


Ayleth sat at the mirror in her chambers and stared at her own, white face. She'd pulled her hair back severely into a simple bun and had bathed. Now she sat, and she stared. And Falek stood guard in her suite, both of them shaken and uncertain what to do next.

For over an hour they'd looked for Etan and Borsche—and her mother—over an hour. The castle was large, but it was no mystery to Falek—or Ayleth herself. And yet, it was as if all three of them had fallen from the face of the earth. Ayleth had wanted to attend the library as planned, despite not being able to bring her mother, but Falek insisted it would only create risk if Etan and Borsche had experienced similar issues and were there, and they were seen meeting without their parents—or worse, with only one mother. 

Ayleth had argued, but Falek would not be moved. He would use his eyes and ears within the castle to find information before they took any further steps.

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