

A month went by so quickly. I did not even realize it was a month already until Paco told me. He told me that we are a night away from Canupeer, our first dock. He said that we would stop by for coals and food. I was excited. I will actually walk on land again. After taking my bath I slipped in the green dress with a white apron then ran to the top deck.

"NO!!!!! You heard me!!!!"

I stopped after hearing those thundering words.

"But I wanted to be with you!!!"

I recognized the young man's voice. It was Dylan. Then, a door to my right opened and from there, Dylan ran away.


I looked in the direction of the other voice and saw Jacob standing up and walking to the door. He saw me. His expression quickly changed. "Good Morning, Darling. I hope Paco told you that tomorrow we will be at Canupeer."

I smiled at him, "He did. I am very excited."

Jacob smirked, "Now, now, now, don't ever think of escaping."

I tossed my hair. "I will do what I want to do," I told him and quickly walked away from him.

I wanted to see how Dylan is. I climbed up the top deck to check if Dylan went there but saw none. I was about to walk away when I heard someone sobbing. Using my ears as guides, I end up staring at Dylan by the barrels not far away. "You are Dylan, right?"

Dylan looked at me and nodded.

I smiled at him, "How old are you?"


"Don't you have parents?"

"I don't want to live with her. She is a nuisance to me!!! She wants to dictate my life!!!"

I closed my eyes tightly. I object to him calling his parents nuisance, but I understood what he meant by them being dictators. My father, though I love him, is somewhat a dictator. I still cannot forget how he pledged me to someone without even asking me. "What did they want you to do?"

"Go to school," he said in a scowl and looked away.

I scrunch my forehead. Now, his reasons are different from mine, "You don't want to go to school?" I can't help but ask.

Dylan shook his head immediately. He looked at me then smiled. "I want to be a pirate… like Captain Jacob. I want to sail to the dangerous waters as well and survive it. I want to see sea monsters. I want to look for treasures," he replied with eyes glinting with excitement.

"But you are so young to be a pirate. School is a much better choice, if you ask me."

Dylan turned his head away from me, "You are just like them. You do not understand me."

"There is nothing to understand," replied a stern voice. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Jacob wearing a very serious expression again.

"I want to be with you!!! I want to be like you!!!" Dylan persisted. His eyes began to well up with tears. "Why can't you understand?"

"You cannot be like me. Whatever you do, you will never be like me," Jacob answered.

"If you force me to go back to Canupeer, I swear, I'll sneak back in," the young boy threatened, crossed his arms and gave Jacob a challenging look.

Jacob stood unaffected. He looked back at the young lad with a stare that will impose fear, "If I had to put you in jail to ensure that you are not sneaking back in, I would. I can tell the law enforcers that you stole from me and that you need to be in jail," he replied coldly.


"Because you are not suited to become a pirate and I do not want you here," the response was blunt.

I looked at Dylan and saw a tear trickle down but the young boy was determined as well. He wiped the tear swiftly and said, "I'll study how to be one. Teach me…"

"No," Jacob answered harshly.

My gaze went back and forth from Jacob to Dylan. I could see from Dylan's face that he is utterly hurt by what Jacob said. He stood up and ran back inside. I looked at Jacob. Somehow, I do not understand this man. Does he not want Dylan to be a pirate because he knows it is bad? If he knows that it is, then why is he doing it?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" his features softened once more as he spoke to me.

"I don't know what to ask. If I ask you why you won't teach Dylan to be a pirate, you would say because he is too good to be one. If I ask then why did you choose to become a pirate, you might answer something that I would not want to hear," I replied and looked down.

I heard Jacob took a deep breath. I knew at that moment that he chose to be silent about the matter. It made me wonder. 'Why is he doing this? What is his story?' My curiosity overwhelms me. I wanted to ask but I do not wish to pry. Still, I hoped that he would give away even a small piece of information so I asked, "How did Dylan get to know you?"

He looked at me with those eyes that could melt any heart and said in a warm tone, "Dylan is my nephew. He is my sister's son."

I smiled and realized his concern, "So you don't want him to end up like you?"

He scoffed at my response, "Do not get me wrong Darling. I do not detest being a pirate. I steal for a reason. Dylan just thinks of pirates like how you think of them. You think of us as thieves, sea adventurers, and criminals. But we are not those kinds," he told me with a hint of accusation.

Just as I thought that we were beginning to have a moment, he became irritating once more. I can't help but become antagonistic to him. "If you are not those things, then why did you take me with you against my will?" I asked, crossed my arms and challenged him.

He chuckled once more. "Against your will? I think whether you admit it or not, you wanted me to take you, didn't you?" he retorted.

I scoffed. Did he just say what I heard him say? The nerve of this man! "How arrogant can you get?!!!" I raised my voice, my fists clenched.

He looked at me and our eyes met. His dark eyes seemed to penetrate deep within my soul to truly discern my thoughts and intentions. He smirked. Goodness! He irritates me beyond measure but I must admit that he also awakens in me something else. Something I could not put my finger on.

"Very well then," he began with a challenging tone. "We will be stopping at Canupeer. If you don't want to be with us, you are free to leave," he said, then walked away without giving me a chance to respond.

I watched his back as he left me alone. He did not even bother to look back. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I looked at the horizon and saw a piece of land. From where I stand, it looked like a small hump. I already decided to stay but I do not want Jacob to think that he is right. Never! I never wanted for him to take me! What does that man think of me? Does he think I am attracted to him? Maybe I should just leave and begin my own adventure at Canupeer. But then again, sailing with pirates sounded more exciting. I crossed my arms.


Excitement and anxiety rushed into my veins as my feet touched the solid ground. Canupeer is a small island with rocky shores and several pine trees. We docked by a pier near the main town's market and I was not surprised anymore that the people of Canupeer were not bothered by a pirate ship. Well, first of all, they would never know that Labyrinth is one. Last night, the crew made sure to take away any hint of piracy from the ship. As a matter of fact, they disguised Labyrinth as a merchant ship.

What came shocking to me was that the people seem to recognize the crew and are happy to see them. As a matter of fact, the crew reciprocate the same recognition. They were calling each other by name and shaking their hands as if they were heroes. If they could put out a marching band to welcome Labyrinth, they would have.

I watched as Jacob walked towards me while dragging Dylan by the collar of his shirt. He waved at some old men who called him and smiled at them. When he reached me, he said, "I have to take this boy to his mother," as if he was asking for my permission. I scrunch my forehead, but before I could respond I already heard someone shouting.

"Dylan!!!" I looked where the voice was coming from and saw a woman running to our direction. Her face filled with worry and at the same time anticipation. When she finally reached us, she gave Dylan a big hug while the boy remained frowning. Soon, her eyes were filled with tears as she began scolding him, "Don't you know how worried I was? How could you do this to me?" she said as she held the boy by his shoulders.

Jacob cleared his throat. "Good to see you too, Stella." The woman he called Stella looked at him and gave him a hug too.

"Good to see you too, Jacob," she said.

I do not know if I should remain where I stood as I felt that I am out of place. I inferred that this is a reunion of a brother and a sister who have not seen each other for a while. Now, it all made sense why the people of Canupeer acted the way they did. Canupeer is Jacob's hometown so they knew him and his crew.

I was about to walk away when Stella finally noticed me. "Oh I am so sorry. I am Stella, I am Jacob's older sister," she introduced herself to me.

"I am Ed---" I was about to introduce myself when I saw Jacob quickly looked at me, anticipating what I would say next. I quickly remembered that I haven't told them my real name yet. I raised my left eyebrow at him and held my tongue.

Jacob laughed at how I acted. His sister looked at the both of us somewhat confused. Then looked at Jacob knowingly. She put her hand on her waist as if waiting for him to explain. Jacob stopped laughing and made the introduction. "She refused to give me her name, so I call her Darling," he answered with a grin.

Stella's eyes widened and slapped Jacob by his left arm, "That is very ungentlemanly of you!" She looked at me apologetically. "I am so sorry. I swear I did not raise him like that."

I smiled as a response. Stella seems nice. "It is alright. As uncomfortable as it is, I got used to being called that name," I said. Jacob looked at me smiling. He seemed pleased so I added, "Better be called Darling than give him the satisfaction of knowing my real name."

Jacob laughed again. He seems to be enjoying himself, I shook my head. "Paco!" he called. Paco quickly walked to our direction. "See to it that Darling here knows her way around Canupeer," he said. "I'll walk Stella and Dylan home."

Paco nodded. "Miss Darling, this way," he said and guided me away from the siblings. I could still hear Stella scolding Jacob while the latter just kept on laughing.

The first thing Paco did was get me a map of Canupeer. At first, I went along with him as he bought things for the ship. He was in charge of accounting so he bought a scale and a new record book. I admit that I was getting bored so I told him, I will shop by myself. At first, he was reluctant to let me go but he told me what Jacob decided on about me. Jacob told Paco that I am free.

"Miss Darling, just in case you decide to sail with us, our ship is at the docks. We will stay here for about three days. If you cannot find an inn or a place to stay or need any help at all, you will find most of the crew at Verna's Tavern merry-making. Just tell them your dilemma if you couldn't find me and they will help you right away," he said then pointed at Verna's Tavern on the map.

I nodded, "I'll be fine, Paco. No need to be worried about me."


After Paco and I separated ways, I bought myself lunch before I went shopping. I bought two dresses and a few hair ties. I also got myself a pair of stockings and shoes. I was careful not to spend too much money with what Jacob gave me, so I can still have money for a room at an inn. I was hesitant about accepting any money from pirates but Jacob made a good point when he said that I will not make it on my own without it. So I did. Besides, it was his fault for taking me and leaving my belongings at Penelope so I considered the money he gave me as payment.

It was almost getting dark and I was walking in an alley, calculating in my brain how much more money I have left when I noticed a couple of children sitting by the walls of the small stores. They looked skinny as if they have not eaten for days and some of them were begging for food. The more I walked, the more children I saw. I believe their ages range from 6- 13 years old. One of them saw me staring so she boldly walked to my direction and asked for money. I pitied the girl, so I decided to give her one silver. I mean it couldn't hurt, right? It's just one silver. That's what I thought.

The moment I handed the girl the silver, a boy quickly grabbed my wallet from me. After seeing that, some of the children I thought were beggars saw it as a signal and ran. It was chaos! I was so shocked that I did not notice how fast these children took the items I just bought. They were running in different directions. I cannot chase all of them at once to retrieve my possessions, so I looked for the boy who stole my wallet. If these children think I will be helpless, then they messed with the wrong woman. I may be a noblewoman, but I ran fast.

After quickly locating the boy who took my wallet, I immediately memorized the way he looked and what he was wearing. Then, I chased after him. I think I underestimated the boy and overestimated myself. The young thief was very agile. He made me chase him from alley to alley until I got so tired and could hear myself panting. But, I have to chase him or else I will have no money. The last thing I want to do is to go back to Jacob and explain what happened to me. I saw him turned left, I followed.

I was grateful for what I saw after I made the turn. Someone stopped the boy for me. The man was holding the boy's shirt. He then quickly grabbed the boy's hand that was holding my wallet. I sighed in relief. 'Finally, I can stop running.' My relief was cut short after I saw who caught the boy. Of course, it was none other than Jacob. I groaned.

"What did you do?" he asked the boy. He did not look angry. Rather, he was a bit amused. Of course he would be. After all, I am involved. He finds me ENTERTAINING!!!!

"Nothing. I did nothing!" the boy lied even if the evidence was in his hands. "This lady just chased me. I did not do anything wrong!"

"Well?" he looked at me waiting for my response.

I cannot believe this man! I looked at him in unbelief. I'm sure he could see how my eyes were wide with annoyance. I was still panting so I could not answer right away. "He… stole… my… wallet," I managed to say in between breaths.

"Rrriiight. I knew I recognized this," he said as he took the wallet from the boy's hand.

"Give it back! That's mine! The lady lies!" the boy responded angrily.

Jacob smiled at the boy. "Actually, this is mine. See? It has my name on it. J-A-C-O-B. Jacob. Me," he said then pointed at the small letters written on the wallet.

The boy's eyes widened, "You're Jacob, the pirate?" he asked. He was more amazed than afraid. Jacob let go of the boy. The boy did not leave instead he kept on eyeing Jacob with admiration. "You are JACOB!!!" he said with so much excitement. Seriously? I had to blink several times to check that I was not hallucinating from exhaustion.

Jacob chuckled and scratched his head, "Guilty."

"My friends and I adore you," the boy said. Of course he would. They're both thieves. I cannot help but roll my eyes.

"Really?" Jacob replied nonchalantly.

"Why does this lady have your wallet then?" he asked looking at me. Then he looked back at Jacob. Jacob smiled at him knowingly. "Ohhhhhh…. she's your woman…" he said while smiling back.

"I am certainly no---" I said but Jacob cut me off.

"Here's what we're going to do," he said talking to the boy and completely ignoring me! "Why don't you keep the money and share it with your friends while I'll take the lady with me."

The boy nodded with his smile not leaving his face. His eyes, not leaving Jacob even for a second. He was mesmerized by him. It was just like the passengers in Penelope. They could not just resist his charms!!!

"Okay, now that it's settled. Off you go then," he said. The boy followed cheerfully and skipped his way out the alley.

My mouth gaped wide open. What. Just. Happened? I looked at Jacob in disbelief.

"Now, what do we do with you?" he said, eyeing me.

"You do know he just stole from me, right? His friends stole what I bought with the money you gave me," I explained. "You just let him go."

"They're hungry," was his short reply. I looked at him. Was that compassion? A pirate with compassion? But before I completely changed my mind about him he continued speaking, "plus that means you do not have money. So... you do not have any other choice but to come back to me," he said and for the love of God, he winked at me after.

I closed my eyes in aggravation. I wanted to scream but that is so unladylike so I took a couple of deep breaths instead. Then, I calmly opened my eyes and looked at him unwavering. I flipped my hair, turned my back and began to walk away from him. He laughed in response. Oh I know he would!

"Darling!!!" he called out.

I did not stop. I did not look back. I will not give him the satisfaction!

He ran after me until he was walking beside me. "Aren't you hungry?"

I looked at him. I do not want to respond but I cannot help myself. Something about this man always makes me respond… always makes me react. "Even if I am, I do not have money to buy myself food," I replied with every word dripping with sarcasm.

He smiled. Alright, to be honest, he really is a charming man, especially when he smiles like this. "I'll buy you dinner. Most of the crew are in Verna's Tavern," he said and held my elbow ever so gently to guide me where it was.

Verna's Tavern was not that far. When we went inside, I immediately noticed the crew. They were loud. Of course Puma, Laurel, and Wabi were singing so loudly, you can see their veins almost popping out from their throats. Thom saw us and yelled while raising his mug, "The captain is here!!!!" The crew yelled while raising their mugs as well.

Jacob nodded his head and signalled them to continue merrymaking. Neville, who was the closest to us, said, "You found Miss Darling."

Jacob pulled the chair for me at the table besides Neville's. I sat down. Jacob sat down first before responding to Neville. "Just in time," he said. He signalled the waiter and ordered food for us.

I couldn't help but be curious of what Jacob said. So, shortly after we began eating, I asked, "What do you mean 'just in time'?" Jacob had to lean in close to hear me because of how loud the people in the tavern were. I could smell his scent. For some reason, his nearness gave me goosebumps.

"Oh that?," he said. "Stella told me to find you before it gets dark. She said there was an increase of pickpockets after the new governor was appointed."

"Ohhh… then why did you let the boy go?" I asked again after I swallowed a piece of chicken meat.

"As I told you before, he's hungry. The children are," he said.

"But he stole your money."

"Which I stole from the corrupt government officials, who stole from the citizens. The children are citizens. They deserve that money," he replied. This time his face was serious.

I wanted to ask about what he means but he quickly diverted the topic. He clearly does not want to talk about it.

"Stella said you could stay at her house for the time being. You can stay there too if you decide to stay here at Canupeer instead of sailing with us."

"And what of your entertainment?"

"See? I told you so. You wanted me to take you all along," he replied and smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I will let it go. Just this once because I am still curious about something. "How's Dylan?"


"I sort of understand. I mean, I think he idolizes you. Where is his father?" I asked.

"His father died three years ago. Dylan took it badly so I took him sailing for three months. Now, I regret doing that. If I didn't, he would not be encouraged to want to follow my footsteps. I was just trying to help," he said. I was listening attentively so I noticed how for a moment, there was sadness in his eyes.

"Why don't you want him to be like you?" I looked at him. He looked at me in return.

He was studying me. I think he was trying to discern what I would think and how I would react if he tells me something. "He needs to go to school. It suits him better," was his reply. I know he was being careful.

"Then why don't you go to school?" I said emphasizing on YOU. Then took a sip of water.

"I did," he quickly replied.

I almost choked on my water. That surprised me. "You went to school?" I can't help but ask.

He laughed at my disbelief. He diverted the topic again, "So, tell me your name."

"No!!!" I replied quickly.

"Why not?"

"I do not want to."

"Why not?"

"You don't deserve it."

"What should I do to deserve it?"

"Take me back to Penelope?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Not happening."

"Forget my name then," I replied then flipped my hair.

"Alright. Darling suits you better, anyways," he said and winked at me.

I shook my head. "I can't believe you."

He became serious after. "So are you staying here at Canupeer? Or are you coming with us?" he asked, his eyes not looking away from me even for a second.

"Are you seriously giving me that freedom?" I asked in equal seriousness.

He nodded without any hesitation. I am somewhat dismayed. Believe it or not, I got used to him not wanting me to escape and now he is giving me freedom. I was about to give him my answer, when the tavern's door opened abruptly. It was Stella. She was panting so hard.

"Jacob!!!" she cried. Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

Jacob turned to the door. The crew quieted down.

"Dylan….He's gone... He left again..."

I saw Jacob clenched his jaw and then made a fist before banging it on the table. I was startled. I never saw him that angry.

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