
Chapter Fifty-Seven

The next day I woke up and Aidan was already gone. I placed my hand on the empty spot where Aidan once was, the spot was already cold so he must've been up for some time. I had mixed emotions - I was happy to have such a hard working husband but waking up to a cold, empty bed was not something I was hoping to get used to.

I let out a sigh and slowly crawled out of bed. I sat down at my vanity and started to wash my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that the dark circles under my eyes were starting to get worse. If Aidan didn't let me sleep I'm sure they would only grow darker. I paused to think about him, my face growing redder thinking about the events of last night. I wonder why Aidan also didn't have dark circles?

"Your Majesty?" I hear and turn around to see Louise peaking in the room from behind the large doors.

"Louise." I say and smile.

"Ar-are you okay?" She asks as she walks in the room and shuts the door behind her. I follow her eye line to look down at my body and saw the small hickeys on my neck and shoulders.

"O-oh these. Yes Aidan got a little carried away." I say and laugh nervously.

"I-if I may." She said sheepishly.

"Of course."

"It-it might n-not be g-good for the b-baby." She says as she looks away.

"Oh." I say and put a hand on my stomach. "I will ask the physician about it, thank you."

"Of-of course. Can I help you dress Your Majesty?" She asked.

"Y-yes." I say and turn back towards the mirror. "Could you braid my hair as well? It's starting to get a little too hot to wear it down."

"Of course." She smiled as she came over to the vanity to do my hair and help me get into my outfit for the day.

After I dressed I went down to the library where someone was waiting for me.

"Your Majesty." They said and bowed.

"Hello." I said, a little confused as I haven't seen this man before.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Your Majesty. I am Winston Weatherby and I am in charge of planning your coronation."

"M-my coronation?" I asked.

"Yes, it will be a grand event for you and King Shaffer. Now that peace has been restored to the kingdom we must have stability. We need to show Britania their capable rulers."

"Y-yes, that would be good." I said and a smile spread across his face.

"I-I know it's too much for a full tour after the coronation in your condition but perhaps we could plan to visit a few key towns."

"W-what would I do there?"

"Mostly just appearing in public - waiving to the people as you come into town, attend local mass, participate in the rites, distribute coins to the congregants, and attend any local ceremonies. The physician assured me it wouldn't be too much of a strain and he would be coming on the journey to look after your wellbeing." He said.

"It doesn't seem like I'd be doing much..."

"It's a small effort sure but it would go a long way in King Shaffer's rule."

"R-really?" I asked, feeling excited to finally contribute.

"Oh yes! The more the people see you, get to know you, and love you the more they'll do for the kingdom. We may have peace now but it's tenuous and many people are still struggling."

"Then I think I would like to go where the people are struggling the most. I should also take the opportunity to meet the Dukes whose land I'll be traveling in if it isn't too far out of the way."

"I-I am very pleased to hear you agree Your Majesty, very pleased."

"When is the coronation?" I asked.

"In two months time Your Majesty." He said.

"Oh good, hopefully my symptoms will have lessened by then. And how long will this trip last?"

"About a month Your Majesty."

"A-a month. I don't know if Aidan-er His Majesty would approve of my being away for so long."

"I-it is for the benefit of the kingdom, we must ensure he sees the wisdom in it."

"R-right. We can try but he pouted just being apart for a week."

He let out a groan then coughed to cover it up. "So there is truth to that rumor."

"I don't suppose it would be possible for His Majesty to join us? We should introduce the King to his subjects as well."

"A-a whole month away for trivial duties such as this would-"

"Didn't you just say it was important?" I asked.

"W-why yes-"

"Then we'll see if he can get away, even for just part of the journey."

"O-of course Your Majesty." He said.

"Now let's talk about this coronation." I say and smile.

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