
Dandelion Necklace

****Yahooo~ got the chance to write again. But still I dont know if I'd be able to finish this now even this author's note. But I hope that I will. Since I might forgot about the scene again. It'll be triublesome since I did not sleep early like what I intend to do last night. Woke up early today and still feel sleepy and that might cause me to sleep earlier tonight (hoepfully). But then again, It wont happen since I got halted writing this again. But anyway, I would try to remember what scene was what I supposed to write.


Dandelion was confused as to why Maeko was in hysterics when it come to that necklace. Gumi then said that she was just jealous as she had that when Maeko had long been coveting Sora but did not received it. To Maeko's anger, she snacthed it away from Gumi's neck for she does not deserve wearing it.

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