
A Call from Someone

Naoki and I went inside the house.

I don't know why Haru-san and Sakura-san were at our house. More importantly, why are they all outside! As Naoki and I were walking, Asuka was struggling in Aunt Ayaka's hold. So in the end, Aunt Ayaka let Asuka down, and the usual she rushed to me. She then let her flabby arms wide, so I complied and carried her. Asuka's face happily looking at me, then she hugged my neck tightly.

"Ugh, Asuka, calm down.", I said chokingly.

But, as soon we entered the house, Sakura-san and Aunt Ayaka bombarded us with questions, while Naoki who's got a lifeless look in her eyes was standing beside me like an emotionless doll. Haru-san over there was looking at us with pitiful eyes.

"Since, how long have guys been looking at us?", I asked irritatingly with furrowed expression.

"Fufu~ You're laugh is so loud, duh, so we took a quick peek outside then we saw you two. I can't believe my Tatsuya was a playboy, Fufu", Aunt Ayaka teasingly said.

Grrr... It's my fault!!!!! I exclaimed in my mind while inwardly cursing myself.

"Yeah, as expected of my son-in-law.", Sakura-san nodding happily.

"This two... I'm pretty sure, you got an explanation, right? Tatsuya-kun?", Haru-san said.

I looked at Haru-san with glistening eyes of admiration.

I so then proceed to tell them what happened earlier at school, I told them everything from how the guy tried to hit on Naoki and then how he tried to slap her. When I mentioned that, Aunt Ayaka, Sakura-san, and Haru-san, their expressions turned serious.

Naoki on the other hand, her lifeless eyes since earlier came back when I was explaining it to them. But, her expression turned into guilt and sadness.

"Who's the guy again?", Haru-san said seriously.

"Oye Goro, if I remember his parents own a construction company.", I replied.

"Oye... Oye... Ah! No need to worry.", Sakura-san said grinning happily.

""Eh?"", Naoki and I exclaimed.

"Oh, if Sakura said that, then it's fine.", Aunt Ayaka said.

"Oh, if she says so.", Haru-san said.

Aunt Ayaka and Haru-san's expression turned soft at what Sakura-san just said.

""Huh?!"", Naoki and I exclaimed again.

Naoki and I looked at each other confusingly.

"What?", I asked.

"Hm? I told you, not to worry about it.", Sakura-san said.


"Naoki, do you get what she says?", I asked Naoki who's sitting beside me.

"I—I don't know...", Naoki said.

"We don't get it, Sakura-san."

"Oh come on, just call me mommy.", Sakura-san said happily.

"No, be serious, please.", I replied in irritation.

"Geez, I told you no need to worry about them, they can't handle me.", Sakura-san said proudly.

"Huh? Mom, that doesn't make any sense.", Naoki said to her confused.

"I agree with Naoki."

"Of course, they're no match for me, I'm one of the best attorneys out there.", Sakura-san said smugly.

"Huh? Please don't joke about this, Sakura-san", I said.

"Yeah, mom you shouldn't joke about that.", Naoki added.

"Honey~ They're bullying me~", Sakura-san said hugging Haru-san.

"Ha... You two, it is true she's one of the best out there.", Haru-san explained.

"Really? Eh? B-But she doesn't—", I looked at Sakura-san with doubt.

"Huh?! Mom is an attorney?! No way?!", Naoki shouted.

I then looked at Naoki confused, "You serious? you don't know that she's an attorney, even though you're her daughter?"

"No! She only said that she works in a company!"

"Yep, I'm managing my law firm.", Sakura-san said.

"Wait, you own a law firm?", I asked her.

"Yeah, though I seldom go there."

Wait, is that how you manage it? Isn't that irresponsible?

"You don't look like an attorney nor an owner of a law firm.", I said nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha, that's so true!", Aunt Ayaka laughed.

"Muuu—", Sakura-san angrily pouting.

Naoki who's still processing the information she got was still in a daze.

"W—Why, I didn't know any of this!", Naoki shouted.

"Oh now now, we'll talk about that later."

Naoki was angrily looking at her mother.

"So, Sakura-s—", I said but got interrupted.

"Mommy.", Sakura-san interjected.


"Oh~ come on~"

"I'm pretty sure, Tatsuya-kun wants to talk about the Oya thing first, so focus on that.", Haru-san said.

"Aww, okay then... Well, no need to worry about them, they're only a third-rate corporation I remember them only having like 3 or 4 branches outside here. But, other than that they have nothing.", Sakura-san explained.

I didn't expect that... But, most importantly, why is she treating them like nothing? Third-rate? How could she say that? I'm pretty sure, Yokota-senpai mentioned them being a company but a corporation!? which makes it more frightening, but why is she treating them like air— just who is Sakura-san? Even if she's the owner of a law firm, that doesn't mean she could talk down a corporation. A corporation is a corporation that fact doesn't change.

"If they want to sue my future son-in-law, they need to go through me first!", Sakura-san pumping her fist on her chest proudly.

"That's so cool, did I said that right?", she added.

"Yes, honey.", Haru-san said while patting her wife's head.

Sakura-san started purring happily which looks very similar to someone I knew...

"Fufu~ you don't need to worry about that, just trust Sakura here.", Aunt Ayaka said.

"Uhh, okay."

I agreed since I have no idea how good Sakura-san is. But, since Aunt Ayaka said so, I guess I could trust her handling that matter.

Naoki sat beside me and whispered, "Is this a good idea?"

"Yeah, we can't really do anything about it, rather trust your mom", I whispered back.

"You sure? I'm still doubting her being an attorney."

"Me too."

"I still can't believe that all these years, she's not telling me anything about her job. I thought she was just an office worker or something, plus she's an owner of a law firm. Muu—", she pouted.

Seeing her like that, I patted her head. And just like her mother, she started purring like a cat. Additionally, Asuka who's sitting on my lap was listening to us but has no idea what we're talking about.

While I'm patting Naoki's, I felt a warm gaze around us. I saw Haru-san, Sakura-san, and Aunt Ayaka looking at the both of us warmly.

I looked at them stunned and I unconsciously stopped patting Naoki's head. Naoki on the other hand, when I stopped patting, her face became gloomy like last time.

"Oh don't mind us~", Aunt Ayaka said.

"Yep, no need to mind us just do your own thing", Haru-san said.

"Don't mind, we're only watching, just go continue.", Sakura-san said while making a shooing gesture.

The three gave us a warm smile, telling us to continue what we're doing. My face flushed from embarrassment and Naoki as well.

Naoki stabbed my side and glared at me. I replied with a tired laugh to her.

✯ ✯ ✯

After eating dinner with the Ikeda's, I went to my room.

Apparently, Aunt Ayaka was chatting with Haru-san and Sakura-san earlier, that's why they're at our house.

I decided to let Sakura-san handle all the matters with the Oye family if they sue me. I still can't believe that Sakura-san is an attorney even though she's a carefree or easy-going person. I can't imagine her being a strict or levelheaded person.

Sakura-san told me about the Oye guy's parents. Apparently, his father's name was Oye Osamu and her mother was Oye Kasumi. His father inherited a large portion of the shares in the corporation, that's why he's technically handling it. Other than that there's nothing more, although Sakura-san said even though they're a corporation, they're not too influential. I don't know what she meant by that, but I stopped thinking all that stuff since I'll let Sakura-san handle it.

I showered and put my clothes on, and was about to lay down and sleep. But, my phone rang, I looked at it and the number that is displaying. It is someone I know too well.

I answered, "Hello, mom."

"Tatsu~ How's my baby?"

"I'm good."

"So, how's your first day of school?"

"It's pretty good, I just got into trouble, but it's all good now."

"What trouble?! Are you okay?!—"

"Yes yes, I'm okay, it's only—"

I then proceed to tell her what happened.

"Are you okay? Do you want us to come there?"

"Not now, I will let Sakura-san handle it if ever they did. I will just let you know."

"Okay then, remember to take care of yourself."


"Mom, I want to talk about the Ikeda's, I know that you knew them.", I added.

"Hm? what are you saying?"

Still acting oblivious, huh.

"Mom, ever since I met them, there's a feeling inside of me that has been bugging me for a week now. I felt like I've known them, the sense of familiarity that I'm getting from them. Care to tell me?"

I've got this suspicion for quite a long time now. I can't really ask Auntie about it, I felt like she will not tell me anything. That's why I prompted on asking my mom about them.



"Sorry, hun, I can't tell you that."

I guess my suspicion was correct. But, why is my mom not telling me?

"But, why is that, mom?"

"It will complicate things, I'm sorry but this is for your own good."

From her tone, I could tell that this is a serious matter, so I decided to not probe into this. If my mom is not telling me, then it is either related to me like something can harm me. But, what is it?

"Okay, mom."

"Good, thank you for understanding."

"I've got something to tell more, it's about—"

I told her about how I felt during the fight. About, how I almost lost my mind due to my anger and rage, which is one of the oddest things that happened to me.

"A-Are you okay?!"

"Yes, I'm fine, Naoki stopped me."

"Haa... I'm glad."

"I will set up an appointment this weekend, and I will pick you up with your father.", she added.

I guess that I will be back earlier than expected—Haa... I thought I would last for about a month. I guess; I won't.

"Okay, thank you, but is she..."

"Don't worry, I will not let her know."

"Are you sure? Is she still..."

"Yep, and yes she's still throwing a tantrum."

She's the reason why I moved here with Aunt...

"Haa... Okay... I will let Aunt Ayaka know."

"Okay~ By the way, greet her for me too."

"Okay, mom."

"Bye~ Love you"

"Love you too."

I closed my phone and laid down in my bed.

I looked up at the ceiling, pondering why my mom was insisting on not telling me. Are they related to the incident? But, I'm pretty sure they are not. At how Aunt Ayaka was acting with them and at how my mom shows no hostility towards them when I mentioned them last week. Why is that though? I'm 100% sure by now, that they knew me. And one another thing, they moved at the same time as mine. Is that deliberate? Or coincidence? And Naoki, her expression when I mentioned anything related to my condition, there's always this guilt on her face.

And the thing about that silver-haired girl, she keeps talking about fate. How come she knew me... And her eyes...

Her eyes are the same color as mine, are we really related? Did we meet somewhere? Fuck! I knew that there's something about her. Is she part of my missing memory fragments? Like the Ikeda's? If she is... Then there's one conclusion to that— She's related to me through the incident.

"Ahhh!", I irritatingly shout.

The thing about the Ikeda's has been stressing me out lately and adding that silver hair girl.

"Haaa...", I sighed.

I slowly closed the eyelids of my eyes and fell asleep.

I was planning to write 1,500 words but it became 2k. Hahaha

Xeozcreators' thoughts
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