
Chapter 122: You-know-what

FOR THE REST OF THE morning, I constantly checked in with Ruthie. I wasn't going to risk Peter hurting her again. I even arranged to cross paths with her between classes. I had to run to make it to mine in time, but it was worth it to know she was okay.

When I rushed into Physics, I was glad to see I'd arrived before the new kids. I slid into my normal seat just as they walked through the classroom door. Their eyes zoomed in on me darkly. As they trudged to the last row, their heavy gaze made me feel like I'd done something wrong. What did I ever do to them? All throughout class I felt their eyes burning a hole into my back. I didn't understand their interest in me. When Physics ended, I hurried out, relieved to get away.

Shrina greeted me at my locker before lunch. "Hey Tru."

"Oh. Hi Shrina. Any news about Bobby?" My stomach twisted.

"Nope." She pulled on her bag nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

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