

The clink of metal, I jumped away from the source of the sound.

He was a short and well-fed man, in a good suit with a large hat,

his eyes were covered by round gold-rimmed glasses.

"Excellent speed, just a little more and you'd have cut my throat."

(The little man took out a handkerchief and wiped a drop of blood on his cheek.)

"I'm sorry, it's just a reflex.

-And very good ones, too.

Well, that's not the point, I see you've lost your close friends.

You probably want to bring them back to life, am I right?

- Let's say (this sounded rather cold and dry)

- I want to offer you a great deal,

I will resurrect your friends, and you will give your soul in their stead.

Anyone in your position would agree without hesitation. Well, what do you say?

He held out his short hand, burning with a blue flame.

I saw the gleam of his little piggy, sly eyes under his glasses.

Well, let's try the skill in practice.

"Eyes of Truth"

Mortis ' eyes shone with a golden light.

He looked at the little man.

The race is the Demon Duke.



Dexterity -24000.

Physical resistance-57000.



Mag resistance-95000.

Unfortunately, I could not reveal the skills.

A dangerous creature, one I can hardly fight on equal terms with.

- No, I'll thank you myself somehow.

"What?" Do you refuse? I can't believe it, because I thought you wanted to bring your friends back to life.

I was about to leave when a barrier formed over the village.

"No, my dear fellow, you won't leave here.

That's a pain in the ass, and how can I be with this underdeveloped demon?

- Let's see how you handle the psychic attacks.

Suddenly, the voices of those I had killed filled my head.

Children,women, men all shouted at me in my own head.

"Oh, it's amazing you're still on your feet, but soon you won't be able to stand it either.

Mortis sank to the ground,and then completely lost consciousness.

The dwarf ran happily up to Mortis, still talking about his greatness and that Mortis was a bug compared to him, which was not difficult to crush.

However, the demon lost his guard, intoxicated by the easy victory.


The demon's arms and legs were torn off.

Dark blood was pouring from the wound.

Oghh, you bastard!!!

"Your head is stronger than I thought."

Where was the neck rocked?

"Mortal, you mock me.

Many pentagrams formed around it.

The bodies of the people were burning with blue flames.

They got up, and returned to the state before death. Many were crying and hugging each other.

"Behold the army of men you have slain under my control.",

you'll have to kill them again to kill me. Your friends are there, too.


Takumi and Hidora also rose from the dead.

They started running toward me.

- Mortis!!!

-"My lord!!!

They were close now…

I took out my dagger…

Well, rest in peace....

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