
Tears of Blood

Qi Jing came to the chamber with a tray in her hand. Putting the tray on the bedside table, she put away the curtains. "Brother, I have prepared the soup. Let it cool down. Shall I help Sister Lili, or will you help her later in taking this soup?" Qi Jing queried.

"I will do it. Thank you, Sister Jing. You shall leave for your chamber. It is late night," Sheng Li told Qi Jing.

"Brother Sheng, you did not have your dinner. You shall do the dinner," Qi Jing anxiously stated. Sheng Li refused and replied he was not hungry. Qi Jing found that Sheng Li had become closer to Ying Lili, which brought a smile to her lips. Qi Jing sat on the mattress near Ying Lili's feet.

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