
This Time, I Will Not Let You Fight Alone

Because William couldn't prove that he could be trusted, the Titanic Trollhound didn't accompany him in his return to the Hellan Kingdom. 

After resting for a day in the Great Chieftain's residence on the Third Peak of Chivalry, and making sure that Brianna and Prince Ernest were doing well, William and Ashe once again journeyed towards the Hellan Kingdom.

They planned to make a detour before before going to the town of Hartlepool

Their destination? It was none other than the Armstrong Duchy. 

Although it didn't show on his face, William was very worried about Wendy. He had already seen Est, but he still hadn't seen his first girlfriend since he had woken up from his coma.

Surprisingly, Ashe even supported his decision. Her reasoning was simple.

"Wendy is your girlfriend," Ashe said firmly. "It's only natural for you to see her and lessen the burden in her heart. I'm sure that she's also very worried about your current condition."

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