

At lunch, Phichit was eager to eat Paitoon's food, he opened the lunchbox and the scent of omelet filled up the cafeteria.

"Wow, who made that?" Earth asks taking a peek. Preed nudged him on the shoulder with a playful smirk.

"Phichit's new wife cooks for him yet you haven't given me anything"

"Really? What about last night? I remember having your dhummm hmm mmmmuh"

Preed once again had covered his boyfriend's mouth with his hand, this boy likes talking about intimate moments in public.

"Why are you stopping him? We all know you do it" Phichit says taking a bite of his omelette.

It made his mouth tingle and his flesh cover in goosebumps.

"Whoa is it that good?" Preed asks after seeing his friend's reaction.

"You guys....he, he must've bought this, this egg is too good to be true"

Preed and Earth shared a look before they took spoonfuls of their friend's food.

They moaned in delight tasting the meal, this was top chef food, how can a regular egg taste so good?

"We have to meet this guy, Phichit, we're coming with you today"

"What? No! You guys will tease him"

Earth pouted.

"Come on naaa, we want to taste his eggs"

The people near them gave them odd looks. Preed swatted his boyfriend's head.

"You want to taste his eggs huh? Come taste mine as well, they're better than his"

"You guys are disgusting"

───※ ·❆· ※───

He threw the black plastic bag in the dumpster and sighed looking around his childhood neighborhood.

No one talked to each other here, you mind your own business to avoid attention, if people see you being chummy and friendly, burglars will rob you while you slept.

He made his way inside the house and sighed looking at the taped up boxes leaning against the wall.

He didn't want to move, he wants to stay in the house his parent's built but he also knows that they'd want him out of the nest, it was time for him to be a grown up now.

The car horn startled him for a moment before a smile creeped out on his face, he quickly made his way out and froze at the door.

"You must be the boy my son is seeing, I'm Phichit's mother, nice to meet you"

───※ ·❆· ※───

Sirichai angrily stomped out of his car and kicked the tyre that had punctured on his way to work.

"Do you have a spare?" A voice asked, he turned around and saw a young boy smiling at him.

"Spare what?"

The boy laughed for a moment, typical rich people, they buy the car but don't know how to take care of it.

"Do you have a spare tyre man, i can change it for you"

He narrowed his eyes at the boy and held his waist in judgment.

"What do you want in return"

The boy pondered for a moment before he says something that stunned the older man to the core.

"I want....a kiss, from you.....on the lips"

"W-What? How shameless are you? I'm old enough to be your father!"

"Oh no you don't, you look young, rich and i assume you have a child in my age right?"

He glared at him.

"Who sent you? Was it the media?"

"No one sent me...let's just say i want to open your eyes"

This boy was something else, he wants a kiss from him? Just a kiss? Not money?

"I....okay fine".

The boy smiled.

"Pop the trunk open I'll be done in a minute"

Sirichai leaned against the car as he watched the boy.

"what's your name?" He asks in curiosity.

"Me? I'm Gan"

───※ ·❆· ※───

Paitoon stood there frozen in place. Phichit's mother was here, did...did she come here to tell him to stay away from her son?

"H-Hello" he offered a wai but received an eye roll instead.

Sirikit looked the boy up and down, what's so special about him? He looks poor, boring and....regular.

"I won't waste my time to be nice about this, stay away from my son, he is going to own his father's companies in two years, last thing he needs is a worthless boy like you bringing him down"

He involuntarily chewed on his bottom lip as he kept his head down, her words were painfully true.

"I....I understand"

"Good, if we meet again, it will not be pleasant...trust me"

He watched her get in the car and zoom off, he blinked his tears away and sat on the front porch thinking about what just happened.

The two were from different worlds, if they mixed, things will not be good. A cold chuckle escaped his lips.

"Phichit...we haven't even began dating and yet your mother is here threatening me"

───※ ·❆· ※───

"All done" Gan says standing up. He saw the older man tense making him smirk.

"Now about my reward" he says walking up to him.

"You do realize I'm a married man right?"

"Then where is your ring?"

Sirichai cursed himself mentally, why today of all days did he have to forget his ring?

"So will you give me my reward or not?" Gan says leaning in.

Sirichai found himself breathing heavily, this 19 year old was making him squirm as if he is the girl in this predicament.

A warm breeze fanned his lashes as Gan was inches away from his face, his heartbeat skyrocketed at this point, why was this happening?

"I'm taking my reward now" Gan whispered before he kissed him. To his surprise Sirichai kissed him back, full tongue.

Sirichai moaned into the kiss as Gan pinned his arms against the car, he gasped feeling him kiss down his neck.

"I like that sound...remember it" Gan says before pulling back, he smirked.

"Nice doing business with you" he says and walks off leaving a breathless and a very....horny Sirichai.

"What the fuck just happened?"

───※ ·❆· ※───

After school, Phichit's car drove to the house he has come to like now, he saw Paitoon sitting on the porch with a lost look on his face making him frown, what upset him?

"Paitoon? Are you okay?"

Was he? He was thinking about what happened this morning, should he tell Phichit the truth? If he lies that would be a bad start to their relationship right? He sighed.

"P'Phichit....your mother was here"

It was enough for the young man to know what happened, his hand clenched into a fist.

"I'm going to kill that woman"

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