
Chapter 29 Acceptance, New Attack

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


Kanda: MANAMI!!! What are you doing?

Kanda forcefully separates her from him after feeling her soft lips before asks her angrily.

Manami: What?! I'm just telling my true feeling to you right now.

Kanda: But you've crush in Kio.

Manami: I know but he have REJECTED me, Kanda.

Kanda: I know too but your mind still clouded with your rejection from Kio and I couldn't receive your feeling like this. I don't want to take advantage of your vulnerable state right now.

He tries to convince her but he can see that she shakes her head before talking while looking at his face earnestly.

Manami: However, you're different from him, Kanda. You give me your opinion which allows me to confess to Kio. And I know that you care for my relationship with Kio. That's why I could kiss you by myself though I'm already being rejected by Kio.

Kanda: How do you know that? Maybe I have a bad intention about you so I make you being rejected by Kio.

Manami: We know about your dispositions Kanda. Although you're a bit pervert but hey, which boy that's not a pervert though they cover it nicely. You also respect others and accept others' mistake as long as they already had been repented on that. You too always help the people close to you though you always saying that you're too lazy to do this or that.

Kanda listens to Manami talking about himself which makes him a bit embarrassed where he scratches his nose with his finger to cover it.

Kanda: I don't think you will see it like that.

Manami: Because of that, I know that you don't have any bad ideas for me, Kanda. Therefore, I sincerely confess my love to you here.

Kanda: But...I already have Eris and Aoi now, even Melwin also became my girlfriend recently. Do you accept the fact that you will share I with them, Manami?

Manami: Do you know, Kanda?

Kanda: What is it?

Manami: Aoi already had been talked to me yesterday. She said that she had been requested you to talk with me as she worries about myself. She also say that she allows you to add me as one of your girlfriends.

Kanda: *sighs* Why she does that?

Manami: Maybe she already knows that I will not be in a couple with Kio or I will become your girlfriend.

Kanda: Are you sure about this, Manami? You know, I'm a possessive man where I will not let you go to Kio again when you become mine.

Manami: I'm sure, Kanda. Please take care of me just like your girlfriends.

Manami opens wide her arms in front of him while saying that.

Kanda comes closer to her and hugs her which she also hugs him back before he whispers at her ear.

Kanda: Of course, I will make you happy forever, Manami.

Manami: I know that you will, Kanda.

Kanda releases his hugs and looks at her face before kiss on her lips. Manami tries to return his kiss with her clumsy movement before their kiss gradually become intense and they separate before losing their breath due to the kissing.

Manami: *exhales* It's so intense, Kanda.

She said that after she separates from the kissing.

Kanda: Well, there is a well-endowed girl in front of me as my girlfriend. I couldn't help with it.

Manami: How about you try to feel your 'well-endowed' girlfriend here?

Kanda: Eh?

Manami: Don't 'eh' with me, I know that you like big breasts.

Kanda just rubs his nose awkwardly with his finger when she said that.

Kanda: Well...Thanks for that, I guess. Here I come, Manami.

Kanda lets his right-hand goes towards her breasts before he gropes it slowly over her shirt where he can feel that her breasts have a firm yet soft sensation with it.

Kanda: Well...I'm like what I have felt right now. Hmm...What is this?

Kanda's right hand still groping her breasts and he can see something starts to harden up on her breast. Kanda touches that thing and he can heard Manami had moaned slightly after his contact.

Kanda: S-Sorry about that, Manami.

He quickly hands off from her breasts where Manami had blushed expression on her face.

Manami: It's fine, Kanda. I'm a bit too sensitive when you've touched there so I become startled with that.

Kanda: Anyway, let's go back, Manami. I think everyone will search for us right now if we come back late.

Kanda turns his body and starts to walk back.

Manami: Um...that's right.

Manami follows behind his track.

Kanda: Ah...Before I forget about this, you're also welcome to come at my room, Manami.

Manami: Why? Do you want to continue to feel my chest?

Kanda: NO!...Maybe a little but not like that, Manami. I think Eris, Aoi, and Melwin will want to meet their new sister later.

Kanda stops on his track before he glances at his back where she already following him.

Manami: I see...Sure, I think Aoi will not surprise to see me there later.

Kanda: Yes, I also need to give her some scolding later for encouraging you to be one of her sisters.

He said that while slightly nodding his head.

Manami: Just forgive her already, Kanda. I know you don't really rejecting her idea that much.

Manami just smiles while saying that as she imagines about her friend's expression when she will be scolded by him later.

Kanda: I know that, Manami, but I don't want to force any girls to be my girlfriends as it will make my relationships with them to be estranged.

Manami: You're really a kind person, Kanda, that's why your girlfriends give their whole love towards you which is including me too.

Manami coming closer to his back before hugging him before saying that. Kanda turns his body and hugs her in his embrace. They hugging for a while before they going back to the chalet. They meet Eris, Aoi and Melwin on the way back where they still waiting for them to come back. When they are coming closer to them, Eris slightly running towards them before she hugs Manami.

Eris: Manami! We already waiting for the two of you. Where are you two had been going? I'm really worried about you.

Eris said that while her face full of worry.

Manami: I'm sorry and thank you for your concern, Eris. I just going to see the scenery of the sea during night where Kanda has accompanied me because he is afraid about my safety.

Manami smiles at her before replied back.

Aoi: Manami...How about you tells us the truth about what had been happened to you?

Aoi asks her when she already coming towards them with Melwin.

Manami: *sighs* Fine. I will tell the truth as it also related to all of us here.

Manami sighing heavily before told them about her story where she had tried to confess to Kio and had been rejected by him. She also informing them that she already become one of Kanda's girlfriends. Her statement give a shock to the girls except for Aoi where she had calm expression on her face as if she already expect about that.

Melwin: So, you also become our new sister, Manami.

Manami: Yes, Melwin-san.

Eris: Yay~ Welcome to our sisterhood, Manami.

Eris said that happily where she hugs her again.

Manami: Thank you, Eris.

She said that while returns back Eris's hug.

Aoi: How is the experience to be in love with someone, Manami?

Manami: I'm really thankful for that, Aoi. It's give me a nice memory when my true feeling reaches someone. I also need to give you my thanks because you have give me a chance to love this idiot here. I also know why you love him very much as I have experience how blessed am I when he returns back my love confession sincerely.

Aoi: It's fine, Manami. I know that you deserved more for this and he can fulfill that.

They talking a bit more before going back to the chalet. Everyone already go back to their own room and people in Kanda's room increase again where Manami joining Eris, Aoi, and Melwin to spend her time tonight with him. They spend the time by talking and kissing where Melwin still a bit shy during the kissing session. After that, they sleep together until the sunrise had comes.

~The next day

The day continues where Kanda and everyone eat their breakfast together before the sci-fi club members going for their club activities. Kanda follows the girls where they spends the time by visiting any food places which had positive reviews from the locals. The most exciting about this activity is Chaika where she always have intoxicated expression on her face after tasting new food. Kanda just amused with her behaviour where Kuune just warily shakes her head.

After spending almost half day walking around the local to find new food where Chaika introduces herself as 'The Food Hunter' to others. They going back to the their residence where the sci-fi club members already have arrived at the chalet. They rest on their own room before the time for dinner comes. Kanda spends his time playing table tops game with everyone such as Monopoly, Chess, and even the card games such as strip old maid.

The games have produce strong contenders such as Antonia where she obliterated everyone in Monopoly. Durel winning easily in strip old maid game where each game the player has lost, they need to strip one of their clothes. The boys except Kanda already fainted due to losing blood from nosebleed from the outrageous scenery of girls in their underwear while Kio had fainted due to Manami suddenly hit him at the back of his neck before he is losing consciousness.

Everyone including the now conscious boys, going for their dinner in the dining hall where the maids already finished preparing their meals.


Sound of explosions suddenly appeared nearby out of nowhere where people shouting around also can be heard within the explosions. Everyone quickly coming outside the house and see the maid forces are fighting with numerous amount of small robots that look like a dog. The normal people like Arisa, Aiko, and two boys from the sci-fi club have shocked expression on their face when they had seen what had happened right now.


(A/N: If any readers have not cast their vote on the list of the anime below, please do it as soon as possible before 8.30 am(GMT+8) 25 April 2021).

Below is the list for the next world. (You have 3 votes to use it either put all in one choice or separate into different choices. Only for the readers that haven't yet to vote. Thank you.)

1. Isekai Seikishi no Monogatari

2. Tenchi Muyo GXP

3. Vandread

4. Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio

5. Unbreakable Machine-Doll

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