
A Sudden Realization

[Music Recommendation: "Sunny Mornings" by Peter B. Helland (instrumental only)-available in Youtube or Spotify] ~ Please listen to it in a loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this chapter ~

[Please note: We're back to Senara's POV]


That was a big yawn. It seemed that yesterday really tired me out. But I still woke up early as usual even if my appointment today wouldn't be until the afternoon. Oh well, I could just try to do a bit more writing or maybe do some uninteresting homework?

Since I'm a Libra, I accepted the fact that I was an indecisive person. Whenever it came down to choices, I sucked at them. So at times like this, I laid it all down to chances.

Taking a coin from my purse, I spun it on the table. If it laid down on the heads, I'd do my writing, if it laid down on the tails, I'd go with homework. It wasn't much of an important decision anyway. I was just being picky and trying to drag on doing my homework.

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