
Probing Yakob's Attitude

Tension filled the air as Rila's voice traveled on everyone's ears. Yakob was taken aback by what he heard but understood that if nothing was done, this event could create a problem, a huge problem for their side even. 

Not waiting for the things to escalate even further, he moved towards the man and slapped him on the back of his head. 

"How many times did I tell you not to go around offending people? You sure are the dumbest in the Sander's household!" Yakob was fuming mad as he reprimanded the man named Brando. 

Brando was the cousin of Ciera. Upon hearing the situation she was in, Brando insisted on going along with the others. He was also an E-Elite Rank so Yakob had no problem letting him come. However, the only problem was that Brando's attitude and approach was often haughty and overbearing. He would always do as he pleases, especially if the other party is younger than him. In short he was a bully to the weak. 

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