
Chapter 125: The Blood Shall Reveal

SOMEONE SHOOK ME HARD, rattling my teeth. "Tru!"

I dragged my eyelids open, but it was too bright. I put a hand over my eyes.

"Too much light!" I moaned.

"Geez, girl! You scared me to death!"

I squinted at a strange object. It was Ruthie with two heads. As I blinked, one of the heads turned into Phoebe.

"Phoebe?" I murmured.

"Yeah, it's me. I took Ruthie's advice to live it up a little and look what happened. We find you passed out in a bedroom. How much did you drink?" she said, her lips pinched with disappointment.

I stretched my mouth, feeling parched. Ruthie helped me to sit up. "Seriously, Tru," she wailed. "What happened? Did you ever find Zander?"

Ding! I suddenly remembered everything and squeezed my head with both hands. "No!" I muttered between clenched teeth. "Someone pushed me. Knocked me out. I think he stuck a needle in me." I ran a hand along a tender spot in the crease of my elbow.

"They knocked you out and brought you up here?" asked Ruthie.

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