
Saved by You

****** they said their sorry... but I cannot find the will to go back to what I have been doing before. Maybe because the sorry came too late? or the reason of what she did anger me a little. Saying she said does words not because of me but bec. of the other one vo worker. When that co worker were too loud because we were talking. btw, when we talk, we always shout at each other, bicker at each other but would end up okay after. But that day, just because she said those things, i ended up not talking to anyone. well not talkinh unneccessary things. If my words and voice is not needed, i just shut up.

And after days of silence, i realized that its true. that Im the only one who makes everything so noisy. I should just really shut up.

i hope someday, I really put into silence. never to speak again. never to be seen again.


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