against individuals like Donavitch again. Who knew what else the Nasaru had in their arsenal of abilities. Even though it was horribly wrong, I understood Gerard Hughes's motivation for "collecting" idimmu. They were proving to be every bit as formidable as akharu and usemi.

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