
Chapter 77: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii

(Perspective ??)

I'm getting bored.

I want to have fun.

What is fun?

I do not know.

I don't like being bored.

I don't like bad people.

Bad people hurt me, cut me, mutilate me, then cut again and mutilate again.

Day after day, every day they cut and cut, every day they keep cutting.

Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut all day cut.

Why do they like to cut me so much?

Is cutting people fun?

Umu, I want to try.

Cutting people sounds like fun and I like fun.

I had a friend to have fun with.

Was he really my friend?

He abandoned me.

When my friend left me the bad people started cutting me up.

Friends shouldn't be together?

Where did you go?



I'm getting bored.

My room is boring.

I want a friend to cut it.

At some point, the music that always played in my room stopped.

I was able to stand up and cut.

Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut and cut.

I cut the door, I cut bad people, I cut walls, I cut everything that I put in front of and I went out into the world.

The world is beautiful.

There are people and red, a lot of red.

When you cut people it comes out red, it's fun.

Cut cut cut, I got bored of cutting and started crushing.

Crush cut crush cut crush cut.

Bad people showed up, the music playing in my room came back and I couldn't cut and smash anymore.

Bad people caught me and now I'm in a dark room.

My previous room was white, I liked that room, it looked like me.

I don't like this room.

The darkness reminds me of my friend's hair.

Silly friend, he abandoned me.

They put clothes on me that won't let me move and now I can only roll.

Rolling is fun.

Wiiiiiiiiiiii roll roll roll roll roll roll roll.

I like to roll.

It is more fun cut.

I want to cut.

I kept rolling while getting bored.

Then I heard something.



I like dogs, they are soft.

Cut bad people or pat animals, I don't know what I like better.

"Hello, woof"

"Wiiii the dog talks!" - Wiiii the dog talks!

"Yeah, woof, I can talk because I'm a dog, woof"

"I like dogs" - I like dogs.

"What is your name? Woof "

"I don't know" - Do I have a name?

"I don't know either, woof, my friend calls me Madness, but I don't like it, woof, I want a rough and cool name, woof"

"Do you have a friend?" - I want a friend.

"Yeah, woof, he's a cool guy, woof, he asked me to visit you, woof"

"Visit me? Do he want to be my friend? " - Friend…

"You're cute so you'll end up in his harem, woof"

"What is a harem?" - What is a harem?

"A group of people who support and love each other, woof, they do things of people who love each other, woof"

"As friends?" - Friend!

"I think so, woof, my other friend knows better about this, woof, but you can't see it at the moment, woof"

"I'll join if I can have friends!" - FRIENDS TO CUT!!

"But you must not hurt my friend or his lovers, woof"

"Can't I cut?" - Cut?

"If you do, you will be alone, alone forever, a void of loneliness, no one will speak to you again, no one will see you again, no one will listen to you again, no one will meet you again, nobody will care about you... Woof"

"I don't like that" - I don't like it.

"As my friend says, if you are a good girl you will be rewarded, woof"

"Good girl?" - Good girl?

"Yes, woof, obey my friend and you will be a good girl, woof, disobey and you will be a bad girl, woof"

"Umu, I'll be a good girl, but ..." - My friend abandoned me, I don't want that, bad people will cut me off if I don't have friends.

"What happens? Why do you hesitate? What is your fear? What is your anguish?




… Woof "

"I don't want to be alone, I want a friend even if I can't cut it" - Friend ...

"My friend will not leave you alone, woof, even if you want to leave him you won't be able to, woof"

"Friend! I'll be a good girl! " - Friend!

"Well, woof, wait a while, my friend will get you out of here, woof, you just have to wait, woof"

"Can I have fun?" - Fun?

"Yeah woof, lots of fun, woof"

"Fun!" - Fun!



(Luis perspective)

My luck sucks.

Why did it have to be another damn little girl ?!

"Hey Listen! You dirty mortals tremble with fear! The King of the Harem is the Lolimancer muahahaha! " - Navi was a nuisance so I had to hit him.

"To think that a girl would be treated like this ... I understand that her condition is dangerous but still this is very cruel ..." - Tsubaki looked sadly at the image in front of us.

I separated a fragment of Madness and infiltrated it into the basement of the mansion.

Through the ventilation, Madness entered a room reinforced so that I could communicate with the experiment that she was able to escape during the virus outbreak.

Tied up with a reinforced straitjacket was a pale-skinned little girl with white hair, the little girl was rolling back and forth like a log while she screamed excitedly as if she were at a fair.

The amount of insanity inside of her was impressive, she was possibly the most mentally ill person I have seen so far without counting myself.

Her mind was malfunctioning and she seemed completely unstable, Madness already likes her.

Souichiro had a special vault where he kept documents that not even his wife knew about. There were the records of a project called 'Deadman', it was a project for the creation of a biological weapon by Umbrella using the Diclonius genes combined with nanomachines to channel psychic abilities through the blood.

The project was transported to Japan as Umbrella's robotics and nanomachines specialist resided here.

The project was in its infancy with its first successful test subject but the zombie infection outbreak prevented the mass production of something called Branch of Sin which is the ability to use blood as a weapon.

Stupid dramatic names.

In the end, only the albino girl survived, she escaped and caused a massacre in the laboratory where they had her, then they used a device called the Mother Goose System, MGS for short, which emits a low-frequency melody that can seal her powers.

The original MGS has a city-wide range of effects, but it was left in the lab the girl escaped from and now there is only a miniature version that only works inside a room.

Souichiro is making things too easy for me, now that I have evidence that he is related to Umbrella I can blame him for this disaster, the idiot did not even tell his wife.

So it was best to tell my wives part of the truth to avoid shitty dramas in the future.

Anyway, Madness made contact with the girl while Tsubaki was in my Core of Existence so that she could see through Madness's eyes.

While the little girl is fraught with madness and violence, her karma is not entirely negative even though she has an intense murderous aura.

She must have killed those who hurt her since her small body is riddled with wounds. Although only part of her hands, neck, and legs are visible, the amount of wounds and mutilations is shocking, practically only her face is unscarred.

Did they put her in a meat grinder?

Congratulations you idiotic scientists, you created a monster with genocidal wishes, well, it's better for me.

"What do you think Tsubaki?" - I asked my adorable weapon with the Saint complex as we left my Core of Existence to return to our room in the mansion.

I don't want Tsubaki to get used to being in my Core of Existence since is the only place where I have privacy, although the idiot Navi walks in when he feels like it.

"..." - Tsubaki didn't answer and just stared at me. - "I have seen how you helped Kaede and Sayo to regulate their Madness, to do so you had to infect them with your own Madness and although it may not be a permanent solution at least it seems to help them stay stable, please help that little girl ..."

Tsubaki was about to do a dogeza to beg so I held her shoulder to stop her.

"Tsubaki, if you want to make a request, tell me in front without kneeling, we are companions so you don't have to lower your head before me" - I looked at her seriously.

While I plan to corrupt her, I don't want her to become totally submissive or things will get boring.

"Thank you ..." - Tsubaki smiled slightly.

"So what do you think of the situation?" - I let go of Tsubaki's shoulder and looked out the bedroom window.

Yuriko gave me a room just for me, so I can be intimate with my wives.

"I still find it hard to believe that humans can have such corrupt souls without becoming Kishin ..." - Tsubaki spoke with concern.

We have been in this residence for 3 days and Tsubaki's faith in humanity has deteriorated a bit.

The people in this base are selfish, idiotic, and hedonistic, Souichiro's leadership only works on his employees while Shido is gaining authority among the survivors and a power takeover will begin in a matter of days.

Yuriko has tried to talk to Souichiro about this, but he does not want to create an argument as a verbal conflict can escalate to an armed conflict between survivors which could cause civilian casualties and weaken Souichiro's authority.

In my humble opinion, it would be better to kill all the traitors and use them to feed the mutant animals, but no one seems to care about my ideas.

Well, Yuriko yes.

While husband and wife argue I have become close to Yuriko, although she is talented in human resources management to the point that I want to ask her for classes, she lacks authority at the base to carry out her ideas.

Yuriko asks and I comply.

While I am giving up my non-existent pride, I do it so that Yuriko feels like she can only trust me, plus giving up something unimportant like pride in exchange for ensuring unconditional love from a sexy Milf is big business.

My group divided into small squads tasked with clearing out the infected from the area, gathering supplies, and searching for survivors.

My adorable Saeko has taken it upon herself to find attractive female survivors and then lure them into my harem.

Mikoto didn't stop her as my life is at stake, she has only become more demanding with the attention I give her, but she doesn't bother me, she is cute when she pouts.

The group of protagonists without including Yuki formed an elite squad, whenever they come out they are involved in a troublesome shit so I usually send mutant animals to take care of them, it will be a problem if Takashi dies since he is my stepson.

Importantly, the men in my group managed to get some survivors as potential love interests.

I looked for some girls that didn't appeal to me, I used acupuncture on their brains and now those idiots will stop complaining because I'm hogging all women, I'm only taking the most beautiful or talented.

On the first night we were here I had Tsubaki take care of Kaede giving me some free time to play with Souichiro's mind.

I went out the window, I looked for Souichiro who was alone in his office going through a list of supplies and I entered while hiding with my Stealth skill that already reached 100%, at this point only an expert at the level of Jenazad could detect me if I am at 5 meters.

Even heat vision cameras cannot perceive me which is useful for exploration without my stalker finding me.

Before Souichiro could react, I stuck a needle of black blood into an acupuncture point on the back of his neck, stopping his thoughts.

It took me 10 minutes to prepare his mind in an easily manipulated suggestive state, it would be easier if I infected him with my Madness, but that would leave traces that Tsubaki would see.

I used Souichiro's own madness to leave no traces.

He was obsessed with maintaining a trustworthy image in front of his employees who he saw as his siblings, wanted to protect his family, loved his wife, adored his daughter, and valued human life.

The interesting point is that Souichiro knew about Umbrella's actions but it was not against them as that would put his family at risk.

A good man, but life is cruel to heroes so I played with his obsessions and desires.

"Souichiro, you have power, you have authority, you can use it, everyone must obey you because without you no one could survive. If you want something you can take it, it is your right, no one can stop you, not your wife, not your daughter, not your friends, or life itself, the world is yours ... "

I made Souichiro's love for his wife move to authority, his adoration for her daughter went to power, and the lust he felt for Yuriko I transferred to the female survivors.

To prevent Souichiro's change from happening immediately and Tsubaki or someone else suspecting me, I made the changes happen slowly while Souichiro's inhibitions deteriorated.

The increased discussions of him with Yuriko are evidence that my plan is working.

I made Enami make subtle flirting gestures at Souichiro so he begins to feel attracted to that woman.

By the way, I got all the information Souichiro had about Umbrella and that's how I got to the little girl in the basement also called 'Wretched Egg', a strange name but my own sense of names sucks so she doesn't care.

For now, I have identified several interesting women among the survivors including twins who have started harassing me and have a Sayo-like scent.

But that does not matter at the moment, I am about to make a small excursion to look for medicines in a Catholic school since there are no hospitals nearby and my base is too far since a tide of infected interrupted the way.

I don't know if it was my bad luck or my stupid stalker but a tide of infected blocked the road and I can't get back to my base by car so I'm stuck here.

Fortunately, Navi can go to the base and give me a report, the zombies seem to be going in a certain direction and they have not attacked the two bases so for the moment it is safe, and in an emergency, I can return to my base in 5 hours running if I use all my strength, although I will be very tired.

Now the question is, should I take the albino girl out now or after I come back from school?

She could be a good friend to Kaede, both little girls are crazy so they should get along as the albino girl is not a Diclonius Queen.

Well, I have to organize the team that will accompany me for supplies.

From my group, I will only take Tsubaki since every time I go out with one of my lovers things become more dangerous and I do not want any of them to die, it is better if they train with enemies who are at their level.

The last time I went out with Sayo hunting mutant animals, 2 gigantic mutants appeared that could throw cars like toys and were ridiculously tough, even tougher than gray-skinned men.

Sayo decided to call them Tanks since they had the defense of an armored tank.

Fortunately, Sayo has been training my Rasen Arts and mastered the Aiki so we were able to easily kill them after taking them down, I just had to stab Tsubaki in the form of a ninja sword in their eyes and then use Rasen to liquefy their brains.

Something interesting that we discovered that made me feel stupid for wasting resources is that, although when Tsubaki kills infected commons nothing happens, by killing mutants she can harvest their souls.

They are not of the same quality as a Kishin egg and according to Tsubaki it is It takes around 200 mutant souls to form a Kishin egg as this world works differently from Tsubaki's world.

I started to get excited about hunting mutants because if we get 99 Kishin eggs and a witch soul, Tsubaki will be able to evolve into something called Death Scythe, a superior form of demonic weapon.

When Tsubaki mentioned this I went out to hunt every mutant we found and it made me happy that my stalker keeps sending strong enemies against me.

I currently carry a soul and a half from Kishin, which is a great job for only 3 days.

Even though Tsubaki and I kept improving, I realized a problem, I reached my limit, I even ingested one of the two Limit Breaking Pills, but it was not enough.

My problem is not physical strength since I keep getting stronger slowly thanks to the pill, the problem is that my techniques no longer improve because the enemies in this world depend on brute force and cannot fight back.

Most of my fights end in the first attack since mutants don't know how to cover their vital points.

If I want to improve I need to face martial arts experts of Master level and above.

My abilities are currently out of balance.

My brute strength is superior to Shigure but inferior to Apachai and Shio.

My techniques should be at the level of Apachai and lower than Kensei and Akisame.

My speed is higher than Apachai and lower than Shigure and Kensei.

My stamina should only be surpassed by Hayato.

My domain of Ki is close to Shigure who is the third most skilled person in Ki handling that I have seen, after Jenazad and Hayato.

Although in almost every respect I have reached the level of Super Master, my lack of experience in combat with experienced enemies is limiting me and I remain at the Master level.

Currently, Izayoi could defeat me in direct combat even though she is at the Master level since she has much more experience in life and death combat with enemies at the same level, I could only defeat her with sneak attacks.

I think I'll finish seducing Yuriko into taking over the survivor bases, then I'll go to Kenichi's world to cause a war against Yami and the Ryozanpaku, and when I'm done I'll take a vacation if no absurd problem arises.

As for why rush things?

I miss Shigure and Rimi, plain and simple.

"Hey Listen! The Harem King only moves for women! They are his motivation! "

Sadly, it seems that way, well what is going to be done, they are things of the trade.

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If you can support me in Ko-Fi I would appreciate it, there are no benefits since I do not upload additional chapters but they would make me happy <3


I was barely aware of VTubers due to the recommended compilation clips on YouTube.

The waifu that made me laugh the most is the one about to leave.

And now I have depression again.

Yes, my mood is more sensitive than Twitter.

F for Coco.

Bukarocreators' thoughts
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