
Finding A Parking Spot

As Marcus used the ship's telescope to look at the system and help him to focus his ability more closely on finding any areas safe for the ship to jump to, he would announce what he was seeing as they also looked at what they could see on the screen. Looking in the outer area he kept finding asteroids, comets, meteors, and other debris from the numerous solar systems the two black holes had encountered and pulled into orbiting them and eventually getting consumed by them. After searching for close to an hour, Marcus announced, "Hey guys! I think I found a spot! It's about two light years out but that's how far their gravitational pull reaches to pull more stuff in! But this spot is free of debris right now. Or, well, it's free of debris bigger than what Greg's shield thingy can handle at least. And, once we're there, we're only only gonna have like a day, maybe two, before the big stuff starts getting too close for comfort."

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