
Seeing Marisa After 12 Years

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Transport Vehicle Heading for House Opal's Estate, Alderaan)~~~

"Alderaan is one of the oldest civilizations that's on galactic record. The Nobles and people, in general, consider themselves better than the wider galaxy, but I can't see any distinct features in the physiology that gives them a superiority."

SCORPIO has been filling the slow ride with chatter, and while I don't mind it. It's become pretty dull. Alderaanian politics and culture aren't unfamiliar to me. I just don't hold the same interest. SCORPIO does since she's a learning machine.

An interesting piece of information that I learned was my Aunt has a Daughter. All those years ago, I was led to believe she didn't, along with everyone else. But she played it smart and kept her daughter hidden and safe.

On Alderaan, the Sons and Daughters of Nobles are targets for assassinations, political coupes, and other such things. Hiding her existence was a brilliant play by my Aunt.

"Alderaan is a world that you can only have in certain quantities. Believe me, when I say this, you'll grow tired of this place when you meet your first Noble. Including my Aunt."

SCORPIO goes with me everywhere, and that's for my safety. I don't trust her, and she doesn't trust me, but we're making this partnership work. It helps that I can destroy her at any moment, and she knows this, but I always have my guard up for the clever machine.

Our driver is listening to our conversation, and I can sense that he doesn't approve of my point of view. Typical Alderaanian. But he's not my main focus at the moment.

There is chaos coming from my Aunt and everyone in House Opals Estate. I was hoping I could show up as a surprise, but that didn't turn out as planned. I'm famous these days, especially after what I did about The Star Cabal.

"We're arriving at the Opal Estate shortly. I'm curious to see what family bloodline has birthed you. From my research, there have been very few Force-Sensitives in your House. And even less that are notably powerful."

She's catching on to the truth faster than I thought she would. SCORPIO will eventually find out that I'm not an Opal and that I'm something else entirely.

But I'll enjoy watching her put the puzzle pieces together.

The vehicle slows down, and we land on a pad. I'm the first out, and SCORPIO follows me. The trip took longer than I thought it would. The driver must've been ordered to travel slowly to buy them time.

I raise my hand to my head and flip my hood back. Revealing my features and taking a deep breath of that clean Alderaan air.

There isn't even a moment to leave the landing pad before a Nobleman approaches. He stands in front of SCORPIO and me while holding an air of attitude.

"It's a pleasure to see you on Alderaan, Nathan Opal."

His eyes drift toward SCORPIO, and they squint.

"You're pet will have to wait outside. I'm the youngest son of House Recore, Samuel Recore. I'm head of security and one of House Opal's vassals."

I can't help glancing at SCORPIO with a slight grin, and she's displeased.

"You were right."

That's all she says to me, and I let out a single chuckle before turning back to this Nobleman.

"Well, I can't say I'm impressed, Sam. You're here, standing in front of me with such a look and air about you. But I've never heard your name before this moment. What gives you such confidence to act this way in front of me."

He's about to speak, but we're interrupted by another arrival.

"He's young and foolish, Nate."

That's the voice of my Aunt Mary.

As I look at her, she stops with an authoritative look. But she can't hold character for long, and she starts to smile and laugh.

"It's so good to see you, Nephew. I've been worried about you."

She holds her arms open for a hug, and I give her one. It takes a few seconds, but we stop, and she turns to her side to reveal another girl behind her.

"This is my daughter, Nella. I've kept her hidden from Alderaan and the galaxy until I became the leader of House Opal."

I step forward and hold out my hand for a handshake, but the enthusiastic young lady jumps into me with her arms open.

"I've heard so much about you, Cousin Nate!! Is it true that you can take down entire Capital Ships with The Force!!"

I don't know why, but she reminds me so much of someone... I can't put my finger on it, though.

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